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Part 1: Buoyancy

1. Fill a large glass half full of water.

2. Carefully place a raw egg in the glass of water.

3. Does the egg sink or float?________________________________________________________________


4. Based on the results, which do you think is the most dense? The egg or the water?


5. Gradually add salt to the water, stirring after each addition to dissolve it. Careful! Don’t break
the egg! Keep adding salt until the egg floats.

6. Now, which is more dense, the egg or the salt water?____________________________________________


7. If a cargo ship sailed into port from the ocean and entered fresh water, would the ship float higher
or lower in the fresh water?________________________________________________________________


8. Explain how the density of a fluid affects the amount of buoyant force that the fluid can apply to
an object. For example, the more dense the fluid, the ______ (more/less) buoyant force can be
applied to an object.______________________________________________________________________


Part II: Pressure in fluids

1. Take an empty 2-liter plastic soda bottle and make small holes at different depths in the side of
the bottle. An ice pick that has been heated will melt the holes quite neatly. Be careful!

2. Cover the holes with a strip of masking tape. Be sure to press the tape down well.

3. Completely fill the bottle to the top with water. No air should be in the bottle.

4. Securely screw the top on the bottle.

5. Over a sink or bathtub, pull the tape up to expose the bottom hole. You should set the bottle on a
flat surface for this because the pressure of your hands holding the bottle will affect the results.

6. Did water come out of the hole?____________________________________________________________

7. Explain your answer to #6 using physics terms.________________________________________________



8. Continue pulling the tape up until all the holes are exposed. Then, unscrew the top and take the
lid off.

9. Which hole shot out the shortest stream of water? Longest?______________________________________


10. Explain your answer to #9 using physics terms.________________________________________________



Part III: Atmospheric pressure

1. Place a file card over a glass filled with water and turn it upside down, supporting the card with
your hand. Take your hand away from the card.

2. Describe what happens and why. ___________________________________________________________




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