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High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.7/ page 20

1. bungee jumping
2. a harness round his legs and waist
3. scared/ excited
4. Is it safe? What if the ropes break?
5. You are completely safe in our hands.
6. You will ascend in our purpose-built Jump Station.

All the words in the vocabulary section above except sites, to brief and


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.8/ page 20

NOUN: thrill, exhilaration, euphoria, safety, emotion, elation, enjoyment,

growth, training
ADJECTIVE: thrilling, exhilarating, euphoric, safe, emotional, elated,
enjoyable, growing, trained

1. noun
2. adjective

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.9/ page 21

The words which complete the sentences are:

1. thrill
2. safety, safe
3. exhilaration, elation
4. emotional
5. enjoyment


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.10/ page 21

2. The publicity says that the safety of the equipment is guaranteed. Sandra
commented that she thought it looked very safe too.
3. The organisers say that bungee jumping brings a sense of exhilaration and
4. Someone said that the feeling was less physical than emotional.
5. Sandra said that she got no enjoyment out of things like bungee jumping.

High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.11/ page 21

2. It says it is one of the world’s fastest growing mass thrill sports practiced
by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
3. It says that all their equipment has been developed specifically for bungee
4. It says they are fully trained.


High Flyer – Upper Intermediate

Ex.12/ page 21

a). safe? rope breaks? heavier than any other jumper? jumper touches
ground? do something wrong?
b). equipment tested carefully; three ropes used and back-up systems in
within ropes; equipment tested with weights greater than any jumper;
always safe distance between jumper and ground; will give basic training
c). Expressing worry: What if…? Reassuring: Don’t worry. That wouldn’t
matter. There’s really no need to worry. Relax!

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