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JUSTICE TO HELPLESS, Sagar, resident of Seemapuri, Delhi.


The accused Sagar was brought up before the court of Sh. Mayank Mittal,
Ld. MM, Shahdara District, Karkardooma Courts, Delhi by police
officials of P.S. Seemapuri for snatching purse from a police official of
P.S. Seemapuri.


The District Legal Service Authority, Shahdara has always been looking
forward towards the aim of rehabilitating souls with no ill motives,
making them a better person as an individual and providing them with a
new life. Here also, the DLSA Counsel Abhishek Kumar had a word
with the accused who disclosed that he was hungry from last 5 days and
he was having not a single penny due to which he snatched the purse
from a police official of P.S. Seemapuri, and with the permission of the
court, Mr. Kumar provided him with food. The accused begged pardon
for his mistake and assured the court as well as DLSA that he will not
repeat such kind of mistake in future.

With these efforts by the District Legal Services Authority, the accused
assured the court, the DLSA, Shahdara and most importantly himself that
he would never repeat the mistake. In addition to this, the accused is
presently doing job somewhere as per the knowledge of Mr. Kumar and
the Secretory, District Legal Services Authority, Shahdara. This is
definitely one of the greatest successes for the entire society gifted by the
District Legal Services Authority, Shahdara.

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