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Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research (ACE)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Sessional II
Course Name: Computer Organization and Architecture
Course Code: CSE-307N
Class/Semester: B. Tech. /5th semester
Time: 1.45 Hr. Max. Marks: 45
Note: Attempt any three questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. (a) A computer has a memory unit with 256K words of 32 bits each. A binary instruction code is
stored in one word of memory. The instruction has four parts; an indirect bit, an operation code, a
register part to specify one of 64 registers and an address part.
i. How many bits are there in the operation code, the register code part, and address part?
ii. Draw the instruction word format and indicate the number of bits in each part?
iii. How many bits are there in data and address inputs of memory?

(b) Draw a timing diagram assuming SC is cleared to 0 at Time T3 if control signal C7 is active. i.e.
C7T3: SC0

Q2. (a) The control memory in a microprogrammed computer has 4096 words of 24 bits each.

i. How many bits are there in the control address register?

ii. How many bits are there in each of the four inputs of the multiplexers used?
iii. What are the number of inputs in each multiplexer and how many multiplexers are needed?
(b) Differentiate between a hardwired control unit and microprogrammed control unit.

Q3. (a) Convert the following arithmetic expressions into reverse polish notation:
i. (A + B ↑ D) / (E-F) + G
ii. A * (B+D)/ E- F * (G + H / K)
Ans. i. ABD↑+EF-/G+
ii. ABD+*E/FGHK/+*-
(b) What do you mean by microinstruction sequencing? Explain.

Q4. (a) Determine the number of clock cycles that it takes to process 200 tasks in a six segment pipeline.

(b) Draw a time space diagram for a six segment pipeline showing the time it takes to process eight
(c) Write a note on vector processing.

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