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​Student Nicha
Parent/Guardian Signature*


Can natural indicators replace universal indicator paper?

Universal indicator can be replaced by natural indicators but with limit and less accuracy. Universal
indicator has more accuracy as the natural indicator has different color pH level. At some point red
cabbage indicator can replace universal indicator paper.

3. VARIABLES: ​Be clear to define exactly what you are controlling and measuring.
(What I control) Independent: Indicators

(What I measure) Dependent: accuracy of the pH level and color

(What I keep the same) Control Variables: Substances, they are going to be used with both indicator
and with the same amount of each substance. There is the same amount of indicator used for each
substance, same amount of red cabbage juice and the size of the universal indicator paper. Other
factor such as the test tubes, temperature, and recording results as soon as the paper touches the

4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Paragraph at least)

Complement the background information including the following elements:

Definition pH:​ Stand for ‘potential of hydrogen’. It is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration,
acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is used in moisturizer indicating the amount of water/hydrogen in
each product.
Definition and principles indicators:​ Indicator is a substance used to measure the pH level by it
changing color. The principle is that the indicator have turning point. Turning point is the point in
each indicator which changes color, each indicator has different turning point as it has different color
measuring the pH level. Such as the litmus paper has one turning point, it turn red when the pH level
is below 7 and blue when the pH level is above 7. While the universal indicator paper has 14 turning
point as it changes color for every pH level.
Types indicators:​ It is divided into two categories of natural indicator and man-made indicator.
Natural indicator is a type of indicator that can be found naturally and can determine whether the
substance is an acidic substance or a basic substance. Example of natural indicator is hydrangea,
litmus lichens, red cabbage and butterfly pea flower. Hydrangea is a flower which bloom in different
color depending on the soil

Man-made indicators is a type of indicator that is a chemical substance used to determine pH.
Example of a man-made indicator is litmus paper, phenolphthalein, methyl orange and universal
indicator paper.
-Test tube
-Universal indicator paper
-Safety glasses

-Red cabbage juice
-Soapy water
-Baking soda solution
-Lemon juice
-Laundry detergent
-Soda water

Write any safety concerns below (list)
1. Wear safety glasses at all times
2. Be careful when handling the acid
3. Do not smell or have any physical contact with the substances
including acid
4. Be careful when picking up liquids with the dropper
5. Handle the material and tool with caution
7. METHOD (List)
● Divide each substance (except red cabbage juice) into two individual test tube as a total of 14
test tube.
● Pour the red cabbage juice into a beaker.
● Divide the pH universal indicator paper into the same size.
● Drop the pH universal indicator paper into one of each substances test tube.
● From the moment the pH universal indicator paper touches the substances and changes
color, record the result in a table/chart.
● Using a dropper, drop the same amount of red cabbage juices into another one of each
substances test tube.
● From the moment that red cabbage juice touches the substances, record the result in a

A. Describe and include pictures of the experiment’s result.

B. Create a table to show results of the experiment.

Laundry Milk Lemon Coffee

Powder Juice

Universal 9 6 3 6

Red Green Light Fuchsia Dark Grey

Cabbage Purple (Violet
Juice Pink)

C. Plot the data into a chart.

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