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[ASSIGNMENT NO 2] January 6, 2011


1. A: Assalam-u-alaikum

B: Wa Alaikum Aslam

2. A: R you the sales manager of this company?

B: Yes, I am sales manager. How can I help you?

3. A: I want to give complain about your product.

B: What sort of complain and about which product?

4. A: I used soap of your company. It proved harmful for me.

B: In which sense it proved harmful?

5. A: After using it, I have been suffering from skin allergy. You can see it.

B: It is due to some other problem. Our products are according to standard quality.

6. A: I can say with surety, that it is side effect of your product. The quality of your product
is not good.

B: Believe to me, that quality of our product is very good. We have team for quality test.

7. A: Your Company is cheating and playing with the help of innocent people.

B: We are not cheating our customers. Our products are not harmful in any sense.

8. A: If you are confident that quality of your product is good then you have to prove it.

B: Yes, why not? We check our products in special scientific center before promoting our

9. A: I want to visit your quality test center. Can I visit it now?

B: I am very sorry, that you cannot visit at this time. You can visit it after some days.

10. A: It means that you are telling a lie. I will go to consumer court.

B: Listen to me; you do not need to go consumer court. You should consult with skin
[ASSIGNMENT NO 2] January 6, 2011

11. A: I cannot believe it; I will go to consumer court.

B: It is my humble request to you that you should go to skin specialist. Everyone knows
that quality of our product is very good.

12. A: I do not care about it, you do not satisfy me, and I will go to consumer court.

B: Sir, if there was any fault in our product then how our Company makes progress?

13. A: It is due to your past performance, but now your Quality is not good.
B: dear sir, plz bring your soap, I will also check our quality himself and next time you do
not have any complaint.
14. A: Ok, this time I will not go to consumer court. But next time, if your quality will not
improve then I will go to consumer court.
B: Do not worry. Thanks for coming here. Have a nice day.

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