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Chapter 9: Shapes and transformations

Test (40 marks)

Name: ___________________________________

Part A – Multiple-choice questions (10 marks)

1 The angle sum of a triangle is always:

A 90 B 120 C 180

D 270 E 360

2 Which of the following types of triangles is not possible?

A A right triangle that is also isosceles

B A right triangle that is also equilateral

C An acute triangle that is also scalene

D An obtuse triangle that is also scalene

E An obtuse triangle that is also isosceles

3 A convex polygon has:

A all interior angles less than 90

B all interior angles greater than 90

C all interior angles less than 180

D all interior angles greater than 180

E at least one interior angle greater than 180

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4 What type of special quadrilateral is shown below?

A square

B rectangle

C kite

D rhombus

E trapezium

5 The angle sum of a quadrilateral is always:

A 90 B 120 C 180

D 270 E 360

Questions 6 and 7 refer to the following letter of the alphabet:

6 The number of lines of symmetry for the letter ‘Z’ is:

A 0 B 1 C 2

D 3 E 4

7 The order of rotational symmetry for the letter ‘Z’ is:

A 0 B 1 C 2

D 3 E 4

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8 Which of the following transformations has this shape undergone?

A A reflection in the x-axis

B A reflection in the y-axis

C A rotation 180 about C

D A rotation 90 clockwise about C

E A rotation 90 anticlockwise about C

9 The translation that takes A(–3, 2) to A′(0, 1) could be described as:

A 1 unit down

B 1 unit left and 3 units up

C 3 units left and 1 unit up

D 1 unit right and 3 units down

E 3 units right and 1 unit down

10 The shape which has a top view of a circle and a side view of a rectangle is a:

A sphere B cylinder C cone

D hemi-sphere E rectangular prism

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Part B – Short-answer questions (15 marks)

1 Label the following triangles as either:

i scalene, isosceles or equilateral

ii acute, right or obtuse

a b c

i _________________ i _________________ i _________________

ii _________________ ii _________________ ii _________________

(3  2 = 6 marks)

2 Find the value of a in each of these triangles.

a b c

____________________ _____________________ ____________________

____________________ _____________________ ____________________

(1 + 1 + 2 = 4 marks)

3 This triangle has an exterior angle. Find the value of x by first finding a.



(2 marks)

4 Find the value of the pronumerals in each of these quadrilaterals.

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a b

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

(1 + 2 = 3 marks)

Part C – Extended-response questions (15 marks)

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1 Use a ruler and a protractor to draw a triangle ABC, with AB = 5 cm, ABC = 70,
and BAC = 30. Make sure you label all features of the triangle in your diagram.

(3 marks)

2 Consider the shape shown in the diagram below. On the same set of axes,
draw the image of the shape and give the coordinates of A′, B′, C′ and D′, after each of
the following transformations:

a a rotation 180 about the origin O



b a reflection in the vertical y-axis



c a translation 1 unit right and 5 units down



(3  4 = 12 marks)

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