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Recording details

i. Speakers

1、 Countries:Brazil Portuguese;Native spanish speaker

2、 Age: 18-65

ii. Recording equipment and environment

1、 equipment:mobile phone,the phone models are as follows:

the mobile phone should be bought within three years;

2、 Environment: Quiet environment (MUST)

iv. APP download and instructions

Set the auto lock as- NEVER under settings- display & brightness

to avoid screen went to black, if the screen is black then the voice will

not be recorded.

1. search easy voice recorder in app store and download it;

2. choose "this device" and "ok";

3. choose "format" ".wav(PCM)" and "16 KHZ";

4. click the recording icon to record the words, after recording,

please rename the audio according to our rules;

1、 Audio name


(example: tom-male-30-england-london-iphone7)

v. How to read and control the Quality in order to get paid?

Recording method

you have to stay in a quiet room, hold your mobile phone and keep a

distance at 0.3m from your mouth, then read the words in a natural way.

Open the PPT and set the automatically display, the PPT will be

display automatically. You will see there is a speed reminder for each

sentence. Do not read the reminder, only read the sentence in bold

words (like "audio"), pls DO mind the speed change, and pause 2

seconds between each time.


The audio should upload to Google Drive, and send the link to

Qualified Audio Payment: The payment will be done in 1 working days

once the audio confirmed qualify.

Payment method: Paypal

Any question please feel free to contact me.

Whatsapp: +8613714780071


Please feel free to recommend your friends and family to join us.

Thank you very much!


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