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BP-PRIA Form 1 )

Kindergarten Pre-test

Name of Pupil ____________________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: __________________


The Bikes of Ana and Tim

Tim has a red bike. Ana has a bike. They ride in their red bikes. They wear

helmets to be safe.

Number of Words: 22


1. Who has a bike?
Answer: Tim or Ana

2. What is the color of the bike of Ana?

Answer: The color of the bike of Ana is red.

3. How do Ana and Tim feel when riding their bikes?
Answer: Ana and Tim feel happy.
Please accept any possible answers


4. Why do Ana and Tim wear helmets when they ride their bikes?
Answer: To protect their heads from any accidents.
Please accept any possible answers

5. If you were Ana and Tim, would you also wear helmets while riding bikes?
Answer: Yes. Because wearing helmets keep us safe.
Please accept any possible answer
Grade 1 Pre-test

Name of Pupil __________________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _________________
Prompt: Do you help in cleaning your room in school? What are the things you do to keep
your room clean?

Helpers of the Day

It was Friday afternoon.

The school bell rang.

Lulu swept the floor.

Pepe wiped the tables.
Miko dusted the windows.
They finished early because everyone helped.

Number of Words: 35




2. What would happen if no one helped clean the room?
Answer: The room would get dirty (not clean, messy, untidy) if no one helped clean
the room.
Please accept similar answers

3. Why do you think pupils need to help clean their room?
Answer: Pupils need to help clean their room to keep it clean.
Similar answers are accepted. Answers may vary.

4. What word in the passage tells you that Mina is one who leads her classmates to
clean the room?
Answer: The word is LEADER.

5. How will you help to keep the room clean?

➢ I will pick up pieces of papers under my desk.
➢ I will mop the floor.
➢ I will sweep the floor.
Similar answers are accepted. Answers may vary.
Grade 2 Pre-test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: ______________

Prompt: Have you experienced flying kites?

Flying Kites

different kinds of kites. They have green kites, yellow kites, and pink kites.


Number of words: 50


1. Who told the friends to fly kites?
Answer: Rodgie told his friends to fly kites.

2. What are the colors of their kites?

Answer: green, yellow, and pink kites.


3. Why did the kites fly high up in the sky?
Answer: Because the wind blows it.
Answers may vary.

4. When do we fly kites?
Answer: Windy day is the best day to fly kites.
Answers may vary.

5. How do the children feel when flying kites?
Answer: happy, excited, glad
Answers may vary.
Grade 3 Pretest

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: ______________
Prompt: How do you keep your things in school or at home? Read the
selection below.

Keeping Things in Order

the scout leader said.

The next morning, Ariel woke up early and wore his scout uniform. He took his knife
and noticed that his whistle was missing.

It took an hour before they found it.

Number of Words: 75


. 1. Who announced about their tree planting activity?
Answer: The scout leader/The scout leader announced about their Tree Planting


2. Why did Ariel wake up early?
Possible Answers: Ariel wake up early ______
➢ because they will have a Tree Planting activity.
➢ late in their activity.
➢ because he wants to come on time.
Accept other related answers

Possible answers:

➢ because he is already late to join their Tree Planting Activity.

➢ because they finally found the whistle.

Accept other related answers)
4. Why do you think children need to bring whistle and knife during scouting?
Possible answers: Children need to bring whistle and knife because they need them
during their scouting activities.
Accept other related answers

5. If you were Ariel, what would you do to keep things in order?
Possible answers:
➢ I would put everything in place.
➢ I would arrange my things well.
Accept other related answers
Grade 4 Pre-test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: ______________

Instructions: Read and understand the short story. Then, try to answer the questions.

Prompt: Have you experienced to step on a nail and got wound? What did you do?

In the Garden

Jerick and Lester were in the school garden. Mr. Diaz and the boys
were repairing the fence. When Lester went near Mr. Diaz, he stepped on a

His foot was wounded. Mr. Diaz asked Jerick to take Lester to the

stepped on a nail, Lester

Lester thanked Miss Sanchez for treating his wound.

Number of words: 95


1. Who were repairing the fence of the school garden?
Answer: Mr. Diaz and the boys were repairing the fence of the school garden.

2. What happened when Lester went near Mr. Diaz?

Answer: Lester had stepped on a nail as he went near Mr. Diaz.

3. Who took Lester to the school nurse?

Answer: Jerick


4. Why did Jerick take Lester to the school nurse?
as he stepped on a nail.

5. Why can a nail wound do much harm?
(Answers may vary. Accept possible answers from the pupils)

6. If you were Jerick, would you do the same? Why?
Answer: Yes. (Reasons may vary).

7. What advice could you share with Lester?

Answer: Be careful at all times. (Accept other possible answers)

8. What lesson have you learned from the story?
Answers: Help those who get hurt. Be helpful and obedient.
Grade 5 Pre-test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: ______________
Prompt: What will you do when a strong typhoon comes?

A Letter from Anna

Hello! You might have seen me on the television after the typhoon
Yolanda hit Tacloban. I was one of those who waited along the road for
rations. My parents drowned after saving my younger sister. It was the
storm surge that killed my parents.
We belittled Yolanda. The typhoon has destroyed houses
including ours and killed thousands of people. My sister and I were
brought to the evacuation center occupied by hundreds of families. Some
people asked for water, begged for clothes, while others looted food; but
I chose to pray,
Had we not underestimated the typhoon, my parents might still be
alive today.
Now, I am living the lesson I learned four years ago.

Number of Words: 120


1. place?

2. Where were they brought after the typhoon?

Answer: They were brought to the evacuation center.


Answer: h.

4. What happened to the houses and the people after Yolanda hit their place?
Answer: Houses were destroyed; thousands of people died.

5. Why do you think some people had to loot food?
Answer: The supply of food is not enough. To have something to feed.
(Accept similar answers.)

6. What word in the passage suggests that the people did not take the typhoon
7. What

Answer: Regret
Accept other possible answers


Answer: Prayerful/God-fearing
Consider similar answers

9. What do you think is the lesson she learned four years ago?
Answer: The lesson that she learned was to be always ready/ prepared.

Answer: To warn the people to always be prepared in times of disaster.
Grade 6 Post test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________
Prompt: What does it take to be an inventor? Read and find out.

Filipina Invented Lamp

A Filipina brilliant mind designed lamp powered by salt and water

appropriate to the islanders with limited electrical power supply. She is Aisa
Mejino, an engineer who introduced the new alternative solution to power
shortage and blackout.

She promised to give light to many families as possible. Because of

to have fire and walk for kilometers to buy fuel to supply their lamps. Now, they
to buy for another alternative light source that is so expensive and

Because this lamp powered by salt and water is the solution to their
problems. It is safe, cost effective and nature friendly. This lamp can produce
90 lumens, which are equivalent to seven candles lit up. It also has a USB
slot, wherein you can charge your phone. You can use this for charging or

Number of Words: 155


1. What are the substances used by the inventor to power the lamp?
Answer: Salt and Water

2. Who designed the lamp powered by salt and water?

Answer: Aisa Mejino

3. What is the profession of Aisa Mejino?

Answer: She is an Engineer.


4. Why did Engineer Mejino design the lamp?
Possible Answers:
➢ To help the islanders with limited electrical power supply.
➢ To lessen the cost of buying expensive alternative light source.
(Accept other answers related to the passage.)

5. What do people from isolated areas benefit from the invention?

Possible Answers:
➢ They will no longer cut woods and walk for kilometers to buy fuel supply for
their lamps.
➢ They can use it for charging and lighting.
(Accept other answers related to the passage.)

6. As Filipino, how would you feel that a Filipina, Aisa Mejino, invented a lamp powered
by salt and water?
Possible Answer: Proud
(Answer may vary)

7. What other word in the passage that describes Aisa Mejino as an intelligent Filipina?
Answer: Brilliant

8. Which word in the passage tells the amount of brightness produce by the bulb?
Answer: Lumens

9. What character traits of Aisa Mejino were shown in the passage?
Possible Answer: She had great concern to the people living in the isolated areas.
(Accept other answers related to the passage.)


10. If you were Aisa Mejino, would you consider the environmental friendliness of your
invention? Why?
Possible Answers: Yes, so that it will not destroy the environment at the same time
will help the community without any danger.
(Answers may vary)
Grade 7 Pre test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________
Prompt: Do you know where your name came from? Read the tale and learn how the
island got its name.

Pala and Juana

(A Tale)

In the early years, there was a couple in the island. Pala, the
chieftain, was a hard-working husband while Juana, his wife did the
cooking and other household chores. After years of waiting, their bundle
of joy, who possessed an extraordinary power was born. They named him
Juan. The family lived a happy and peaceful life together with the other

One day, a group of strangers disturbed the serenity of the whole

island. They robbed the properties of the people. Pala and Juana tried to
help their neighbors. Juana hid and left her child in one of their kind
neighbors. The couple fled to mislead the enemies to save their son and
the villagers.

Days, weeks, and months had passed. The couple did not return.
The neighbors traced the possible way the couple had trod. On their way,
one of the neighbors noticed an unfamiliar plant which grew healthy

- a
place where people keep on coming back.

Number of Words: 181

Directions: Answer the questions based on the required terms or statements.


1. Who were the couple in the island?
Answer: Pala and Juana

2. Who disturbed the island?

Answer: the enemies

3. What did the enemies do when they reach the island?

Answer: They disturbed the people and robbed the properties.
(There are no other possible answers aside from the listed possible answers.)
4. Why did Pala and Juana leave the island?
Answer: They left to mislead the enemies.
(There are no other possible answers aside from the listed possible answers.)

5. What would be the reason of Juana for hiding her child?
Answer: She hid Juan to protect him from the enemies
(Other possible answers are acceptable as long as they are related to the

6. Why did the neighbors trace the way of Pala and Juana?
Answer: They wanted to know whether they were already dead or still alive.
(There are no other possible answers aside from the listed possible answers.)

Answer: baby/child


Answer: peacefulness
(There are no other possible answers aside from the listed possible answers.)

9. What do you think happened to the couple?
Answers: They died. / They were killed by the enemies.
(Other possible answers are acceptable as long as they are related to the

10. What lesson did you get from the passage?
Possible Answers:
➢ The lesson that we get from the passage is helping one another in
times of crisis.
➢ The lesson that we get from the passage is the Unconditional love of
parents to their son.
(There are no other possible answers aside from the listed possible answers.)
Grade 8 Pretest

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________

Direction: Read the passage aloud and answer the questions orally.

Success is for Everyone

Jerika was living in a slum in West Africa. She was with her parents who
were hard up to meet both ends. She had a desire to improve their lifestyle but
unfortunately, she acquired an affliction she endured since she was a child and
caused her disappointment. Polio made her paralyzed and could not stand
without the help of others.

However, her incapability did not hinder her dedication and

determination to help her parents uplift their living condition.

By the help of her loving mother, she was able to reach school and began
to take challenges in life. She constantly experienced teasing of classmates even
discrimination which affected her mentally and emotionally. With these, she
started to develop inner strength thinkin
needed to be survived. Patience, self-control and faith were some of her

landed a job. She eventually had her transfer of residence to live contentedly
and peacefully.

She obtained success despite of being differently abled because she


Number of Words: 211


Answer: She was afflicted with polio.

2. What were the weapons used by Jerika in winning challenges in life?

Answer: Patience, self-control and faith were some of her weapons.


3. How did Jerika cope with her helpless condition?
Answer: She was patiently assisted by her mother to perform her tasks.
4. Why did Jerika want to transfer residence?
Answer: Jerika wanted her family to enjoy a more convenient place.

Answer: Her strong determination to succeed in life.

6. What lesson does the author want to convey?
Answer: Being handicapped is not a reason to give up and to be hopeless.

7. If you were Jerika, how would you react if you are bullied?
Answer: I would report it to my teacher.

Answer: The word that tells is discrimination.


is affliction.

10. E ?
➢ Success is for those who are hardworking and dedicated even if they are with
physical disabilities.
Grade 9 Pre test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________

Direction: First, read the passage orally and correctly. Afterwards, you will be given a
chance to read the passage silently for you to be able to answer the
comprehension questions.

Motive Question: What can you say about the generation today?

Fillennials: Who are They and How to Deal with Them?

Fillennials are composed of people who are born from 1980 to 2000.
dependents spending much time online, watching you tube videos, and
posting activities, selfies or groupies on facebook.
According to an article in Time Magazine, being active online makes
the most Fillennials spend for luxury goods for themselves which often leave
their bank accounts shaken. This is one of the reasons why they are

known to be career-shifters because they seek to find better ways of doing

However, they are politically and socially engaged compared to
other generations. Most are business-minded, aware of big issues, educated
and independent thinkers. Diversity is what makes the Fillennials different

Thus, here are the ways how to deal with them successfully: they
should be heard out; they should be treated with respect; they should be
praised for their achievements; and they should be loved. It is also important
to know that they appreciate dialogue, transparency, and collaboration and
to know their personalities. There are the fashion bloggers, think-piece
eaters, collectivists, hipsters, busy bees, and others. Knowing and
understanding them result to a better relationship with them.
In general, we can easily distinguish who these people are.
However, we should also remember that they vary across regions; what is
true to them may not be true to other millennials around the globe.

Number of Words: 253


1. Who are the Fillennials?
Answer: They are the Filipinos who were born from 1980 to 2000.

2. What are the Fillennials doing on facebook?

Answer: They are chatting with friends and posting activities on facebook.
3. What is the other term for narcissists?


4. Why do Fillennials leave their bank accounts shaken?
Possible Answer: Fillennials, being active online, spend for luxury goods for
themselves which often leave their bank accounts shaken.
Similar answer will be accepted.

5. Why are Fillennials known to be career-shifters?

Possible Answer: Fillennials are known to be career-shifters because they seek to
find better ways of doing things.

6. Why do you think Fillennials vary from one region to another?
Answer: Each region has its own set of culture and values which are different from
other countries.

7. What would likely happen if the older people do not know how to deal with the
Possible Answer: it would result to generation gap between them.

why dealing with them may not be easy. What does diversity mean?
Answer: different or unique.

9. What makes the Fillennials more politically and socially engaged than the other
Possible Answers
➢ because they are exposed to internet
➢ because they are young
➢ because they are enthusiastic
➢ because they are more educated

10. Why do you think Fillennials spend much time online, watching you tube videos, and
posting activities, selfies or groupies on facebook?
Possible Answers
➢ because computer is taught at school
➢ because Fillennials are born where technology is at its peak
➢ because Fillennials have enough time to do online activities
➢ because Fillennials enjoy doing online activities

11. What is the purpose of the author in writing this text?
Possible Answer: To have the readers know who the Fillennials are and how to deal

12. If you were one of the older generation or the so-called Generation X, how would
you deal with the Fillennials?
Possible Answers may vary depending on the schema and experience of the learner.
Grade 10 Pre-test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________

Directions: Read the passage aloud then answer the questions that your teacher will ask
you after reading it.


Social media is defined as any website that allows interaction. It has undeniably
evolved into a powerful tool and venue by which people all over the world share and
exchange views about innumerable topics. It has transformed us into a borderless society
where connections and communications have become instant, simultaneous, and accessible
to all.

Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have become household words and
part of our routine. However, one inappropriate post can bring a range of legal liabilities and
unforeseen consequences for their users. These include a damaged reputation, negative
publicity, wasted time, broken relationships, and even untimely death caused by suicide.

While the benefits outweigh the demerits, still we have to be cautious and responsible
in anything that we post, share, and propagate. Unconsciously, we might be spreading fake
news and promoting cyber bullying. Posting and commenting on social media will only be
useful if we do them constructively. Moreover, we should also refrain from disclosing our
personal details such as cellphone numbers, addresses, and passwords on line. Likewise, we
need to make it a habit to log out properly. Use sound judgment in posting, sharing, and
liking content on social media.

The effects of social media depend on how we use them. Our motives and purposes
must be inclined towards responsible and proper usage. Otherwise, we contribute to the
world of unscrupulous users whose intention is to create confusion, conflict and division
instead of unifying the world through harmonious and friendly posts.

response is True, Helpful, Important, Necessary, and Kind.

Number of Words: 270


1. What is any website that allows social interaction?
Answer: Social media is any website that allows social interaction.

2. What are the kinds of social media that were mentioned in the passage?
Answer: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the kinds of social media mentioned
in the passage.


3. What does improper use of social media lead to?
Answer: It may lead to damaged reputation, negative publicity, loss of customer
trust, the actual loss of business, broken relationships, and even death caused by
Presenting of at least two reasons are enough.

4. What advantages can we get from social media?

Possible Answers:
➢ We can easily connect and exchange ideas with different people.
➢ We can share and exchange views.

which is the antonym of reckless or careless?
Answer: Cautious is the antonym of reckless or careless in the phrase.

6. What kind of person is someone whose intention is to create confusion, conflict and
Answer: A person whose intention is to create confusion, conflict, and division could
be insecure, envious, insensitive, inconsiderate, or cruel.
Mentioning of at least two characteristics are enough.

7. What did you feel after reading the passage?

Answers may vary.

Answer: The adjectives used are harmonious and friendly.

9. What could the cause of untimely death be as referred to in the passage?
Answer: Cyber bullying is could be the cause of untimely death.

10. Is social media helpful? Why?

Possible Answer:
➢ Social media is helpful because it helps us connect with others.
➢ It is not helpful because of cyber bullying.

Possible Answer:

responsibility in using social media.
➢ To persuade or convince the readers to use social media responsibly

12. What else can you advise to your fellow youth in terms of responsible use of social
Answers may vary.
Grade 11 Pretest

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________

Directions: Reading the passage and answer the following questions. (Teacher will create
the PROMPT).

Once in a Blue Moon

this expression to describe something that they do not do very often. For example, someone
might say that he tries to avoid eating sweets because they are unhealthy but will eat

everyone knows the meaning behind it.

The first thing to know is that the moon itself is never actually blue. This is just an


As the moon travels around the earth, it appears to change shape. We associate
certain names with certain shapes of the moon. For example, when we can see a small part
of the moon, it is called a crescent moon. A crescent is a shape that looks like the tip of a
fingernail. When we cannot see the moon at all, it is called a new moon. When we can see
the entire moon, it is called a full moon. Usually, there is only one full moon every month.
Sometimes, however, there will be two full moons in one month. When this happens, the

Over the next 20 years, there will only be 15 blue moons. As you can see, a blue moon

describe other very rare events in their lives.

Number of Words: 283


1. In truth, a blue moon is commonly known as __________________.
Answer: full moon

2. What do you call an occurrence wherein the moon cannot be seen from the night
Answer: new moon

3. What do you call a shape of the moon that looks like a tip of a fingernail?
Answer: crescent

4. How many blue moons can occur over the next 20 years?
Answer: 15
among the following events can be classified as such?
a. Volcanic Lightning b. Gravitational Force c. Kinetic Friction


6. The full moon usually appears once every month. Rarely, this phenomenon happens
twice. What do you call it then?
Answer: blue moon

7. We live in a town near the coast. We usually eat fishes and crabs but our father
would bring _____________ once in a blue moon.
a. seaweeds b. beef c. shells

8. We hardly ever go out these days, though once in a blue moon we __________.
a. go and see a movie b. clean the backyard c. do the laundry

9. Sheila is on a strict vegetarian diet, yet, once in a blue moon she __________.
a. prepares vegetable salad b. eats ice cream c. drinks purified water

inferred in the sentence?
a. The speaker is always travelling abroad.
b. The speaker dreams of travelling abroad.
c. The speaker rarely travels abroad.

11. Which statement appropriately uses the

a. Once in a blue moon I go shopping whenever I go out from work.
b. Because I love swimming, I get to see the beach once in a blue moon.
c. I get to see my parents once in a blue moon because I live abroad.

12. What type
a. Poetic devices b. figurative language c. idiomatic expression

means that over the next 20 years, a blue moon will happen
Answer: A blue moon will appear less than a year. (For teachers: Refer to Paragraph

based from your own experience.
Possible Answer:
Example sentence: I am known for being diabetic that is why I eat chocolate once in
a blue moon.
Answers may vary
BP-PRIA Form 1
Grade 12 Pre-test

Name of Pupil: _______________________________________

Section: ______________ Date Administered: _____________

Depression: A Threatening Problem

illness or mood disorder seen as a medical condition. Others may see it as weakness resulting

typically experienced over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness

and inadequacy. Its medical definition describes depression as a mental disturbance
characterized by a state of melancholy to a greater degree than seems necessary or
warranted by the external circumstances, typically with lack of energy and difficulty in

Millions of people all over the world struggle with some kind of depression or another,

But some countries are more understanding and accepting depression than others.

personal life to their career life. It can make getting up in the morning and out of bed a
bodily functions, often making

making it hard for them to function like a normal, happy productive human being.

Some may see depression as a curse especially if it never ceases to exist and casts

explain it to someone who has never experienced the dark depths of depression, but it can
be best understood as something that happens for a reason.

It is a bit like the heroes that writer Joseph Campbell wrote about in many of his best-
selling books. He notes that the myths of antiquity usually revolve around a protagonist who
lives a quiet and unfulfilled life. Something happens and they get the call to leave for an
adventure with a specific goal or quest in where they endure some sort of ordeal, then find
triumph and knowledge that they then can bring back home with them. And maybe this sort
of experience, the evolution of a hero, can stem from their initial Depression which may
have prompted this character evolution in the first place.
Number of words: 399

1. What are the different connotations of depression to different people?
Answer: Depression connotes a medical condition to some people and a sign of
weakness to others.

2. What does SAD stand for?

Answer: It stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder.
3. Which two synonymous words in the text are used to describe depression?
Answer: The two synonymous words used are Despondency and dejection.

4. Using context clues, how do you understand the word

Answer: The word means lack of energy.


5. Why is it difficult for someone suffering from depression to have a happy normal life?
disruption in a

6. What usually causes people to fall into depression?

Answer: Failures, disappointments and other problems are the common causes.

7. Why do some people consider depression as a gift?
Answer: They consider it as a gift because it makes them recognize and capitalize
on their strengths.

8. If you know someone who is suffering from depression, what step will you do to help
➢ Give him/her pieces of advice.
➢ Take him/her to the psychotherapist.
(Answers may vary)

9. Teenage depression seems to be a threatening yet neglected problem in our country

Answer: Participate in seminars and other activities that would give information or
tackle such problem.

10. Why is depression stated as severe despondency and dejection?
Answer: Depression is stated as severe despondency and dejection because of the
feelings of being lonely, hopeless, and down.

11. How does it become a mental illness or mood disorder?

mental ability.

12. What does the statement of Joseph Campbell suggest?

s a quiet and

venture the unexplored depths of his/her strengths.
(Answers may vary)

13. What main point in life is the selection trying to emphasize?

Answer: To identify the causes and effects of depression and how to prevent or
terminate it.

14. Do you think depression is a medical condition, or a sign of weakness? Why?

➢ I think it is a medical condition since the mind of a person is affected and it is
also linked with other mental illness

➢ For me, it is a sign of weakness since depression is mainly caused by personal

problems, difficult situations or traumatic experiences.

15. What attitude towards life does the article project, positive or negative? Why do you
say so?
Answer: The article projects positive attitude towards life because it is stated there

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