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SITUATION: Mit Parekh wants to scale up his cycling community,"CycloMeet" but not at the stake of its


1. Veteran cyclists can volunteer up as coaches for new cyclists.

2. Funds to scale up can come from organizing challenges and competitions among cycling groups.

3. Local doctors and physiotherapists can be taken help to keep a constant eye on the health of cyclists.

4. Specialist coaches can be appointed such as nutritionist,strength trainer,cardio-trainer.

5. Mobile applications can be used to mark attendance,track routes etc.

6. Groups can be split according to day wise (Saturday- Sunday) and time wise (day- night) feasibility.

7. Google Maps can help to determine plausible routes for cycling.

8. Tie up with international brands like 'Decathlon' to organise circuit races within their spaces.

9. Health benefits of cycling and regular exercise in Schools and colleges can be promoted.


By following the points discussed above, Mr. Mit can not only scale up his cycling community "CycloMeet" but
also take care after the people.

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