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AssalamualaikumWr. Wb.

All praise be to Allah SWT, who has given us health, blessing, and opportunityso we can
gather in this room in good condition and happy situation.
Shalawat and salam be upon to our great prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought usfrom
darkness to lightness andjahiliyah era to islamiyah era so we are always on the right path until
the end of the world.

My honourable to Mr.Doctor. Ahmad Nizam, SE, MM

My honourable to Mr. Doctor. T.Meldi Kesuma, SE, MM
AndMy honourable to Mrs. Risky Amalia,SMB,MAB as my supervisor

Before im going to start it, let me introduce my self first.

My name's Anas Malik
I’m a student of economic and business faculty, majoring in marketingfrom class 2012.

Today in this opportunity i would like to present my essayunder the title Pengaruh Virtual
Brand Communities Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Dampaknya Pada Word Of Mouth
Advertising Pada Komunitas Vixion V-ASCA Di Kota Banda Aceh
Well, Let me explain this presentation using bahasaindonesia.

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