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What’s Your Story?


Running for Fitness: A Mile a Day
June 2019
Four to five times a week, Laurie Horn walks a mile from
Aultercare to come visit the Towpath Trail YMCA. Laurie
has been a member of the YMCA since she was just a
young girl, participating in swimming, gymnastics, ballet,
running, and, eventually, working for the North Canton
YMCA in nearly every department. Her love for athletics
led her towards competition, running nearly 21 marathons
and even qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Despite
these great achievements, Laurie’s life hasn’t been easy.
In fact, things have been a series of battles, struggling
with both bipolar disorder and anorexia, finding solace
though her running.
Laurie states that her periods of depression are less severe when she makes time for
running and that, when she comes to the Y to use the elliptical machines, it is often the
highlight of a bad day. Athletics has always kept her disciplined and the Towpath Trail
YMCA, Laurie describes, has exactly what she needs to continue to push herself to stay
healthy. Although Laurie enjoys the fitness center, more importantly, she loves the
community that can be found at the Y. “The Y is full of great people. Val (Welcome Center)
has given me a ride home when it’s cold outside, I don’t drive, and they watch me and make
sure I’m doing okay when I’m on the elliptical machines or treadmills.”

Despite the fact that Laurie is cutting back on her physical activity as she gets older, she
always finds her way back to running.
Psalm 60:12
“With God’s help, we will do mighty things.”

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