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World War II Choice Board

For these 9 assignments you may choose to work by yourself or work with a partner from you
class. You may submit all your work via my email. Please send all assignments at once to You will choose 4 out of the 9 assignments to do. Please read
the instructions to each assignment under its correct tab.

Pearl Harbor Letter to Historical Figure Rap World War II Photo Essay
Family Member

World War II Historical World War II Historical A Day in the Life of a World War II
Event Teaching Figure Biography Soldier (Demonstration)

Historical Figure Video Holocaust Camp Life World War II Historical Event Puppet
Slideshow Presentation Show
Assignment List

Pearl Harbor Letter to Family Member

In this assignment you will write a 1 page letter. Imagine yourself at Pearl Harbor on
December 7, 1941. Out of nowhere Pearl Harbor is being attacked. You manage to survive the
terrible attack. Think of yourself as either a soldier, a pedestrian, or just someone who was at the
wrong place at the wrong time. I want you to write a 1 page single spaced 12 point font letter to a
family member. Maybe tell them what was your experience. Use historical facts and look up real
life accounts from people that survived that dangerous day.
This link will take you to a website with real life accounts and letters from survivors of
Pearl Harbor

Historical Figure Rap

In this assignment I would like you to study the life of any Historical Figure from World
War II. This figure can be a political figure, a famous general, or any other historical figure you
have in mind. You will make a 3 minute rap video telling me about this historical figures life
through rap. Please remember to remain historical accurate so use reliable sources.
This link will take you to a historical figure rap.

World War II Photo Essay

In this assignment you will look at a series of photos. These photos must be a collection
from a certain time period. For example you can look at a series of photos from concentration
camps. You will analyze these photos and tell me the importance of this photo. As well the
significance of this photo along with background info. You have a couple options you may write
a 1 page photo essay or create a Prezi on your photo essay.
Here is a link to Prezi
Here is a link to a Prezi World War II Photo Essay

World War II Historical Event Teaching

In this assignment you will create a Powerpoint presentation and teach the class on a
World War II event. This could be teaching the class on events like Pearl Harbor or the
Manhattan Project. You will create a slideshow presentation no more 10 slides. As well you will
present in front of the class.
Here is a link to Google Slides
Here is a link to a World War II Event Slideshow

World War II Historical Figure Biography Essay

In this assignment you will compose a 3 page paper on the life of any World War II
Historical Figure. You will talk about their early life, their rise to power, and what happened to
them after World War II. Reminder this essay is 3 pages 12 point font and 1.5 space. Please use
credible source and do not rely on Wikipedia.
Here is a link to a Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt

A Day in the Life of a World War II Soldier (Demonstration)

In this assignment you have the option to do a class reenactment of what a soldier would
go through during World War II. The second option is a slideshow showing the class the life of a
World War II soldier minimum of 10 Slides. Talk/Demonstrate how the soldiers lived, the effects
of war, their life after the war, and what they ate as some examples.
Here is a link to a slideshow showing the life of a World War II Soldier

Historical Figure Video

In this assignment you will create a video that will be a minimum of 5 minutes about a
historical figures life. In the video you can play the historical figure and talk about their life.
Some students have done the “Draw my Life” of these historic figures. I want you to talk about
their early life, rise to power, life for them during World War II, and life after WWII. Feel free to
add effects or anything that will make your video stand out.
Here is a link of a Historical Figure Video (Draw my Life)
Here is a link to Knovio

Holocaust Camp Life Slideshow Presentation

In this assignment you will create a slideshow about the daily life of a Holocaust prisoner
in a concentration camp. In the slideshow you will talk about their environment, what they had to
do throughout the day, what they ate, and the many different ways they would get killed.
Reminder there is a minimum of 10 slides as well please remeber to give a little detail of the
Holocaust background.
Here is a link to a Slideshow Presentation of the Camp Life during the Holocuast

World War II Historical Event Puppet Show

In this assignment you will present in front of the class or record your puppet show. In
the puppet show it must be at least 5 minutes. You will perform a puppet show of a historic event
like Pearl Harbor or the Invasion of Poland. Using correct research will help make the puppet
show more enjoyable and accurate. Feel free to put a funny spin on the puppet show. This puppet
show will help show that you understand the curtain historical topic you chose.
Here is a link to an example of a World War II Historical Event Puppet Show

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