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middle school CLASSROOM RULES

 Tardy is not being on time for Morning Prayer.

 Absences will be excused only with a note from parent/guardian.
 No cell phones.
o If there is an emergency, you may use the office or teacher’s phone.
o A good idea is to have an index card with important numbers.
 Homework must be on time.
o I will accept 1-day-late work with parent/guardian note
o If homework is not completed regularly, a note will go home, then a phone call to
 There will be sheet that a parent/guardian will need to read & sign with your Friday
folder to prove that they either went over your work with you or waive that responsibility.
o I keep these; they go into your file.
 One bathroom pass per gender.
o Not multiple people going. Passes are next to the door.
 Respect others (words and actions)
 Be respectful of others’ (and school’s) property
 If it’s on-topic, it’s not a dumb question
 Be helpful to one another
 Hands to yourself

 Always be prepared for class (homework done)

 No talking while others are speaking (Especially the teacher)
 Stay in your seat
 Raise your hand to request permission to speak or leave your seat
 No bathroom breaks during instruction (unless it’s an emergency)
 Work quietly when asked
 No pen while doing Math
 Show your work (especially in Math)
 Macs (in the classroom) are first option for computer work.

 You will be split into 4 houses. (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw)

o Behavior gains or loses house points
o Points start at 0
o These are separate from the main school point system.
 Uniform infractions are 1 point
 Language! (lose 3 points for unnecessary language)
 Throwing things loses 5 points.
 Deliberate disrespect (napping in class, etc.) are 10 points.
 Telling the teacher that something being taught is useless will lose 50 points for your
o If you give a good, logical reason why you think this, then you can gain back 5
o Repeat offenders (for the same subject) lose 50 points again and will get sent to
principal’s office or lunch detention.

As a classroom citizen, I have read and understand these classroom rules and I believe that they
are fair. I know that failure to comply with these rules will result in appropriate disciplinary
action. I promise to make every attempt to obey these classroom rules.

Parent's (Guardian's) signature________________________Date___________________

(print name)________________________________________Phone________________

Student's signature________________________________________Date______________
(print name)______________________________________Phone__________________

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