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Instructions Regarding to PMA online/Intelligence tests

PMA online/Intelligence test is the first test for commission in Pakistan army. This test consists of 3
portion which are following.
 Verbal Intelligence test.
 Nonverbal Intelligence test.
 Academic.
On the given date of ur online test u have to report ur selection center 30 minutes before the given time.
Then they will check ur documents which are (roll num slip, Matric DMC+ Matric sanad, Inter
DMC+sanad, If are applying on inter 1st year base then Hope certificate of part 2 and DMC of part is
compulsory, 2 or 3 pics, Your ID card ) after the checking of documents they will charge 350 rupees and
provide you prospectus, after that they will send you to testing hall, there they will show a video on the
given screen. After that ur test will be start.
 Verbal Intelligence test.
Verbal intelligence test consists of 96 mcq,s which u have to solve in 35 to 40 minutes. Question will be
This test shows ur intelligence level and shows how u tackle different situation in less time. Try to be
active and fast in solving questions. Some people try to break off time that continues till the completion of
test it is totally wrong and useless as it is army test and army follow rules so dnt try to make them fool.
Use ur roll num slip back for rough work and try to attempt all questions. There is no negative marking in
online/intelligence test. Try to solve a question within just 10 to 15 minutes and if u are facing problem
skip this one and go on to the next. And at last if time permit you come back and solve the question that
you skipped. And when you solve all questions r time ends there will show to scenes on the screen(if u
passed the test then there will show “congratulation! U have qualified the test” and if u are fail then there
will show “sorry! Try ur best on the next time”
Now if u passed ur test then 2nd portion of the test will start that is
 Nonverbal Intelligence test.
Nonverbal test consists of 92 mcq,s which you have to solve in 40 minutes. Number of questions and
limit of time may vary with selections center or ur test type.
This test includes following things
And some other types like this. In this test there is no rough work just use ur brain in quick way and hope
so u will qualify it. Do practice as much as u can because if u go in the ISSB then there will also ur
Intelligence test. So if u prepare it well then during ISSB u will face no problems.
I am going to suggest some books videos for ur help and practice.
PMA online tests by Dogar publishers.
Super intelligence tests by dogar publisher.
So purchase these book latest version and make practice.

Pakistan Military Academy (Quaid e Azam’s Own)
Kakul, Abbottabad, KPK
Instructions Regarding to PMA online/Intelligence tests
Go on youtube and search “ISSB recommendation by A to Z academy” there are 20 parts download it and
first 10 to 12 parts are related to initials test must watch them carefully.
If u follow my above instructions, you will easily pass your intelligence tests.
After you qualify non verbal test then ur 3rd and last portion of the test will start that is called..
 Academic.
This test consists of 50 mcq,s which you have to solve In 35 to 40 minutes. Questions will be simple from
the following types
General maths
Pak study
English(prepositions, opposite, synonyms etc)
Improve ur g.k and try to attempt all questions which u find in the group “ISSB test preparation forum”
candidates who qualify there test share there experience in the group so be carefull and to improve ur g.k
Here I am going to suggest some books for preparation
“WHO IS who what is what by dogar publishers”
“notses of military college jehlum”
“notses of military college sui”
……….there is nothing tough in online/intelligence tests if u practice more and more….
Best of luck remember me in ur prayers…

Yeh tofan kr rhay hen meray azm ka twaf...!!!!

Dunia smj rhi hai meri kashti bhanwar men hai

Journey to PMA: Admin: GC Ghulam Murtaza (Pakistan Military Academy Kakul, Abbottabad, KPK)

Pakistan Military Academy (Quaid e Azam’s Own)
Kakul, Abbottabad, KPK

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