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M Phase

By: Nicha
Flow diagram

G2 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis G1

-Cells growth -First mitosis -The spindle -Spindle fibers -Chromatids -The contractile -Two cells
stage fibers moved are shorten arrive at the ring separated -Goes
-Preparation -Nuclear the -Separation of poles. the cytoplasm. through the
for cell membrane chromosomes sister -Spindle cell cycle
division. faded to line up along chromatids fibers -Cell growth
-Two -Chromatin the equator. -Chromatids disappear. -Differentiati
centrioles condense into are pulled -Cytokinesis on
are formed. chromosomes toward the start -Check point
-The spindle spindle pole.
fiber is formed
Concept Definition

Chromosomes Condensed chromatin

Chromatids One of a two halve of a duplicated chromosomes.

Spindle fibers Moving and segregating the chromosomes during nucleus


Centrioles The center or pole of the spindle fibers.

Chromatin DNA condensed in protein.


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