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Elisabeth Virginia Putri Harmadianti

Saint Mark II Junior High School

Speech Contest PL Cup

Be Strong, Be Grateful, Be Proud

Theme: I’m Proud to Be Indonesian Youth

Indonesia, our country, is the largest Archipelago country in the world. We have more
than 18.000 island from Sabang to Merauke, from We to Rote. Every island has they own
tribes, cultures, traditions, and of course languages. We have more than 1.000 tribes, 3.000
traditional cultures, and 500 local languages, and also dialects. Through all of that huge
differences, Indonesia can keep united with an official national language “Bahasa Indonesia”.
The first group of people who swore an oath to fully become Indonesian with one
homeland, one nation, and one language of unity were Youth People. All youth from all
categorical in Indonesia gathered in Jakarta on October 28th 1928 for 2nd Youth Congress and
Pledge “Sumpah Pemuda”. They were pledging that swore while Indonesia still colonized. In
my opinion, that was very dangerous. But they took their courage to unite the thoughts of other
Indonesian Youth.
In the pre-independence period, the young people urged the elderly to immediately
proclaim Indonesian independence. They even decided to take some of the elderly to
Rengasdengklok. They did that because their big desire for the freedom of Indonesia. They
didn’t want to get tricked by the colonies again.
From all of that facts, we know that Indonesian Youth has a big power. From all of that
facts, we know Indonesia is rich. But why are there so many people ashamed of being
Indonesian? Why the power turn to decrease?
For example, I have a story, this is based on my experience. When I joined Asian Youth
Day that held in Indonesia, I met some foreigners. But, there was a foreigner. She loves
Indonesia, even she can speak Bahasa fluently. Then she told me, “I’m jealous with you
because I want to be Indonesian. But I can’t. Your country is very unique, rich, and beautiful.
I want to be born in Indonesia.” Then I answered, “You have just been living here for a few
days, so I think you know nothing about Indonesia.” Then she said, “I do know. You always
see Indonesia in negative side. But you don’t see Indonesia in positive side, you should be
grateful. If you see negatively you will always grumble, complain, and even you blame each
other. But if you see positively and thankfully, I do believe you will be proud and do the best
for your country.” At the moment, honestly I’m so ashamed and speechless. I think what she
said is right happening in Indonesia.
Most Indonesian don’t thank for Indonesian multi wealth all over. Such as the wealthy
of natural resources, cultures, et cetera. But unfortunately many people don’t realize it and
consider the differences on the wealth as threat. Even many people want to abolish it because
they think that the differences will bring a separation. But if we see positively the differences
describe the real Indonesia. It makes Indonesia become Indonesia. Without the differences it’s
not Indonesia. It we call Bhineka Tunggal Ika. It is the biggest weapon which many countries
don’t have. If we break it Bhineka Tunggal Ika does not have meaning anymore. Why we keep
away the differences when it unite Indonesia as Indonesia? Why we have to scared about it?
Actually, we should proud about it. It makes world amazed. That is the power of Indonesia.
Elisabeth Virginia Putri Harmadianti
Saint Mark II Junior High School
Speech Contest PL Cup

That is what our ancestor strive for. Our homeland, cultures, riches, everything. What we
ashamed for? It was so marvelous.
If we proud, we will do something. Automatically, we will try our best to not break the
reputation of Indonesia.
So, if you say you are proud of Indonesia, have you done something for Indonesia? Or
you are proud only to say the wealth of Indonesia and do nothing?
I’m proud to be Indonesian youth, because I know I will be the raising generation of
this big country. I realize that this country need more great quality generation. So I study well
in order to be that generation and build Indonesia towards the better.
Then unite in differences, because that is our supreme strength. Be Grateful, be thankful
for what God gives for this country. Be proud because you are Indonesian Youth. You are
already build this country.

Keep it in your mind and soul, you are lucky to be Indonesian. Proud of it, do something for
the better Indonesia.

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