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Determining the Chemical Formula of a Hydrate


A hydrate is an ionic compound which consists of water molecules loosely attached to its crystal
structure. They are solid compounds containing water molecules combined in a definite ratio as an
integral part of the crystal. An example of hydrates is Copper (II) sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) which is also
known as bluestone and is blue in colour in its hydrate form. The dot between Copper (II) sulphate and
H2O shows that water molecules are loosely held to the ionic compound.

When heated, hydrates decompose into the anhydrous salt and water.The substance that is left over after
the hydrate has lost its water is called an anhydrate and is white in colour. When removed, the water is
called water of hydration. Water of hydration is very different from the water contained within a sample
that is merely wet. A wet sample can have a variable amount of water regardless of the formula of the
compound. In contrast, a hydrate contains a specific number of moles of water of hydration per mole of
the salt.


Determine the formula of an unknown hydrate by calculating the amount in moles of water associated
with one mole of copper (II) sulphate.


If we convert masses into moles and divide moles of water by moles of anhydrous salt then we will be
able to determine the chemical formula of a hydrate because it will allow us to determine moles of water
associated with one mole of copper (II) sulphate.


1) Record the mass of a clean dry test tube.

2) Fill the test tube to a depth of 1-2 cm of copper (II) sulphate.
3) Record the mass of the test tube and copper (II) sulphate.
4) Clamp the test tube in a horizontal position and heat until the copper (II) sulphate has changed
5) Heat the length of the test tube until all moisture has been removed.
6) Allow the test tube to cool.
7) Record the mass of the test tube and product.
8) Empty the product onto a piece of paper and divide it into 3 parts.
9) Test each part of the product as indicated below and record your observations on the sheet
provided. a) Add a
drop of water to the first part . b) Lightly press a
dry finger into part two c) Lightly press a damp
finger into part three.
Safety note

● Keep goggles on while working with fire and wash hands afterwards the lab.


● Chemical safety goggles

● Large test tube
● Scoopula
● Balance
● Utility clamp
● Bunsen burner clamped to a resort stand
● Spark lighter
● 1-2 cm of copper (II) sulphate
● Paper


Table 1: Change in mass when heating hydrated copper (II) sulphate

Quantitative observations

Item being massed Mass (g)

1. mass of empty test tube 22.47 g

2. mass of test tube + 24.03 g

hydrated copper(II) sulphate

3. mass of test tube + 23.44 g

anhydrous copper(II) sulphate

Qualitative observations

Simultaneously the bright blue color of the hydrate copper(II) sulphate faded into the light gray shade of
the anhydrous salt. This was because a decomposition reaction occurred where water evaporated only
leaving behind anhydrous form of copper (II) sulphate. Traces of yellow and light brown color were also
detected in the salt after heating. This could be evidence of some sources of errors like not being heated
long enough. Another observation was for the last part of this lab (number 9). In part one, when a water
drop was added to the anhydrous copper (II) sulphate, it turned blue. This indicates that a synthesis
reaction occurred between copper (II) sulphate and water which turned it into a hydrate again. No reaction
occurred for part two. When we lightly pressed a damp finger into part three, it turned blue, turning into a
hydrate again through synthesis reaction but this time it also produced heat since we felt a burning
sensation in our fingers right after touching it.


Table 2: Calculations performed

Item being calculated Calculation Answer

1. mass of hydrated mass of test tube+hydrated copper (II) sulphate - mass of test tube +
copper(II) sulphate anhydrous copper(II) sulphate: 1.56g

2. mass of anhydrous mass of test tube +anhydrous copper(II) sulphate - mass of empty test
copper(II) sulphate tube: 0.97g

3. Mass of water of mass of hydrated copper (II) sulphate - mass of anhydrous copper(II)
hydration sulphate: 0.59g

Calculate the number of moles for water of hydration:

Given: mH2O= 0.59g and MH20= 18.02g/mol

Required: n

Analysis: n= m/M

Solution: 0.59/18.02

Statement: There are 0.0327 (one extra digit carried) moles of water of hydration (H2O)

Calculate the number of moles for dehydrated salt (anhydrous salt):

Given: mCuSO4= 0.97g and MCuSO4=159.62g/mol

Required: n
Analysis: n= m/M

Solution: 0.97/159.62

Statement: There are 0.00608 (1 extra digit carried) moles of dehydrated salt (anhydrous salt).

Calculate the number of moles of water lost for every mole of anhydrous salt:

Given: nH2O= 0.0327 mol and nCuSO4= 0.00608 mol

Required: number of moles of water lost for every mole of anhydrous salt

Analysis: mol water/mol anhydrous salt

Solution; 0.0327/0.00608

Statement: There are 5.4 mole of water lost for every mole of anhydrous salt.

The final result, 1 : 5 is due to rounding up to whole integers as empirical formulas never contain
decimals. Correct formula therefore would be CuSO4 . 5H2O.

The IUPAC name for the hydrate is Copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate

Percentage error calculation:

The experimental stoichiometric ratio between copper sulphate and water was found to be: 1:5.4

The accepted stoichiometric ratio between copper sulphate and water is: 1:5

%error= experimental value-accepted value/accepted value x 100%

= 5.4-5/5 x 100%


Therefore the percentage error calculation was 8%

This could have occured due to exposure to heat for too long, and some of the material decomposed
which resulted in a higher amount of water than expected. Human error is always in effect, given that the
laboratory does not function under ideal conditions. As such, there is always the possibility of
inaccuracies with measurement, perception of measurement, inaccuracies of equipment, and other such
errors. However to minimize such errors in future the copper(II) sulphate should be heated for a shorter
period of time.

This experiment showed that there are 5 (rounded from 5.4) moles of H2O per 1 mole of CuSO4. This
was determined by dividing mol of water by mol of anhydrous salt which also supports the hypothesis.
Further investigations to better support the hypothesis could include using a thermometer to check the
temperature to determine when is the right time to turn the heat off for a more accurate answer.


● Haberer, S., & DiGiuseppe, M. (2011). Nelson chemistry 11: University preparation. Toronto:
Nelson Education.

● Crampton, L. (2017, October 10). What Is a Hydrate (Chemistry)? Retrieved from

● What is Water of Hydration. (2017, October 16). Retrieved from


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