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Name : Meitha Azzahra P

NIM : 20190510244

Brief Response of Kebenaran Ilmiah Menurut Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu

In my understanding of this reading material, this is talking about scientific truth in

philosophy science perspectives. As we know the philosophy of science studies about
ontology, epistemology, and axiology. Ontology is talk about the essence of science and
truth, Epistemology talk about how scientists work and axiology talk about the standard of
normative value in life. With these three foundations of science can be obtained logically and
meet the standards of the methodology with the roots of scientific thinking.

In this reading material, we also talking about scientific truth. A lot of opinions from
experts about the truth itself. But we can conclude that truth is reality based on facts.
Therefore, truth itself can’t be separated from 3 things namely first is a truth with the quality
knowledge. In this knowledge, there are 4 points of knowledge like The Basic Knowledge,
Scientific Knowledge, Philosophical Knowledge, and Religious Knowledge. Second is the
truth with characteristic. There is a piece of knowledge according to the characteristics
criteria like senses, reason knowledge, intuitive knowledge, and knowledge of trust. The third
is the truth of knowledge attributed to the dependence of that knowledge. This means how the
relationship between the subject and the object is more dominant to build that knowledge.

Besides the 3 things earlier, there are 3 theories of truth itself. First is the Coherence
Theory, coherence means the relationship that occurs because of the idea (principle, the same
relationship, rule, concept). So this theory gives the truth of the statement on the relationship
between statements with other statements or previous experiences recognized by the
rightness. Second is Correspondence Theory, truth in this understanding lies in the suitability
of the relationship between factual objects. The last one is Pragmatic Theory, Among the
three theories of Truth (coherence, correspondence and pragmatic) This is what appears to be
the most influential in the development of philosophy and science knowledge in general, in
the framework of establishing truths that have weightlessness scientific.

My response based on this reading material is the material is easy to understand but
some points must be read deeper to be more understood but overall the discussion is easy to
understand if we read well.

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