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Abortion arguments
for and against

Submitted by :
Rahhal Majid M.

I) Introduction:

What is abortion?

II) Body:

1) Personal

2) Societal

3) Maternal and Fetal health

III) Effects:

A) Physical

B) Psychological

III) Conclusion:
last statement
I) Introduction

Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of

an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.

Types of abortion:
1. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or

spontaneous abortion.

2. When deliberate steps are taken to end a pregnancy, it is called an induced


II) Body:

A) Causes of abortion: Personal, Societal and Maternal and fetal health.

B) Effects of abortion: Physical and Psychological.

Conclusion: Last statement:

“If we accept that a mother can kill her child how can we tell people no to kill

each other” – Mother Teresa

Ladies and gentlemen Ma’am good evening, In the upcoming 4-5 mins I’m

going to discuss Abortion; what it is and what are it reasons; what are its

possible side effects; and why I believe that its immoral and wrong.

To understand abortion we need to know what it is; Abortion: is the ending of

a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it

can survive outside the uterus, if its accidental it’s called a miscarriage and if its

intentional it’s called an induced abortion

We also have to look on both sides of the argument and these are the Pro-

choice movement and the Pro-life movements; Pro-choice’s believe that

abortion is the women’s right and that the matter of abortion is solely the
mothers decision to make because they believe that it’s the mothers body and

no one else has a say in the matter, and while I would understand why they

would say that I find myself on the Pro-life side of the argument for many

Firstly I do not believe the whole women body argument there is life in that

body and it has value.

Secondly there are many negative side effects of Abortion they can be

physical and minor like abdominal pain, bleeding, cramps or physical and

major like permanent damage to the cervix and even death, they can be also

psychological like the mother’s feeling of regret, remorse, shame, guilt anxiety

and even having suicidal thoughts.

Finally I believe that abortion is morally wrong because at the end of the day

you are taking a life one that has no say on its right to exist.

Ronald Regan once said: “I’ve noticed that all people who are for abortion

have already been born”

ladies and gentlemen, Ma’am this has been my time thank you for listening.

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