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Chapter 1



Many students need to get a part-time job to obtain enough money which allows

them to complete their studying, because they have to pay fees for their physiological and

psychological needs in schools. In fact, getting a part-time job could affect students in

many different ways. This research is about having a part time employment while

studying of senior high school students.

Some students will not worry about many things in their life such as food, rent

and bills especially if they obtained lot of money from their job. Some schools are very

expensive, even the student's parents cannot pay all the fee for these schools, thus the

students have to obtain a part-time job which would help them to provide money for

school fees and for themselves. There are negative and positive effects on students who

have part-time jobs. They gain many skills and have many experiences, for example: they

learned a lot about life and improve their language from the people in their work.

Also, the work affect on their studying and their normally way of living. Some

students are working until midnight, so they have to sleep lately which could make them

tired all day and lastly they can't give their whole attention and focus in their study,

instead of doing their assignments they have to work in their free time, after or before

going to school.
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Statement of the Problem

The study attempts to determine the factors about having of part-time

employment while studying.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. How part-time employment affect academic and financial aspect

asperceived by the respondents?

3. Is there a significance difference in the reasons of the male and female

students who opted to have a part-time employment while studying.


Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited only to senior high school students in HUMSS and GAS

strand of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic during the academic year 2017-2018.

The focus of this research is to determine the factors of having a part time

employment while studying of senior high school students. The information needed will

be gathered using the checklist style research-made questionnaire. All information and

conclusions drawn from this study were obtained only from this particular group of


Significance of the Study

This study looks at factors of having a part time employment while studying of senior

high school students. It is hoped that the findings of this study will be useful in every
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students/respondents. To help them know how to deal with their studies in school, despite

of their social interaction that can influence, and brings changes or impact to their

personal life.

The Parents

Who expect not just excellent performance but also responsible men and women

outside school with their children. This will help them understand their roles in

encouraging, understanding, supporting and guiding their children to improve good study

habits for them to obtain high or satisfactory grades in school.

The School Administration and Teachers

For the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their

educational goal. It may be helpful for teachers to sort to those factors which affecting the

lack of participation on the part of students on the class room.

The Researcher

This study would provide necessary information in order to answer their questions and

can contribute to other research.

Definition of terms

For better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study, the

following terms are defined conceptually and operationally.

Part time. This refers to the form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than

a full time job.

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Academic performance. This refers to the extent of student which achieved their short

or long-term educational goals.

Senior high school students. This refers to the students in secondary school that attend

in the two highest grades before college.

Compensate. Refers to provide something good as a balance against something bad or


Range. Refers to the group or collection of different things or people that are usually

similar in some way

Phase. Refers to the part or step in a process

Deprived. It is not having the things that are needed for a good or healthy life

Tremendous. It is very large or great

Psychological. Relating to the mind

Debt. Is amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.

Leisure. Refers to the time when you are not working

Delayed. Refers to the situation in which something happens later than it should

Competent. Refers on having the necessary ability or skills

Law . It is able to take part in a trial

Intensity. Refers to the quality or state of being intense

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Outcome. Refers on happens as a result of an activity or process.

Obesity. Refers to the condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage

of fat in the body

Comprised. Refers to be made up of (something) : to include or consist of (something)

and also to make up or form (something)

Prone. It is likely to do, have, or suffer from something

Efficacy. Refers to the power to produce a desired result or effect

Cynical. Refers to the believing that people are generally selfish and dishonest

Labour/Labor. Refers to the physical or mental effort

Fatigue. It is the state of being very tired

Impact. Refers to have a strong and often bad effect on (something or someone) and

also to hit (something) with great force

Juggle. Refers to keep several objects in motion in the air at the same time by repeatedly

throwing and catching them

Correlate. Either one of two things that are closely connected or correlated with each


Burden. Refers to the something that is carried, load, duty, responsibility

Stipend. Refers to the usually small amount of money that is paid regularly to someone

Norm. Refers to the standards of proper or acceptable behavior

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Chapter 2


Review of related literature

Factors affecting student’s performance

The factors that negatively affect student's performance the most are missing too

many lectures and living in crowded household. The results also show that non-national

students outperform national students and female students out-perform their male

counterpart (Mendoza, 1992).

Study habits while working

Working students will be having bad headaches and be tired all the time. Working

students will not be able to comprehend easily. Study habits while working is a strategy

of a person who has a part time job to multi- task their responsibilities to school and onto

their job while employment is an instance of such activity or the act or employing

(Raymond and Chadi, 2008).

Time management of students

Keep it simple and plan according to the time you have available – make sure you

don’t overload yourself. You will become a better, more productive student as a result. It

helps you be more productive – you should know exactly what you will study before you

sit down at your desk. It helps give you more freedom – when you plan ahead, you know

that you’ll be finished at a certain time. Students who don’t plan well often find

themselves working all evening without realizing it.

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Time management is to scale ability of a person and cultivate the skill of a person

or how long they try to manage their time. Study habits while working is a strategy of a

person who has a part time job to multi- task their responsibilities to school and into their

job (haitham, 2012).

Academic Performance

Academic performance is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has

achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Academic achievement refers to what

the students have learned or what skills the student has learned and is usually measured

through assessments like performance assessments.

Students had a clear understanding to the academic activities and can cope up

with their lesson they are both affected on the academic performances on senior high

school students (Shúilleabháin, 2013).

Budgeting the School expenses

Student budget is the amount of money we estimate you will need for tuition,

books, and living expenses for the academic year. Student budgets include only your

educational costs; other family members’ expenses they both have to work just to satisfy

their expenses. They need to work, because if they can’t find a job or if they won’t go to

work, they will not satisfy their needs.

Budgeting school expenses must be hard for the students that’s why they need a

part time job to supply their needs and wants for their school. Academic performance is

the activeness of the students, who has a good performance (Harb, 2002).
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According to 'Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe' over

40% of the students from Spain, Sweden and Finland have work experience prior to

entering into higher education. In general, more students from lower education

backgrounds have work experience than students whose parents attained a higher

education degree.

It has been reported that poor students in countries such as Bulgaria, Ireland and

Switzerland receive additional grants to compensate for the missing base funding via

state support. For example, Irish students from low-educated families receive 93% more

state support and high-educated family 44% less than the average student. In Malta

students who come from families where the total household income is less than €5,000

per year are eligible for a supplementary grant of €42 every four weeks, which is

additional to their regular stipend.

In Netherlands and Estonia more than two thirds of the students have a part-time

job. In Australia half to three quarters of the students work. According to the report of the

French Conseil Economique et Social on students' employment (2007), 15% to 20% of

students work regularly while studying in France. 'Statistics Canada' states that, in

Canada more than 48% of the students work part time. Full-time students working more

than 35 hours per week has almost doubled since 1990. According to the Canadian

Undergraduate Survey Consortium, more than 50% of the students work during their

least year of their degree than the first.

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In Austria, Czech Republic and Estonia there is a comparatively high rate of

employment and a relatively close relationship between students' jobs and students'

courses ('Social and Economic Conditions of Student Life in Europe').

Analyses of the Eurostudent survey indicates that the lowest level of students

working part-time is in Southern Europe (especially Portugal and Italy) and the highest

rate is in Netherlands and Ireland. Potential reasons for such outcomes may be due to the

nature of the labor market and availability of jobs suitable for students. For example, in

Greece the majority of students do not engage in paid employment due to lack of job

opportunities (Dimitros and Karaliopoulou (2005)). Whereas, in the U.S part-time

employment has become the norm amongst students (Bureau of Labour Statistics 2005).

In the past few years employment among post-secondary students has been

increasing rapidly.

The effect of part-time employment on students' performance

Ronald D'Amico (1994) states that part-time employment "provides opportunities

to assume greater responsibility, authority and cooperative interdependence". Students

who work part-time will develop networking skills; contacts and references will be

valuable for future employment opportunities. Employers may prefer students who held

part-time jobs while at college because it indicates stronger management skills. Also,

there is high probability that students who worked part-time will be employed on full-

time basis once they graduate with the same company.

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Green (2001) also stated "that they[students] had gained job skills, experience,

knowledge of a variety of jobs, a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of responsibility,

and money for personal and school expenses" (p. 329).

Employment can have a positive effect if balance working hours and study are

balanced (Cheng 1995).

Research done by the University of Canberra shows that paid employment did not

have a large effect on grades. Results show that some paid employment improves grades

slightly, but working more than twenty-two hours per week has a negative effect.

On the other hand, most of the research indicates that employment negatively

affects students' academic achievements especially those who work more than fifteen

hours a week and they are more likely to drop out (Stern 1997).

According to Furr and Elling (2000), 29% of the students working 30-39 hours

per week and 39% of those students working full time indicated that work had a negative

and frequent impact on their academic progress. (Dallam & Hoyt, 1981) anticipated that

there will be negative effects on school performance because of part-time employment.

Juggling work and study may also lead students to put forth less effort into both

because they are spreading themselves "too thin" (Astin, 1993).

According to Canadian Social Trends, 1994 shows that student who worked more

than 20 hours had 33% dropout rate whereas students who worked less than 20 hours had

a 16% dropout rate.

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Young and immature students tend to find it difficult to mange working hours and

study than older students (Barone 1993). Therefore, age also pays an important role in the

students' decisions.

A March 2009 study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that students with

part-time work reduce the time spent on homework, sleeping, and socialization by 84%.

McInnes (2001) stated that "compared with those who do not work, younger first

year students who work part-time are more likely to spend fewer days on campus, to not

work with other students on areas of their course, and to have studied inconsistently

through the semester. They also tend to anticipate getting lower marks, and are more

likely to seriously consider deferring at an early point of their student experience ... We

"also know that these negative factors are amplified the more hours students work, and

they feel seriously burdened by over commitment. (p. 5). "

The effect of part-time employment on the students' life

Too many hours spent at work could also affect the student's lifestyle such as

participating in extracurricular activities.

Greenberger and Steinberg(1986) argued that instead of instilling work habits,

many students who worked part time at an early age were more prone to cheating and

dealing with boring work.

Students who are unable to manage their part-time income or have never been

given the right advice on how to save money will find it more difficult to make budgets
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and are more prone to overspending. This will eventually result in increasing the number

of working hours.

Research also indicates that too many hours of work increases fatigue and may

cause lower academic performance. Carskadon(1999) states that students who work more

than 20 hours changed their sleeping patterns resulting in later bedtimes, shorter sleeps,

possibility of falling asleep during class, late arrivals at school or missing lectures.

Many students who work part time find have limited time for their hobbies and

extra-curricular activities (Hope 1990).

According to researchers Barling, Rogers and Kelloway, "Labour force

participation by high school students, especially more than 20 hours of part-time work

per week, is linked to poorer school performance, increased drug and alcohol use,

decreased family contacts, and cynical attitudes toward work"

On the other hand, Tannock (2001) and (Li-Chen & Wooster, 1979) pointed out

that student works tend to have low skilled jobs, such as a cashier, fast food worker or

retail. It is assumed that these jobs have a negative effect whereas high-quality part-time

jobs seem to develop career-related skills. Also, these jobs are more likely to be flexible

and work with students' schedules (Healy, O'Shea, & Crook, 1985).

A number of researchers, for example, found that hard work built stronger

academic character because it taught the students time-management skills, gave them

experience outside of the classroom, more confidence and provided them with more

satisfaction in college (Pennington, Zvonkovic, & Wilson, 1989).

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According to Smith and Green (2001) student who work learn a lot and they

develop self-efficacy especially the low-achievers. In her research Singg (2002) found

out that students who work part-time tend to show more responsibility in their daily

personal situations and have greater career maturity than those students who do not work.

Stern (1997) states that students will develop a more positive attitude to work

when gaining work experience whilst studying. Managing to work part time during the

studies will also be beneficial on the resume. Employers look for students who are

capable of managing time, working in teams, able to communicate and work on their own


Research by the University of New Hampshire shows students who have a lot of

free time they are more prone to make use of drugs and other substances. Therefore, the

benefits of having a part-time job will keep the students occupied during their free time.

Moreover, students who work part-time become financially independent and learn

how to effectively manage finances.

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Review of related studies

One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding a job is that they are

often short on time and commonly find themselves with limited time to study, sleep, and

maintain healthy eating habits. In a study conducted by Gorgulho, et al., one of the main

complaints among working students is that they find themselves without enough time to

eat right (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). Instead of consuming healthy foods, such as fruit and

whole grains, working students often grab a quick meal comprised of low quality foods

that contain sugar and high sodium (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). This is not to say that

students should feel discouraged and not work while in college, but instead be mindful of

the commitment and plan accordingly. For example, students who work everyday might

benefit from a 7 day food preparation technique at the beginning of every week.

If poor eating habits continue over an extended period of time, this will increase

the risk of obesity and the development of lifestyle related chronic diseases (Huang, et

al., 2003). Huang’s study on obesity, diet, and physical activity among college students

indicates that an estimated 35% of college students are at risk for being overweight

(Huang, et al., 2003). Low levels of physical activity and poor nutrition are common

reasons for this high incidence rate. While it may not seem of importance to working

students while in college, the negative outcomes will prove to be a growing concern as

they get older. Quality of diet is a matter of lifestyle change and can be easily improved,

while managing diseases and major health concerns later in life may not easily improve

one’s health.
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Many researchers focus on working after higher education but little research the

effects of working while in higher education. Recently, higher education has been

increasing tuition and other costs that go into attending college. This has had an effect on

students. Mainly, they are looking for jobs while in school to help cushion some of those

costs and everyday expenses. In Moris Triventi’s study, he looked into the effect of

working in higher education. He found that working at low-intensity had positive effects

but higher-intensity jobs, 35 hours or more per week, tended to have negative effects.

Some of the positive effects are increased independence, ability to budget, managing a

schedule, and gaining soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving skills.

Some of the negative effects are higher risk of dropping out, delayed graduation rates,

and negative effects on academic performance. He found that full-time workers tend to

have less time for academic studies and school activities. Non-workers average 17.0

hours of studying per week and part-time and full-time workers study 15.7 hours a week.

Full-time workers also attend class less time per week. Part-time workers in this study

were able to deal with the effects of working while in school (Triventi, 2014).

In Rajeev Darolia’s study, there was a correlation between number of credits

completed and number of hours worked per week. This study states that 80 percent of

students work at some point in their undergraduate program and numbers of hours

worked per week increases each year. Some students take fewer credits due to work

commitments. Part-time and full-time students tend to spend less time studying (Darolia,

2014). This can lead to delayed graduation dates and more debt from more years of

schooling. The time-to-degree ratio is higher, which in turn costs the students less future

earnings. The study points out the negative effect of working to be lack of time for
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school-based activities and leisure activities, which can help with overall health (Darolia,


These articles helped by guiding us to ask questions about how many hours the

participants work per week and how many credits they were taking. Then, we can

correlate their hours of work to their grade point average, (GPA). This is to see if lower

intensity work would aid or hinder academic performance.

Money is the main key in college in which students acquire tremendous amount

of debt to pay off. Many college students work while attending school which in return has

an effect. A recent article has shown that there is a psychological and physical toll that

takes upon student who try to juggle both. From working and attending school, stress

becomes the main setback in which affects their academic performances. Taking a survey

of 225 participants of student, it showed that stress was a main cause for these student

which caused emotional and physical exhaustion. Our survey tries to study how students

deal with stress when they work or not work while attending school. Stress plays the

main role in all factors for these students attending a university (“Optimism and Risk for

Job Burnout”,2015).

Sleep is one constant that college students lack. A recent article shows that 50%

of student surveyed at a university is sleep deprived.

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Sleep is one constant that college students lack. A recent article shows that 50%

of student surveyed at a university is sleep deprived. An average amount of students has a

range of from difficultly falling asleep to difficulty staying asleep. This lack of sleep

syndrome is known has sleep phase syndrome is an important problem students face at

school which affects them from a range of academic performance. Sleep is a necessity

but the life style college students acquire from coming into universities affects them

severely. Our survey shows how lack of sleep can affect student from grades to their diet

(“Delayed Sleep and Sleep Loss in University Students”,2015).

Students having a part-time job while they study many students need to get a part-

time job to obtain enough money which allows them to complete their studying, because

they have to pay fees for their schools. In fact, getting a part-time job could affect on

students in many different ways. This essay will talk about the causes and effects of

students having a part time job, and the two reasons that affect them.

First of all, when students have a job they will earn money, some of these students

need the money to pay for expensive schools, while other students need it to make their

life easier. Some students will not worry about many things in their life such as food, rent

and bills especially if they obtained lot of money from their job. Some schools are very

expensive, even the parents students’ cannot pay all the fee for these schools, thus the

students have to obtain a part-time job which would help them to provide money for

school fees and for themselves.

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Secondly, foreign students need to get a part-time job not just to provide money to

pay fees to their schools, but to learn and improve their language if they were speaking

different languages and learn more about different cultures. It is known that a part-time

job help foreign students to improve their languages and learn more about different

cultures because they meet a lot of people during their day, and they mix with other

people and speak with them at their work about different things such as festivals, customs

and cultures.

There are negative and positive effects on students who have part-time jobs. They

gain many skills and have many experiences for example; they learn a lot about life and

improve their language from the people in their work. Also, the work affect on their

studying and their normally way of living. Some students are working until midnight, so

they have to sleep lately which could make them tired all day (Hobbs & Grant, 1991).

Theoretical Framework

Maslow (1943, 1954) stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs

and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical

survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our behavior. Once that level is

fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so on. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is

a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often

depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham

Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review.[2]

Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate

curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology,

some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Maslow used the

terms "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "esteem", "self-actualization", and

"self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move

through. The goal of Maslow's Theory is to attain the sixth level or stage: self

transcendent needs.

This five-stage model can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. The

first four levels are often referred to as deficiency needs (D-needs), and the top level is

known as growth or being needs (B-needs).

Deficiency needs arise due to deprivation and are said to motivate people when

they are unmet. Also, the motivation to fulfill such needs will become stronger the longer

the duration they are denied. For example, the longer a person goes without food, the

more hungry they will become.

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Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study is focused on the factors of having part-time employment

while studying of senior high school student year 2017-2018.


Profile:  Survey  Student-related

factors in
 Age  Data having part
presentation time
 Gender employment
 Year Level  Data
 Strands
Student-related  Statistical

Hypothesis ( NULL )

1. There is no significant difference in the reasons of the male and female students who

opted to have a part-time employment while studying.

Hypothesis ( ALTERNATIVE )

1. There is significant difference in the reasons of the male and female students who

opted to have a part-time employment while studying.


Researchers assume that they can show the factors having a part time employment

while studying of Senior High School Students in Immaculate Conception Polytechnic.

Researchers also assume as part of our research people can understand why some

students are working and studying at the same time. Researchers are able to answer the
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question like why students opted to have a part time employment while studying.

Researchers assume that they are able to know the intentions of the students why they

need to work while studying.

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Chapter 3



This chapter was conducted to gather the necessary data the researcher utilized the

descriptive method, using quantitative approaches. A total of 150 respondents were

randomly selected as participants. The survey-questionnaire method was research

instruments used for data-gathering. The results of this processed by computing the

weighted mean of each survey item. This section is to justify the means in which the

study was obtained and will help in giving it purpose and strength as it will then be

truthful and analytical.

Research design

The descriptive research method is used in gathering the needed information for

this study. This method enables the researchers to interpret the theoretical meaning of the

findings and hypothesis development for further studies. Specifically the researchers

utilized a questionnaire type of descriptive research method. That enables the researchers

to gather information from the respondents without the respondents having any

difficulties in answering the questions required for the researchers to have information

regarding the senior high school students with part-time employment in Immaculate

Conception Polytechnic S.Y 2017-2018.

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Sampling distribution

This study focuses on the students having Part time Employment while studying

of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic Students. The respondents were the Senior High

School Students of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic in S.Y 2017-2018. All of the

respondents were selected through random sampling method. The researchers will only

get 150 respondents in Immaculate Conception Polytechnic. The second part was about

the question with regards to the working students. The third part is all about having a part

time employment while studying of senior high school students. Researchers conducted

10 items questionnaire to identify the underlying variables.

Instrument of the study

The researchers made use of survey. Before preparing the instrument to be used,

the researchers gathered information from handouts, different websites and other sources

such as published and unpublished thesis that have the questions and information related

to the problem. The part was on student’s data or the profile which included the

following: Name (optional), Section, Strand, and Gender.

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The main tool used in this study was a self-made questionnaire-checklist. Set of

questionnaire was constructed for the student respondents.

The five checkboxes were ranked as:

Rating Verbal equivalent

5 Extremely

4 Very much

3 Somewhat

2 A little bit

1 Not at all

Data gathering procedure

The procedure of gathering the data were followed by the researchers to get the

information needed for the study. First, the researchers asked permission from the school

administration where the respondents are enrolled. Next, the researchers personally

distributed the copies of the questionnaires to the Immaculate Conception Polytechnic

students. Then after the respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers will

collect, summarize and analyze the data gathered.

Chapter 4
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This chapter presents analyzes and interprets the data gathered from the students

of immaculate conception polytechnic in determining the factors of having a part-time

employment on the academic performance.


Variable Coding Scheme

Gender 1= Male
2= Female
Strand 1= HUMSS
2= GAS
Age 1= 16-20 years old
2= 21-25 years old


Demographic variable Frequency (n=150) Percentages (%)


Male 54 36%

Female 96 64%

Total 150 100%


Strand Frequencies Percentage

HUMSS 61 41

GAS 89 59

Total 150 100

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16-20 150 100%

Total 150 100%


Statements Weighted Mean

They think that having a part time employment is a
hindrance in doing house hold chores.
They think that they can manage their time in
school while having part time employment.
They think that having a part time job can affect
their academic performances.
They are satisfied with their school result.
They have difficulty in budgeting their school
They think having part time employment will
financially support their school expenses.
They think that having part-time employment will
make them gain more experiences and be more
competent in school
They can still manage their time doing their
They can still always pass their school activities at
the right time.
They prefer having a part-time employment

O E O-E (O-E) ² (O-E) ²

P a r t - ti m e e m p l o y m e n t w h i l e s t u d y i n g | 27

Not at all 48 52.2 42 17.64 0.34

A little bit 100 117.36 0.85 0.73 6.19
Somewhat 179 165.6 13.4 179.56 1.08
Very much 116 123.12 -7.12 50.69 0.41
Extremely 97 81.72 15.28 233.48 2.86

Not at all 97 92.8 4.2 17.64 0.19
A little bit 226 208.64 17.36 301.37 1.44
Somewhat 281 294.4 -13.4 177.95 0.60
Very much 226 218.88 7.12 50.69 0.23
Extremely 130 145.28 -15.28 233.48 1.61

Since the x² computed=14.95 > x² tabular= 11.07 therefore HO is rejected, this means

that there is significant relationship between having part-time employment on the

academic performances of senior high school students.



This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the

conclusion drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of this study. This
P a r t - ti m e e m p l o y m e n t w h i l e s t u d y i n g | 28

study is about having a part-time employment on the academic performances of senior

high school students.

On the senior high school students of Immaculate Conception Polytechnic were

Age, Gender, and Strand were undertaken.

Summary of findings

1. Why students opted to have a part-time employment while studying?

Most of the students answered that they prefer having a part-time employment as

the most weighted mean, they prefer having a part-time employment because it will give

them experience and gain knowledge that they can apply in their future job.

2. What are the studying techniques they use as working students?

Somewhat, they use time management as technique as answered in questionnaire

with the most weighted mean, maybe because some of them can’t handle their time and

can’t do multi-tasking and divide it in different task.

3. Having a part time employment can support their needs in school?

The students answered very much with the most weighted mean, maybe because

having a part-time employment can financially support their needs and some of part-time

employment has a high salary so they can buy all their wants and needs in school and

also their school expenses.

P a r t - ti m e e m p l o y m e n t w h i l e s t u d y i n g | 29

The overall computed t-value of 14.95 is greater than the critical value of 11.07 at

0.05 percent level of significance 5 degrees of the freedom. It was interpreted as

significance therefore, the hypothesis is rejected.


This chapter has presented analyzed the data gathered, and discussed the

statistical results of the empirical study.

1. The researchers conclude that the senior high school students should have enough

skills and knowledge to be an part-time employer.

2. The researcher conclude that the respondents have the same perception of what they

observed in having a part-time employment a part-time employment can affect the

academic performances of senior high school student.


Based on the findings and conclusion presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:
P a r t - ti m e e m p l o y m e n t w h i l e s t u d y i n g | 30

1. The researchers recommend that the senior high school students should improve their

personality especially in managing their time so that they will be able to get a part-time


2. The researchers recommend that senior high school students have enough skills and

knowledge for them to do well both in academic and having a part-time employment.

3. The researchers also recommend that having a part-time employment can financially

asses the expenses in school.

Online References/sources:




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