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INT English 4

Oral production activity units 10 and 11

Topic: Accidents!

Student: Kevin Renzo Flores Plaza

Course: INT English 4

Link to video:


I think that talking on cell phones contributes to traffic accidents. Drivers must be focused on
Also, I agree with the magazine article because people over 80 don’t have a good vision, lack of
hearing and they haven’t a good capacity to react.
I think that people who drive should go through vision tests and should fine people who talk on
cell phones to avoid traffic congestion and traffic accidents.
People should respect traffic signs to avoid deaths. Pedestrians and drivers must respect traffic
lights, they should not be distracted by cell phones. In addition, drivers and passengers must wear
a seat belt. Thanks.

This task is due on Sunday, September 22nd at 23:59 p.m.

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