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Lesson Plan

Grade 8 Practical Science

Time Frame:

October 01, 2019 (2:45-3:45)

Behavioral Objectives:

After this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify and explained what seismic waves are and what causes them.
2. Show attention on the motions caused by different type of seismic waves.
3. Execute the different types of seismic waves.


Seismic Waves

Instructional Materials:

- Cartolina and Pentel Pen (Visual Aids)

- Textbook: Practical Science 8
- References:


A. Introduction

Demonstrate how the earthquake drill done.

B. Interaction

1. What do you call that movement caused by the earthquake?

2. What are seismic waves?
3. What are the types of waves?
4. What do you mean by seismology?
5. Why is it important?

Activities: Human wave and Slinky

C. Integration

Can you recall any earthquake experience and what did you do at that time? What was your reaction and how do you feel?
To stay calm and alert are very important in any disaster situation like earthquakes. To prepare us with those disasters, we
should participate on safety drills done at school or work, we should give time to involve ourselves with important news and
be very mindful of your environment.


- Identification Test on a ¼ sheet of paper. (5 items)


- Awareness
- Cooperation



Mrs. Mabet Pacifico

EDUC 109 Adviser

Miss Hazel Cabalida

Grade 8 Science Teacher

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