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Sample Questions in Crop science

1. In Asia, the early civilizations have established around a diet basically consisting of :
a. maize and peanuts c. rice and beans
b. sorghum and beans d. wheat and barley

2. The race of people regarded now as the first agriculturist are the:
a. American Indians c. South American Indians
b. Cushites d. Africans

3. Our region consisting of the Indochinese-Indonesian region is believed to be the center of origin of:
a. corn c. potato
b. garlic d. coconut

4. The center of origin of rice (Oryza sativa) is:

a. Philippines c. Mexico
b. Africa d. India

5. Next to rice and corn, the top 5 crops of the Philippines include:
a. coconut, sugarcane and banana
b. coconut, banana and abaca
c. coconut, wheat and sugarcane
d. coconut, coffee and cassava

6. Comparative advantage in agriculture means:

a. higher efficiency in resource use for agriculture
b. higher land area and devoted to agriculture
c. higher yield of export crops
d. higher yield of rice and corn

7. As a science, crop production is very much related to:

a. botany, biology and zoology
b. soil science, statistic and physics
c. breeding and genetics, biology and animal science
d. botany, soil science, breeding and genetics

8. The chlorophyll is commonly found in:

a. vascular bundles c. stomata
b. mesophyll cells d. mitochondria

9. Light absorption by the leaf is lowest in:

a. red c. green
b. blue d. yellow

10. In the 1930’s-1950’s, photosynthesis investigation was intensified by:

a. use of carbon isotopes
b. detection of PGA as first product
c. hatch and slack
d. Blackman

11. The Kranz anatomy is found in the leaves of:

a. C3 plants c. CAM plants
b. C4 plants d. rice plants

12. C3 plants have:

a. only one C2 fixation pathway
b. Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in space
c. Two CO2 fixation pathways separated in time
d. Three CO2 fixation pathways

13. An RQ value equal to 1 means:

a. glucose is being respired
b. fats are being respired
c. anaerobic respiration is taking place
d. aerobic respiration in involved

14. Cell turgidity in plants is maintained thru:

a. respiration c. translocation
b. osmoregulation d. plasmolysis

15. The main path of (movement of) inorganic substance in plants is:
a. roots c. phloem
b. xylem d. leaves

16. Passive movement of water occurs:

a. from a cell with high potential to a cell with low potential
b. only through a semi-permeable membrane
c. through cytoplasmic streaming
d. from a cell with low potential to a cell with high potential

17. As auototroph, plants:

a. can directly use CO2 to synthesize its food
b. act as host to N2 fixing bacteria
c. obtain nutrients from the soil
d. obtain nutrient from crop residue

18. Growth in plants usually takes lace in growth points such as;
a. flowers c. meristem
b. stems d. branch

19. The mechanism in which plant growth is governed by some kind of “division of labor” among cells and
different plant parts is called:
a. genome
b. correlation mechanism
c. endogenous growth rhythm
d. exogenous growth rhythm

20. The phytohormone is also referred to as ripening hormone

a. IAA c. cytokinin
b. gibberelin d. ethylene

21. The growth response of plants to he direction of light is called:

a. geotropism c. thigmatropism
b. phototropism d. epinasty

22. The special cells that allow rice plants to adjust to varying levels of O2 in the growth medium are called:
a. aerenchyma c. phytochrome cells
b. bulliform cells d. chloroplast cells

23. The G in the equation Y= f[G + E (G x E)] refers to:

a. growth c. gender
b. genotype d. geotropism

24. An optimum environment for crop growth and development is one that:
a. poses a minimum of constraints
b. has a wide range for crop adaptation
c. dose not interact with other crops
d. free from pest and diseases

25. The seasonal pattern of atmospheric conditions in a particular place occurring from year to year is called:
a. weather c. season
b. climate d. summer

26. Plant microclimate refers to the:

a. weather forecaster’s local climate
b. complex of environmental variables to which plants are exposed
c. climate prevailing in a village
d. climate at the surface of the earth’s atmosphere

27. Photocybernetic effect refers to the effect of sunlight on:

a. photosynthesis
b. plant development
c. plant response to daylight
d. response to gravity

28. The effective wavelength for photoperiodism is:

a. red and blue c. ultra violet rays
b. far red and red d. gamma rays

29. Sciophytes are also known as:

a. sun loving plants c. day neutral plants
b. shade loving plants d. water loving plants

30. The net effect of the so called greenhouse effect is:

a. cool temperature c. excessive cloudiness
b. excessive rainfall d. high temperature

31. Most economically important crops are:

a. xerophytes c. mesophytes
b. hydrophytes d. halophytes

32. It is generally more rainy at:

a. moutinous areas c. seaside areas
b. low-lying areas d. flat lands

33. An area is experiencing absolute drought if there is no rainfall of at least 0.25 mm in:
a. 365 consecutive days c. 15 consecutive days
b. 29 consecutive days d. 5 consecutive days

34. Based on temperature requirement, rice is a:

a. cool seasonal crop c. sub-tropical crop
b. warm seasonal crop d. semi-temperature crop

35. High relative humidity can cause:

a. plant wilting c. high disease incidence
b. grain drying d. breakage of seeds

36. As a factor in crop production, edaphic factor refers to:

a. climate c. soil
b. man d. microorganisms

37. Tillability is difficult in:

a. heavy soil c. light soil
b. loam soil d. sandy soil

38. The desirable soil texture for crops is:

a. heavy soil c. light soil
b. loamy soil d. sandy soil

39. The desirable soil structure for crops is:

a. blocky c. columnar
b. granular d. rectangular

40. GMO stands for:

a. genetically made organisms
b. genetically modified organisms
c. genetically mixed organisms
d. genetically male organisms

41. The light reaction phase of photosynthesis takes place in the

a. chloroplast
b. Thylakoid lamellae
c. stroma
d. chlorophyll

42. The products of the light reaction phase of photosynthesis are:

a. O2 and ATP c. ATP and NADH
b. CH2O and NADPH d. ATP and NADPH

43. The process by which ATP is formed when the electron donor is the synthesized PSI rather than the oxidation of
H2O in the light reaction phase of photosynthesis is known as:
a. oxidative phosphorylation
b. photosynthetic phosphorylation
c. cyclic photophosphorylation
d. cyclic photodecomposition

44. According to the first Fick’s law of diffusion, the influx of CO2 into the leaf is:
a. directly proportional to the size of stomatal opening
b. inversely proportional to the CO2 concentration gradient between the leaf and the air
c. inversely proportional to the total resistance
d. directly proportional to the CO2 concentration gradients between the leaf and air, and inversely
proportional to the total resistance

45. The dark reaction phase (otherwise known as biochemical phase) of photosynthesis has been called as such
because it:
a. does not take place during the day
b. does not require light
c. requires total darkness
d. occurs inside leaf

46. Rice is classified as C3 species because its first stable product of photosynthesis is a 3-carbon acod known as:
a. pyruvic acid c. 3-phosphogluceric acid
b. oxaloacetic acid d. phosphoric acid

47. The photosynthetic potential of a given species is fully expressed when the following environmental factors are
a. solar radiation and temperature
b. CO2 concentration, solar radiation and temperature
c. Plant moisture status solar radiation, and CO2 concentration
d. solar radiation, temperature, CO2 concentration and plant moisture status

48. Photosynthesis is usually low under drought conditions because:

a. water as an electron donor in the electron transport system is not available
b. stomatal resistance to the diffusion of CO2 into the leaf is high
c. the CO2 concentration gradient between the air and the leaf is wide
d. the photosynthetic apparatus is permanently damaged

49. The products of glycolysis in higher forms of plants are:

a. NADH c. NADH and H2O
b. ATP and H2O d. CO2 and citric acid

50. The Krebs cycle take place in the:

a. chloroplast c. vacuole
b. mitochondria d. peroxisome

51. Assimilates are translocated via the:

a. xylem tissue c. phloem tissue
b. Kranz anatomy d. epidermis

52. The ascent of cell sap from the roots to the leaves of actively transpiring plants is driven largely by:
a. water tension c. osmotic pressure
b. water potential d. low root pressure

53. Transpiration is a very useful process in plants because it is:

a. involved in heat exchange between the leaves and the air
b. essential in the distribution of essential elements in plant
c. important in water and nutrient utilization
d. needed in solubilizing organic compounds

54. Which of the following is/are not part(s) of the pistil?

a. ovary d. style
b. ovule e. stigma
c. pollen

55. Which of he following is/are not considered as a berry?

a. strawberry d. grape
b. tomato e. eggplant
c. bell pepper f. cherry

56. In the process of seed development the egg apparatus is composed of;
a. egg cell + synergids c. synergids + antipodals
b. eggs cell + polar nuclei d. synergids + polar nuclei

57. In seed embryogenesis, the zygote which give rise to the embryo is formed by the fusion of:
a. sperm cell + antipodals
b. sperm cell + egg cell
c. sperm cell + polar nuclei
d. sperm cell + synergids

58. In a tetrazolium test, viable seed will stain:

a. red c. green
b. blue d. yellow

59. CHO reserves of seeds will be hydrolyzed finally as:

a. galactose c. glucose
b. fructose d. cellulose
60. This type of dominancy is due to one or more unsuitable factors of the environment, which one are non-specific
in their effect. In seeds, this is equivalent to quiescence
a. paradormancy c. ecodormancy
b. endodormancy d. chemical dormancy

61. Plant response to seasonal variations in the length of day collectively known as:
a. venalization c. circadian rhythm
b. photoperiodism d. morphogenesis

62. Photoreceptor involved in photoperiodism is:

a. phytochrome c. carotenoids
b. chlorophyll d. flavins

63. These plants need to be supplied only with inorganic substances since they make their own organic substances:
a. heterotrophic organisms
b. accumulators
c. autotrophic organisms
d. eukaryotic organisms

64. Reduction in the amount of green pigments in leaf, resulting to yellowing:

a. chlorosis c. autolysis
b. necrosis d. dialysis

65. The study of how plants absorb, transport and assimilate inorganic ions are called:
a. inorganic chemistry c. translocation
b. mineral nutrition d. plant exudation

66. Which of the following is not a feature of an essential element?

a. the absence of the element makes it impossible for the plant opt complete its life cycle
b. the deficiency is specific for the element in question
c. the element is directly involved in the nutrition of the plant
d. the element can be substituted by another element of similar size

67. Which is not an example of a essential micronutrient?
a. B b. Cu c. Zn d. K

68. The movement of substances against a concentration gradient is known as:

a. passive transport c. active transport
b. chemical transport d. membrane transport

69. Which is not a feature of the Pfr form of phytochrome:

a. it is blue-green in color
b. it is convertible in Pr form
c. it is far-red light absorbing form
d. it is red-orange in color

70. The natural termination of the functional life of an organ, organism or other life unit which is also regarded as
the final phase in plant development:
a. deterioration phase c. senescene
b. abscission phase d. growth inhibition

71. A type of senescence which is characterized by an annual change in deciduous woody plants in which all leaves
die in bulk of the stem and root system remain viable:
a. whole plant senescence c. sequential senescence
b. organ senescence d. leaf senescence

72. Phototropism is a growth response to unidirectional light which is probably influenced by a particular growth
a. abscissic acid (ABA) c. Kinetin (Ki)
b. indole acetic acid (IAA) d. gibberellins (GA)

73. The growth response of a plant to touch that is the best exemplified by the coiling of tendrils in Cucurbits
a. thermotropism c. thigmotropism
b. seismonasty d. thigmomorphogenesis

74. A characteristics response of roots and shoots such that they align themselves parallel to the direction of the
a. digravitropic c. orthogravitropic
b. agravitropic d. negative tropism

75. Leaf senescence like the other types of senescence can be promoted by the application of the growth hormone:
a. cytokinin c. gibberellins
b. abscissic acid d. auxin

76. Senescence is an energy-requiring process brought about by metabolic changes, one of which is trhe destruction
of the pigment:
a. carotenoid c. anthocyanin
b. xanthophylls d. chlorophyll

77. A variation movement caused by daily rhythms of light and dark resulting from changes in the turgor of motor
cells in the pulvinus located at the base of each leaf:
a. nyctinasty c. seismonasty
b. thermonasty d. circumnutation

78. The bending or curvature (of an organ) cause by the different growth when the adaxial or morphological upper
side of an organ grows more rapidly that the abaxial or morphological lower side of the organ and is always
associated with high ethylene concentration:
a. hyponasty c. epinasty
b. thigmonasty d. thermonasty

79. The organ movement such as that the axis of the organ comes to lie at right angles to the direction of the
gravitational field as exhibited by stolons of potato and strawberry
a. Heliotropism c. diagravitropism
b. Plagiogeotropism d. positive geotropism

80. The over-all shape plants is determined by:

a. Allometric growth c. apical dominance
b. Growth correlation d. hormonal imbalance

81. Domestication of plants led to:

a. Change in plant type and limited ecological adaptation
b. Narrower genetic variation and wider ecological adaptation
c. The disappearance of the natural habitats of wild plants
d. Increased genetic variation and limited ecological adaptation

82. The pattern of assimilate partitioning in plants varies:

a. With stage of growth and development
b. With kind of fertilizer applied
c. Depending on the flux of solar energy
d. With total rainfall

83. A plant showing tolerance mechanism of resistance to water deficit:

a. Adjust its water absorption rate to maintain cell turgidity
b. Maintains relatively high stomatal conductance even if water deficit is progressing to a higher level
c. Rolls its leaves to reduce respiration
d. Extends its roots horizontally to explore soil moisture around the root zone

84. the following changes in plants are attributed to domestication except:

a. loss of seed dormancy
b. conversion from perennial to annual
c. increased susceptibility to diseases
d. increased environmental adaptation

85. Oxygen as one of the products of photosynthesis evolve from:

a. The oxidation of water
b. Photolysis of water
c. The reduction of carbon dioxide
d. The reduction of water

86. Agriculture could have been initiated mainly due to chronic food shortage if:
a. There was sedentary way of living
b. Grasslands and forests were present
c. Plant and animal diversity was limited
d. Fertile lands were available

87. The major products of respiration are the following:

a. ATP, water and NADH c. NADH and ATP
b. Carbon dioxide and ATP d. water, CO2, ATP and NADH

88. Certain plant organs moves when exposed to water stress:

a. To maintain adequate moisture content
b. To maximize photosynthetic activity
c. To maintain optimum translocation during the day
d. to balance their heat load with the surrounding air

89. Essential elements in the soil must be:

a. In inert form to be available to plants
b. Soluble and ionic form(s) foe efficient absorption
c. Kept in maximum supply in the soil to maximize utilization
d. In the form of organic compounds

90. Both photosynthetic and respiration rates are influenced by:

a. Relatively humidity and carbon dioxide concentration
b. Oxygen concentration
c. Temperature and carbon dioxide concentration
d. Temperature and relative humidity

91. Nutrient uptake from the soil is affected by:

a. Air temperature
b. Soil and water temperature
c. Soil texture and structure
d. Soil color

92. Native or (inherent) soil nutrients are derived from:

a. Applied fertilizers
b. Weathering of minerals in the soil
c. Decomposition of organic matter in the soil
d. Physical disintegration of minerals in the soil

93. Nitrogen as an essential elements is taken up by crops in the following forms:

a. N2, NO2-, and NH4+
b. N2O, NO3 - and NO2-
c. NH4+, NO2-
d. NO3-, NH4+

94. The sites of the C3 and C4 pathways of CO2 fixation are compartmentalized in the leaves of:
a. Corn, sugarcane and rice
b. Sugarcane and corn
c. Mungbean and pineapple
d. Corn and soybean

95. The following are events that led to the development of agriculture except:
a. Collection of plants
b. Colonization of pre-adapted plant species
c. Cultivation of plants in order to reap better harvest
d. Improvement of soil fertility

96. Current crop production technologies are considered scientific because:

a. Several steps from planting to harvesting have evolved
b. They generate facts and empirical data
c. They were formulated through scientific investigations
d. None of the above

97. The relationship between the growth rates of individual parts of an organ or organisms is known as:
a. Shoot-root ratio c. ambot
b. Harvest index d. Plant symmetry

98. Plant roll their leaves to:

a. Reduce the rate of transpiration water loss
b. Increase the probability of dessation
c. Change the angle of incidence of diffused light with respect to the leaf surface
d. Increase leaf water content

99. Net assimilation rate is some times referred to as:

a. Photosynthesis c. unit leaf rate
b. Crop growth rate d. specific growth rate

100. Respiration is a necessary evil in plants because:

a. It breaks down glucose which should have used in the synthesis of complex compounds
b. It leads to the loss of glucose but generates metabolic energy and organic compounds that are used
in the synthesis of structural and storage compounds
c. It generates carbon dioxide, water and ATP
d. It generates heat energy for transpiration

101. The ratio of shoot dry weight to root dry eight is known as:
a. Root-shoot ratio c. plant biomass ratio
b. Shoot-root ratio d. harvest index

102. Nutrient availability in the soil is largely dependent on:

a. pH and moisture content c. water holding capacity
b. structure and bulk density d. color

103. Decarboxylation of malate in the leaves of form takes place in the:

a. Cytosol of mesophyll cells
b. Cytosol of the bundle sheath cells
c. Mitochondrion of the bundle sheath cell
d. Peroxisome

104. Phenotype refers to the:

a. Breeding potential of plants
b. Physical appearance of a plant
c. Genetic make up of a plant
d. Chromosome content of a nucleus
e. The concentration of phenol in the cytoplasm

105. Which of the following must exist in order for the plant breeder to select superior plants?
a. F1 generation
b. Artificial hybridization
c. Homogenous population
d. Genetic variation
e. Changing population

106. Gene recombination occur as a result of:

a. Vegetative propagation
b. Clonal propagation
c. Self-pollination of a pureline
d. Sexual reproduction

107. The breeding method which may involve bringing a species or variety into an area and using it without
change or additional breeding methods is called:
a. Hybridization
b. Introduction
c. Pedigree selection
d. Pureline selection
e. Mass selection

108. Inbreeding leads to:

a. Heterosis
b. Homozygosity
c. Allelism
d. Increased productivity
e. Sterility

109. Plant breeding is:

a. More selection than hybridization
b. More of hybridization than selection
c. Equal selection and hybridization
d. More of introduction than hybridization

110. In rice, the best time of the day to conduct emasculation is:
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. At noon time
d. Anytime of the day

111. Phenotype is determined by:

a. Genotype d. genotype x, environment and genotype
b. Environment
c. Genotype x

112. The agency involved in approving the release of recommended varieties in the Philippines
a. Philippine Seed Board (PSB)
b. National Seed Industry Council (NSIC)
c. Department of Agriculture (DA)
d. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

113. A rice floret has how many anthers?

a. 5 b. 11 c. 6 d. 15

114. In the point of view of a seed technologist a seed has germinated:
a. When the radicle has emerged
b. When the plumule has emerged
c. When both the radicle and plumule have emerged
d. None of the above

115. A seed is considered alive in the tertrazolium test when the:

a. Whole seed is stained
b. Radicle portion is not stained but the ambot of the seed is
c. Plumule poriot is not stained but the ambot of the seed is
d. Half the seed is stained

116. Seeds which can be dried to a low moisture level but cannot be tolerate low temperature like coffee and
papaya are considered:
a. Recalcitrant c. intermediate
b. Orthodox d. none of the above

117. Which of the following is/are optional requirements for favorable seed germination?
a. Optimum temperature c. ambot amount of water
b. 20% oxygen concentration d. both A and C

118. The most favorable condition for storing orthodox seeds is:
a. Dry and coo condition c. moist and cool condition
b. Dry and hot condition d. moist and hot condition

119. Hardseededness may be broken by the following methods except:

a. Soaking in boiling water for several minutes
b. Soaking in tap water for 24 hrs.
c. Rubbing the embryo part on sand paper
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
f. None of the above

120. Among the following desiccants or drying agents _____ is the most effective, thus a smaller amounts
a. Lime c. silica gel
b. Charcoal d. wood ash

121. The most suitable substrate for germination test for very small seeds is:
a. Rolled filter paper c. ragdoll method
b. Petri dish lined with filter paper d. sand

122. In storing seeds with desiccants, seeds should be placed inside a:

a. Polyethylene or plastic bag
b. Cloth bag
c. Aluminum foil
d. Paper bag

123. The following pairs of reactant/product and enzyme involved in seed germination are correct except
a. Glycerol-protease c. lipid-amylase
b. Starch-amylase d. fatty acid-lipase

For questions No. 124 – 130

CASE I The farms are in the region in Ilocos. Principally the crops are rice or corn during the rainy season
followed by Tobacco. Tomato may also be grown because there is a commercial manufacturer of
tomato paste. The climate opf Ilocos is distinct wet and dry seasons.

124. The most probable land preparation in the farm is:

a. Plowing c. slash and burn
b. Chemical spray d. biological

125. The most probable cropping system is:

a. Greenhouse cropping c. plantation
b. Multiple cropping d. rural landscaping

126. The food crops are:

a. Rice and tobacco c. corn and cotton
b. Tomato and tobacco d. rice and tomato

127. The cash crop are:

a. Rice and corn c. rice and tobacco
b. Tomato and tobacco d. rice and tomato

128. Based on post-harvest horticulture classification the perishables are:

a. Rice and grain corn c. green corn and tomato
b. Rice and tobacco d. tobacco and tomato

129. and the durables are:

a. rice and grain corn c. tobacco and tomato
b. green corn and cotton d. tomato and green corn

130. Because of the climate the most feasible perennial crop to grow:
a. Banana b. mango c. sorghum d. durian

For Questions No. 131 – 134

CASE II Cordillera is upland mountainous region. The climate is distinct wet and dry, but cool temperature in
the high elevations. The natural fertility of the soil is poor, but high value crops are raised

131. The factor for crop production that is unique asset in Cordillera is:
a. Good market of the products
b. Irrigation of the crop is not a problem
c. The temperature is low because of high elevation
d. Indigenous people are goods terrace builders

132. Hilly land was converted to crop farming by:

a. Terracing the mountain slopes
b. Constructing of Ambuklao and Binga dams for irrigation
c. Construction of the Cordillera highway to Bontoc and Banaue
d. Cutting and planting of pine trees

133. In growing vegetables and flowers in the Cordillera the fertility of the soil is augmented by:
a. Foliar spray of commercially prepared liquid fertilizers
b. Using chicken manure hauled from the low land
c. NPK coming from rain after a long dry season
d. Biofertilizer like application of Tricogramma

134. In the Philippines it is only in Cordillera farms that this perennial temperature crop is commercially
a. Banana c. grape
b. Apple d. cauliflower

For Questions No. 135 – 139

CASE III The Cagayan Valley is drained by the mighty Cagayan River that has plenty of tributaries \. There is
also a big irrigation system based on the Magat Dam in Nueva Viscaya. Cagayan Valley is between
Cordillera Mountains and Sierra Madre Mountains. The commercial crops are rice, corn, tobacco and
fruits. There are also pasture grasses. The area is often visited by typhoons.

135. The natural asset of Cagayan Valley when it comes to commercial crop production is:
a. The people who originated from Ilocos are good farmers
b. Fertile soil and adequate rainfall or irrigation
c. Market is very good
d. The crop varieties are superior

136. Good potential for animal production in Cagayan Valley is due to these crops:
a. Tobacco and rice c. pasture grass and corn
b. Rice and corn d. fruits and rice

137. The ripening of fruits coming from Cagayan Valley for Metro Manila market is induced by:
a. Potassium permanganate
b. Potassium nitrate
c. Ethylene either from plant parts or chemicals
d. Calcium carbonate

138. Is we are to grow commercially Lakatan and Latundan in Isabela the special practice that is necessary
a. Pruning c. tapping
b. Propping d. tuxying

139. Detaselling corn is a practice that can be recommended to Cagayan corn farmers. It is a measure to
a. Rats c. insect pest
b. Weeds d. disease

For the Questions No. 140 – 144

CASE IV The central Plain of Luzon is generally flat and the principal crops are rice, sugarcane, mango and
lowland vegetables. Multiple cropping of rice with vegetables is very feasible. The market for
vegetable is nearer than those coming from the Cordillera

140. If you have relay cropping of some vegetables like tomato, onion and eggplant or okra after rice is
necessary practice would be:
a. burn the rice straw first
b. assure adequate drainage
c. flood the soil for irrigation
d. spray liquid fertilizer before planting vegetables

141. Wind breaks in Central Luzon during dry season will:

a. minimize effect of typhoon
b. minimize erosion of soil
c. minimize infestation of locust
d. provide conservation of irrigation water
142. The use of excessive pesticides in rice production and vegetable production pollutes the water supply. It
could be minimized by:
a. practice of integrated pest management
b. imposing high tax to agricultural chemicals
c. requiring the planting of hybrid rice
d. use overhead irrigation instead of flooding

143. El Niño is a phenomenon that would affect the economy of Central Luzon . rice production will be
reduced because:
a. les fertilizer will be used due to high cost
b. globalization makes the Myanmar rice cheaper than Philippine rice
c. irrigation system efficiency will be lower
d. milling recovery of rice is lower

144. Sugarcane in Tarlac, Pampanga and Pangasinan are grown as:

a. catch crop for mango
b. intercrop for lowland rice
c. monocrop
d. landscape for local tourism

For Questions No. 145 – 150

CASE V The cropping in Southern Tagalog Region including Mindoro is highly diversified. The high value of
crops such as flowers, ornamentals, vegetables, fruits, coconut, black pepper, corn and sugarcane are
growing well including root crops and rice. The Region as a whole is generally good for crop
production because of high population density, fertile soil and diversified rainfall pattern

145. Coconut and corn can be made into high value crop by:
a. converting then into feed for animals
b. diversify product lines like buko juice/pie and baby/green corn
c., mechanize the production system
d. modernize irrigation/nutrition management like using hydrophonics

146. Coffee and black pepper products are classified as durables. The critical postproduction practice is storage
a. beans and corn don’t dry easily
b. coffee beans and pepper corns absorb unwanted odor
c. the marketing price is steady
d. generally harvesting is laborious

147. The urbanized Southern Tagalog region is good for:

a. ornamental crop production
b. export crop production
c. plantation agriculture
d. fiber crop production

148. Landscaping and plant arts are special aspect of crop production that do not require large land area. Thos
aspect of horticulture increases the value of the plants because of:
a. proper selection of resistant varieties
b. proper selection of appropriate plants to the particular environment
c. preference of high “class” clients
d. adequate advertising

149. Postharvest handling of cut flowers, vegetables, “buko” coconut, fruits and green “sweet corn” is
classified as handling perishables. The correct practice/technique could be:
a. harvesting sweet corn in the afternoon
b. packaging mango in sacks for easier handling
c. ripening bananas for export to command higher price
d. storage of bananas and mangos in cold storage to prevent respiration

150. The reduce postharvest loses, the care start with the field practices. Among the practices in the field that
would influence most the postharvest quality of produce is:
a. pruning of plants to reduce diseases
b. timing of flower induction
c. irrigation of the crop one day before harvesting
d. harvesting the crop at appropriate maturity for the product

For Questions No. 151 – 154

CASE VI Bicol region raise abaca, coconut and pili in Catanduanes, Sorsogon and Albay. Camarines Sur raises
abaca, rice citrus and coconut. Camarines Norte raises “Formosa” or “Queen” usually under coconut.
Masbate is an island that has cattle ranches and coconut farms. The region is usually visited by

151. Hardy perennials are prevailing commercial crops in Bicol region because of crop-environment
adaptation. The most probable reason would be
a. Bicol soils are fertile because of many volcanoes
b. land tenure in Bicol are reformed from the former hacienda system
c. tyohoon brings with it good amount of rainfall
d. Bicol is far from metropolis that they have high demand of crops

152. Coconut in Bicol was afflicted by cadang-cadang. Because of cadang-cadang there is quarantine on the
movement of coconut planting materials. The practice of quarantine is a good to:
a. protect the market of planting materials against competition
b. prevent spread of pest and diseases
c. provide opportunity for taxation
d. encourage regional specialization of crops

153. Abaca in Bicol is afflicted by various diseases. There are techniques to mass produce disease-free planting
a. division of corms coming from existing farms
b. tissue culture
c. using desuckering tools
d. grafting abaca with resistant varieties

154. Pineapple could be induced to flower anytime of the year. Being a tourist region, pineapple farmers in this
province if Bicol would benefit bi having year-round income form pineapple if they would practice the
use of Ethrel to induce flowering pineapple:
a. Catanduanes c. Sorsogon
b. Albay d. Camarines Sur

For Questions No. 155 – 164

CASE VII The Visayan islands of Bohol and Cebu raise corn primarily for food. Samar and Leyte islands raise
coconut, abaca and rice. Negros and Panay produce most of the sugar that are exported. Guimaras and
Cebua are famous for mangoes. Pina fibers are only produced in Aklan. All islands have upland areas
that are being denuded.

155. On e of the farming systems appropriate in the upland is:

a. pastoral ranching
b. agroforestry
c. integrated sugar-alcohol industry
d. container agriculture

156. Agro-industrial integration in island economy such those in the Visayas is good to balance the
population growth with job opportunities. The primary processing of ‘carabao’ and ‘saba’ would have
value added to the farm products when processed.
a. Fruit cocktail c. dried fruit
b. Fruit cake d. fruit flavored ice cream

157. The fiber industry of abaca and pina are native to The Philippines. Abaca and pineapple for fiber would
be more acceptable for improvement through genetic engineering (GMO) because:
a. The consumer products are not food
b. There are more biodiversity in the Philippines
c. American and European cannot compete with us
d. They are suitable for mechanization

158. In computing for the population per hectare of mango for high density planting the formula would be:
a. Distance in feet between rows and hills multiplied by the number of rows
b. 10, 000 divided by the product of distance between rows in meter multiplied by distance between
plants in the row in meters
c. Product of the width multiplied by length in meters divided by number if rows
d. 10, 000 divided by 25

159. The root crops like ube and gabi are propagated commercially by:
a. Suckers c. root cuttings
b. Division d. runners

160. Sugarcane are propagated commercially by stem cuttings and irrigated by furrow and overhead method.
Integrated farming with sugarcane would be:
a. Sugarcane with livestock c. intercropping with rice
b. Fishery and sugarcane d. relay cropping with coconut

161. Corn production in Cebu and Bohol are primarily for food as staple. In growing corn, the most feasible
nutrition management by using:
a. Bio-N (Azospirillum) plus chicken manure
b. Mulching with plastic of micronutrient
c. Foliar spray of micronutrient
d. Applying burnt leaves for its ash

162. Special practice in the control of pest of mango in Cebu and Iloilo is by:
a. Spraying the fruits with Malathion
b. Bagging the fruits individually with paper bag
c. Smudging by burning dried leaves before flowering
d. Pruning

163. Bohol and Cebu soils are calcareous, and therefore the soil is towards the alkaline reaction. The soil
chemical reaction can be improved by:
a. Application of NPK or complete fertilizer
b. Application of ammonium sulphate
c. Application of liquid urea injected into the soil
d. Application of lime

164. Irrigation for sugarcane and corn could be by furrow or overhead method. The most appropriate
irrigation method for greenhouse crops that could incorporate fertilizer nutrients is by:
a. Overhead irrigation c. drip irrigation
b. Flooding d. furrow irrigation

CASE VIII Mindanao has well distributed rainfall and fertile soils. The principal crops are corn in Bukidnon
andCotabato, pineapple in Misamis Oriental and Davao, rubber in Zamboanga Sur, Basilan, Cotabato and Agusan.
Rice, corn and coconut almost in all provinces, oil palm in Agusan and Sultan Kudarat, bananas and other fruits in
Davao and General Santos area.

165. Perennial export crops are grown as:

a. Plantation monocrop farming
b. Agroforestry crops
c. Integrated agro-industrial farming
d. Hacienda farming

166. Corn growing in Mindanao could be mechanized at the level of:

a. Mechanical land preparation, planting, harvesting and postproduction handling
b. Crop improvement by GMO-corn
c. Multiple cropping with vegetables for home consumption and local market
d. Crop protection using biological control

167. In large fairs, the selection of planting materials for rubber, citrus, durian, rambutan, pummelo and
lanzones the recommended practice to assure good production like that of the selected varieties/clones is:
a. Seedlings c. cuttings
b. Grafting d. Marcotting

168. If you are a pioneer in Mindanao, site selection and choice of appropriate crop require your knowledge
a. Soil and rainfall pattern only
b. Soil, climatic and biological indicators of the crop
c. Soil and climatic characteristics, biological and economic characteristics of the crop and culture of
the community
d. Soil, rainfall, population of community and technology of the crop

169. In the Agroforestry system for Mindanao, some good practices are:
a. Sloping agriculture for rubber plantation
b. Inductrial tree farming for paper industry
c. Cattle raising under coconuts with appropriate legume trees and pasture management
d. Papaya and pineapple intercropping

170. Mangosteen and marang are exotic fruits grown in Mindanao. They are generally propagated by seeds.
After eating the fruit the seeds are germinated right away within a week because they don’t store well. The
reason is:
a. Seeds of mangosteen and marang are orthodox seeds
b. Seeds of magosteen are apomictic
c. Seeds of magosteen and marang are recalcitrant seeds
d. Seeds would germinate only in the dark

171. The practice of plowing and fertilization of coconut will increase the yield of coconut. But the yield
increase attributed to the practice will be observed after 3 years. One solution in farm management is:
a. Practice intercropping with crops in respond to fertilization within a year
b. Plow only but don’t fertilize anymore because fertilizer are expensive
c. Market “buko” instead of copra as coconut products
d. Provide irrigation by furrow or flooding

172. Surface irrigation of lowland rice by flooding and corn by furrow irrigation, utilize too much water.
Pump irrigation is advisable for lowland rice and corn:
a. When feasibility indicate an increase in production and profit
b. When stage of a crop like milking stage coincide with adequate rainfall
c. When rice and corn are planted as intercrops during rainy season
d. When high value crops could be grown also in farm by hydrophonics

173. Lansones season in Camiguin and Visayas do not coincide with the season in Southern Tagalog Region.
This is good for farmers because with longer season there is less fluctuation of price and stabilize at a level
that is profitable to the producer. Lanzones can be induced to flower by:
a. Pruning
b. Irrigation after a long dry months
c. Chemical spray
d. Smoking

174. Grape culture requires support of trellis like other vine crops. It is induced to flower by:
a. Irrigation
b. Chemical spray of calcium carbide
c. Smudging
d. Pruning

175. Because crop production/farming is a regular activity of rural people and without it they will never
have a normal life, farming is considered as a:
a. Business c. technology
b. Art d. culture (a way of life)

176. Trade liberalization could lead to declining demand of locally grown products as manifested by:
a. Increasing tendency to buy imported fruit products
b. Greater desire of balikbayan to buy traditional native products
c. Greater utilization of modern technologies
d. Television advertising and computer marketing

177. The increasing interest in the use of organic foods and traditional medicine is cue to the public
perception or belief that:
a. Natural products are harmful and than those produce with synthetic inputs
b. Natural products are cheaper in the market
c. Foods produced using chemicals (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides) always have harmful residues
d. Foods produced without pesticide and synthetic fertilizer are safer

178. The rapid industrialization cause the increase in value of agricultural lands near population center,
resulting into:
a. Large-scale reduction of our forested lands
b. Massive land conversion of farm lands
c. Massive movement of work forces to other countries
d. Excessive garbage problem

179. The three major crops of the Philippines in terms of land area cultivated are:
a. Abaca, rice and coconut
b. Rice, corn and coconut
c. Corn, abaca and banana
d. Banana, sugar and coffee

180. The leading agricultural export crop of the country is:

a. Banana c. abaca
b. Sugar d. coconut

181. Self-sufficiency (annual) in rice in the Philippines:

a. Had never been attained
b. Had been achieved before
c. Is impossible of high population
d. Is possible because IRRI is in the Philippines

182. Corn production in the Philippines is:

a. Mainly used for animal feed manufacturing
b. Mostly consumed as peoples’ staple food
c. Only supplied by our Mindanao farmers
d. Consumed only in Cebu and Bohol

183. Forest denudation results into this possibility

a. Decreased agricultural production area
b. Save erosion of topsoil leading to less fertile uplands
c. Movement of urban settlers to rural communities
d. Reduction of pest in agriculture

184. High population growth rate could possibly mean:

a. Less work/labor forces for agricultural production
b. More people in urban area and greater demand for agricultiural produce
c. Bad prospects for agriculture because of lower prices of farm products
d. Prosperity for all

185. greater population with low productivity could lead to:

a. general poverty among people
b. high taxes
c. migration of work forces to rural area
d. professional agriculturists
e. none of the above

186. Urbanization and industrialization always result to:

a. Decrease in agricultural production area
b. Migration of rural population to urban areas
c. Increase in labor availability for farming
d. Liberalization of trading

187. Coconut industry should not be a dying industry. It should be maintained and improved, because:
a. It earns substantial dollar returns as an export crop
b. It gives less income to the coconut farmers
c. It’s a disorganized sector of framers who should benefit the most
d. It is a colonial crop

188. Generally Modified Organisms could lead to the following problem

a. Reduced production in the crop concerned
b. Monopoly in the supply and distribution of seeds
c. Reduced damage due to the target pests
d. Indigenous practices will dominate the seed industry

189. Site characterization and selection of crop production in the Philippines require knowledge of:
a. Geographical characteristics of the area
b. Botanical characteristics of major tropical crops
c. Indicators of land, climate, crops, ecology, culture and market dynamics
d. Geography, soil and climate characteristics only

190. The comprehensive land reform program coverage is for cropland of:
a. Rice and corn only
b. Sugarcane and coconut
c. Lowland
d. All agricultural lands regardless of crops

191. Modern crop agriculture would require:

a. Indigenous knowledge
b. Knowledge from research only
c. Knowledge synthesized from internal information
d. Knowledge of all kinds and from all sources

192. The factors affecting food and fiber production in the Philippines and elsewhere are: population
dynamics, environment factor of production like light, water and temperature; land and soil resources; and
technology (variety, culture, postharvest, etc). to attain food and fiber self-sufficiency within the context of
our culture the best thing to do is:
a. Manage population to slower growth rate
b. Invest infrastructure that will control environment factors
c. Increase land under crop cultivation
d. Transform production technology into practices that will increase farm productivity

193. Soil erosion control is important in Philippine agriculture because:

a. We have to conserve water terraces
b. Growing upland crops like corn and vegetables require fertile soils
c. There is too much rainfall during some months and large cultivated areas are sloping
d. Population is increasing and more people have to eat

194. In modern Philippine agriculture the selection for planting materials for both annuals and perennials is
guided by:
a. Demand for foreign markets
b. Yield and quality of processed product
c. Adaptability of planting material
d. Recommendation of seed dealers

195. Seeds or seedlings are better planting materials that asexual or vegetative propagular when:
a. There is benefit of hybrid vigor
b. Crops could be direct seeded
c. Crops can be propagated by seeds
d. Crops can be grafted or rooted as cuttings

196. Classification of seeds are based on these concepts:

a. Orthodox seeds can be kept for long periods in storage when moisture content is low
b. Recalcitrant seeds are more associated with perennial horticultural crops
c. Seeds of corn, rice, eggplant and squash are recalcitrant seeds
d. Seeds of rambutan, mango and avocado are orthodox seeds

197. Kaingin system is primarily is primarily subsistence farming. The form of planting crops is generally:
a. Direct seeding of food crops like rice, corn, beans by dibble method
b. Growing perennial crops by hedge row across slope with food crops between rows
c. Mixed cropping of perennials for export market
d. Regular distance either by squared, rectangular or triangular layout

198. In farming, the method that would minimize soil erosion:

a. Plowing up and down slope
b. Providing hedgerow of kakawate and ipil-ipil across the slope planting crops between the
c. Providing drainage canal in any manner
d. Pasture grazing along the slopes

199. The best type of planting materials for crops like cereals and field legumes are:
a. Seeds c. root cuttings
b. Stem cuttings d. tissue cultured crops

200. Sexual propagation is preferred over asexual propagation because:

a. Planting materials are easy to produce, inexpensive and have hybrid vigor
b. Offsrpings are True-to-type and early bearers
c. Offsprings produced are smaller in height
d. Offfsprings are late bearer and there is no incompatibility

201. Surface irrigation should be used in:

a. Flooding rice field during rainy season only
b. Furrow irrigation if corn and basin irrigation of fruit-tress during rainy season
c. Gravity irrigation of rice terraces
d. Flooding, furrow or basin irrigation of most crops when the soil is dry and there is plenty of water

202. In determining when to irrigate:

a. Leaves of crops wilt in the afternoon but not in the morning
b. Using sand-cum-soil miniplot technique, when the plant crop in the miniplot shows wilting
c. When the based on calculation, the amount of evapotransportation is less than the amount of
natural precipitation
d. Every 2 weeks regardless of kind of crops grown

203. The loss of water during the stage of the crop that irrigation is needed is by:
a. Seepage and precipitation of irrigation by drip method
b. Evaporation of water from the leaves and transpiration from the soil surface
c. Evaporation of water by the overhead irrigation method
d. Transpiration of water from flooded rice fields

204. Pump irrigation is most feasible:

a. For rice when depth of water is shallow
b. For high value crop like flowers and vegetables when the method is by drip irrigation
c. For coconut grown in Pinatubo lahar
d. For early induction of flowering of fruit trees

205. The proper application of fertilizer is:

a. Broadcasting urea only when rice is at booting stage
b. Liquid application of micronutrients by soil injection
c. Side dressing of complete and compost fertilizer at the early vegetative growth stage
d. Basal application at planting time and side dressing ay the vegetative stage up to reproductive stage
for most crops

206. When the integrated pest management is to applied, the first order in the decision process of having
control is
a. Identify the pest
b. Planting varieties of crops known to be resistant to problem pest
c. Killing the pest by chemical spray
d. Biological control of the pest

207. Proper weed management involves:

a. Allowing weeds to grow if competition with the crop id minimal
b. Compete elimination of weeds by chemicals in steep slopes
c. Biological control by covercropping in annual crops
d. Mulching in grain and legume crops

208. Diseases of perennial crops may be found in the roots, leaves, flowers and fruits. Fungicides are
resorted to when:
a. The pathogen is soil borne
b. Systematic fungicides are available to control anthracnose of flowers and fruits of mango
c. When the environment factor is characterized by sunny and cool weather
d. Controlling the fruit rot of jackfruit due to fruit fly

209. Vertebrates and insect pests are better controlled when:

a. The population is at its height such as 10-12 hoppers per mango inflorescence
b. The rats are few and starving because the period is after the harvest
c. The predators and parasites are in ecological balance with the population ratio with the pest
d. Pest are attacking the flowers

210. In arid places the most economical means of irrigation method is:
a. Flooding c. furrow
b. Overhead d. drip

211. Knowing the economics of irrigating the crops the correct statement is:
a. Natural rainfall could be for coconut and mango
b. Pump irrigation is resorted for low value crops in greenhouse
c. Upland rice is irrigated by overhead method
d. Generally vegetables are irrigated by flooding

212. The correct statement is:

a. Biological pest control is feasible nut not biological nutrition
b. Site preparation would not influence nutrition, water management and pest management of crops
c. Sod culture, covercropping and pasturing are biological methods of controlling weed pest
d. Kind of planting materials and distance of planting are directly related to planting population

213. Pineapple is an example of:

a. Simple fruit d. berry
b. Multiple flower e. none of the above
c. Aggregate food

214. The process of removing dead and diseased parts of healthy plant is called:
a. Rejuvenative analysis c. preventive pruning
b. Corrective pruning d. formative pruning

215. Fertilizer needs of crops is best determined by:

a. Tissue analysis c. fertilizer traits
b. Soil analysis d. symptom indicator

216. The practice of growing crops (usually legumes) for the main purpose of improving soil fertility
a. Green manuring c. covercropping
b. Composting d. intercropping

217. Granular fertilizer is commonly applied by:

a. Soil injection
b. Broadcast drill method
c. Foliar spray after dissolving water
d. Mixing with irrigation water

218. The loss of water through evapotransportation is favored by:

a. Low temperature c. low wind speed
b. High relative humidity d. high temperature

219. Wider plant spacing is adapted when:

a. Soil fertility is low
b. Plants have erect or vertical growth habit
c. Plant grow into a big tree at maturity
d. Spoil have water holding capacity
220. Crops with any of the following characteristics are direct seeded
a. Seeds are difficult to germinate
b. Seeds are expensive
c. Seedlings cannot tolerate root disturbance
d. Seedlings develop multiple tap roots

221. A well-prepared upland soil should

a. Have enough moisture
b. Be granular and friable
c. Have dried leaves burned before planting

222. Direct seedling is commonly practiced in planting

a. Eggplant c. corn
b. Mango d. tomato

223. A leafy shoot originating axillary buds borne at the base if the pineapple fruit is called
a. Sucker c. slip
b. Runner d. corm

224. A method of asexual propagation in which missing organ(s) is allowed to regenerate on detached
vegetative part of the plant
a. Marcotting c. budding
b. Cutting d. grafting

225. In grafted plant, the lower portion of the graft union the became the root system is called:
a. Rootstock c. roots
b. Scion d. interstock

226. The practice of growing a new crop out of shoots arising from the previous crop is called:
a. Replanting c. ratooning
b. Re-cropping d. rejuvenation

227. A bacteria capable of living symbiotically with higher plants usually legumes from which they receive
their energy, and capable of fixing nitrogen for the plant
a. Rhizobium c. Mycorhizza
b. Nitrobacter d. Nitsomonas

228. The arrangement of individual soil particles into compound particles or aggregates which normally
determines the water holding capacity and drainage quality of the soil
a. Soil structure c. soil aggregation
b. Soil texture d. soil type

229. The concept of basic and nutritious food being available accessible, affordable and stable in supply:
a. Food availability c. food safety
b. Food security d. food accessibility

230. The planting of diverse series of plants differing in height, branching, characteristics, shade tolerance,
use and nutrient needs such that different plants will grow under one another:
a. Multiple cropping c. intercropping
b. Crop rotation d. multistory cropping

231. A food production strategy in the 1960’s and 70’s designed to solve problems related to population
explosion and world hunger by introducing new farm technologies including modern varieties, pesticides,
fertilizers, irrigation and machines
a. Sustainable agriculture c. Masagana ‘99
b. Green revolution d. Gintong Ani

232. A plant belonging to the grass family which has very extensive root system and is effectiveness as soil
a. Corn c. lemon grass
b. Vetiver d. Napier grass

233. The temperature, sunlight, humidity and other climatic conditions in a small localized area:
a. Climate c. microclimate
b. Weather d. none of the above

For Questions No. 234 – 241

To what sustainable agriculture dimension do the following belong?

a. ecologically sound
b. economically viable
c. socially just, equitable and humane
d. culturally acceptable
e. based on wholistic integrated science

234. ________ dynamic relationship between human beings and environment

235. ________ respects dignity and rights of individuals and groups
236. ________ promotes gender sensitivity
237. ________ has no cost externalities
238. ________ views development as a system
239. _______ promotes indigenous knowledge system
240. ________ enhances spirituality of individuals and community
241. ________ has no adverse effect on the resource base and human health

For Questions No. 242 – 247

Which of the following techniques refer to the situations described below?

a. decoy
b. trap crop
c. repellant crop
d. natural enemies attractant
e. companion crop
f. botanical pesticides

242. _________ pechay is grown beside lettuce (main crop) which insects prefers more
243. _________ marigold and neem planted the borders of the field
244. _________ a plant grown with the main crop, attracts the pest, but not suitable for their growth and
reproduction (e.g. eggplant and tomato)
245. ________ mixture of kakawate and tobacco and hot pepper fruits sprayed on crops
246. ________ flowering plants grown strategic places in the field
247. ________ corn grown beside cucumber to provide shade and serve as windbreak


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