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Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is also referred to as weed. It is got from the leaves and buds of cannabis sativa
plant. Marijuana contains two chemicals that arecannabidolwhich controls the brain and there
is tetrahydrocannabiol which relieves pain. Marijuana should be legalized since it has some
importance to human beings which include;

Treatment of cancer

It is revealed by scientist that marijuana may dominate any chemicals causing by cancer that
is found in smoke and hence it protects the body from the smoke impact. It also slows and
stops cancer cells from spreading. As compared to tobacco whose smoke is very harmful and
causes lung cancer that if unattended to earlier leads to death, when marijuana is regularly
used it does not reduce the function of the lung or harm it and can even advance the lung

Used in protecting the brain from stress – There are scientific reports that suggest that
marijuana can be used in helping human beings manage stress.

Marijuana also helps in increasing human beings concentration and even sleep. This was
looked into by researchers from Germany tried it with thirty patients and concluded that
marijuana upgraded the patients sleep, concentration and impulsivity.

Marijuana kills leukemia cells. This was found out in the year 2013 by researchers. They said
that marijuana is so effective and prevents the leukemia cells from developing.
Marijuana kills can be used in treating of glaucoma which is the eye disease. Marijuana leads
to decrease in high pressure in the eyeball that destroys the nerves and makes an infected
human being not to see.

Low smoking of Marijuana reduces humans anxiety by enabling the user to relax. However
too much of smoking marijuana leads to increased anxiety.

Users of marijuana are not obese they are this was a report publishedby American journals.
They also have healthy sugar reaction.

Marijuana also may lead someone to being creative this is because it has positive effects.
Those who smoke weed may come up with good or better ideas and solutions to something.
Researcher say that some of the user speak fluently and they come up with different words
when using marijuana.

Nightmares may be eliminated by marijuana for those suffering from nightmares.

It also helps those who want to stop drinking alcohol since marijuana is safer than alcohol.
This is because marijuana has few or no negative effects as compared to alcohol.

Therefore with all the above benefits marijuana should be legalised.

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