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Not OK MP Production Separator

Horizontal Type

Input Data

Operating Condition
T 100 oF
P 20 psig

Flow Rates
Liquid 16000 BPD

Fluids Properties
ρgas 0.1266 lb/ft3
μgas 0.01172 cP
Z 0.9927
ρliquid 46.61 lb/ft3

Vessel Properties
d 60 in
5 ft
L 20 ft
Leffective 14 ft (assumed to be 70% of total length S/S)


Gas - Liquid Separation

Minimum Liquid Droplet Size to be Separated

dm 100 microns

Terminal Velocity Calculation (Iteration Method)

Initial CD value
CD 1
Iteration N Vt (ft/s) Re CD
1 3.813161 20.18308 2.196886
2 2.572654 13.61707 2.915473
3 2.233215 11.82042 3.242964
4 2.117454 11.20769 3.3775
5 2.074854 10.98221 3.430619
6 2.058728 10.89685 3.451276
7 2.052557 10.86419 3.459262
8 2.050187 10.85165 3.462342
9 2.049275 10.84682 3.463529
10 2.048924 10.84496 3.463986
11 2.048788 10.84424 3.464163
12 2.048736 10.84397 3.464231
13 2.048716 10.84386 3.464257
14 2.048708 10.84382 3.464267
15 2.048705 10.8438 3.464271

Vt 2.048705 ft/s
Re 10.8438
CD 3.464271

Gas Velocity calculation

LL 30 in (assumed to be half-filled)
Cos α 0
α 90 o

Avessel 2827.433
Sin α 1
l 60 in
Agas 1413.717 in2
9.817477 ft2
Qgas 9.510643 MMCFD
110.0769 ft3/s
vgas 11.21234 ft/s

Separation Checking
tgas 1.248624 s
tdroplet 1.220283 s
Result OK

Liquid Retention Time Checking

Aliquid 1413.717 in2
Vliquid 339292 in3
Qliquid 107786.6 in3/min
tretention 3.147814 min
Result OK

Assuming normal liquid level at half of vessel, V-2010 is adequate in handling separation of 110 MMscfd gas and 1
max gas rate = 20 MMscfd @ 20 psig
max gas rate = 27 MMscfd @ 30 psig
of 110 MMscfd gas and 15000 BPD liquid

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