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Adapting to a New Environment

Human beings are very adaptable. We can live in most climates of the world. In the past,

people tended to stay in the place they were born, but now we move easily from countryside to

city, from one part of a country to another, and even from country to country. Each place has its

own customs and ways of life, and countries also have different languages. If we have that

opportunity and we moved to a new environment, we have to blend in. A little story of mine

when I moved from a countryside to the city, I had to make several adjustments to my life.

I lived in a small town or as we called it countryside, south Ampenan, when I was born

the place where I lived is not as big as now. Its more like a countryside, I think. And now I live

in the center of the town or the city of this island (Lombok), it is Mataram. I moved in because

the activities of my family and mine mostly in the city. It started when I was in junior high

school. I was graduated from Junior High School Number 2 Mataram and High School Number

5 Mataram, which are in town or the city, so with my sister, and my father works in the city too.

When I was in elementary school I still lived in that countryside. There are several changes of

the differences between live in countryside and live in the city such as the people, the foods, the

place, safety and how we should act.

When I lived in a countryside the people is not as many like in the city, the foods are

have more varieties in the city and more modern, however in a countryside the food is more

traditional, so with the place too, but in a countryside is way more safe rather than in the city, but

the big thing is, its how we act and react to those differences and how we blend in to that new

environment. When I live in the city I changed a little bit the way Im thinking about things, but

from the adapting and adjusting with several things, like the people from example, I just go with
the flow. The most important thing is I should’ve learned to respect each others no matter where

they came from and helping each other when we can and the last thing is just be kind to each

other, always. After that, its so easily to make friends with anyone.

The major changes that I felt about myself is an attitude too, my attitude. Adapting to a

new surrounding or environment changed a little bit more of how the way I behave or did

something. When you live in the big city you must have a good attitude and manner, and its

important for me. If you have that good attitude and manner everybody can easily respect you,

and that’s what I felt about it. Started from the little thing, like making a good communications

with other people. I should be more polite when Im talking to someone who’s older than me,

either that person is someone I know or a strangers. Good attitude and good manner will really

help you if you’re adapting to your new environment, based on my experiences.

In short, I wonder sometimes if I am the same person I was before I moved. By adjusting

the way im thinking, my point of view, my attitude, manners, I may appear to others as if I am a

new person. When we moved to a new place we should know what we should do, always be

kind to each other, to everyone, make friends, after you do that, any other little thing is not really

a big deal, those differences and changes. Everyone changes, but evolving is the thing that I

should learn to do, make changes in a good and better way, so do you. However, I think of it not

as having changed but as having grown or evolving.

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