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Observing Power in a Relationship

[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
Power in Relationship 2

Observing Power in a Relationship

When we talk about couples, it is always about love, friendship, compassion, compromise, understanding
and support, but some individuals who are couple, misinterpret these beautiful relationship in terms of
power and try to overpower their partners. There is a newly wedded couple, who has just shifted here a
month ago and they seem to be very nice people.

The Scene
One day I was going out for my jogging routine, I just heard some noises in the backyard and I thought
that children might be playing or might be arguing over some sports match. While, I was moving near I
saw the newlywed couple fighting in their house near the balcony. I did not interfere because their
personal matter, but I was continuously observing that, the husband was interrupting her wife every time
she accused him for something and became a continuous process. In this argument, wife was using
statements as if she was giving orders, but husband was not behind her too. He has something up his
sleeve too. This was a scene as they were both accusing each other and after wife stopped, husband
started the quarrel and they started again but this time husband had some declarations to state. I did not
know them, they were new in the neighbourhood, so I thought I should help but I held myself back.
Husband started taking more space, means he started overpowering his wife and like his statements were
starting to spread out in a way that could hurt his wife, but due to his anger in clash he was unleashing
whatever statements he thought about in his mind. I saw that he was not doing it to win over her; he
was fighting for cooperation, which is obviously a choice with risk for a person who cares for
relationship and needs it. If you decide not to help me or walk with me, I will do or find another
person to help me or find the companionship I need. This was the statement husband said and
wife was shocked and her anger was gone, she started to think over again and I could hear the
love she had in her voice for him. While this alternative seems to be the most encouraging, it is
also the most troublesome for those who rely on self-esteem, secure and confident relationships.
I knew husband had to take the risky way out of it because he was thinking for both of them, as
they were equal and were not over powering each other. They were a power couple means,
where one lacked, the other partner would step up and take it for the team.

Husband did this, because he had to show his love for his beautiful wife and I could feel the love
they had for each other. I deduced that, no matter how long couples fight and whatever is the
reason for the quarrel, couples who love each other sort it out somehow. The power couple
thinks they are equal, they do not try to overpower each other instead they support and back each
other up, and my neighbours were one of the good power couple I knew.

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