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Active Voice

Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya berbuat

sesuatau atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-
ciri kalimat aktif adalah kata kerjanya selalu berawalan “me-“ dan
beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ber-“. Pada kalimat aktif (active voice)
ini, kita cukup menggunakan bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (verbs) dalam
penyusunan kalimatnya.

Passive Voice
Passive Voice adalah konstruksi tatabahasa (secara khusus, specifically,
a “voice”).Kataatau frasa kata
benda yang akan menjadi obyek dari kalimat aktif, muncul sebagai subj
ek kalimat dengan suara pasif. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat pasif
biasanya diikuti prefix berupa di– atau ter–. Contohnya kalau kalimat
aktifnya menginjak maka kalimat pasifnya menjadi dipukul
atau terpikul,

Active Voice
Rumus Active Voice:
S + V (kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan tenses-nya) + O
Passive Voice
Rumus passive voice:
S + be + past participle + (by agent)
*by agent: pelaku dari tindakan
• 16 Tenses serta Penjelasan dalam Bentuk Verbal dan Nominal.
Ini adalah contoh secara lebih jelas mengenai kalimat pasif dalam
bahasa Inggris.
Identifikasi subject, verb, object.
• Letakkan object kalimat aktif di posisi subject kalimat pasif.
• Perhatikan tenses kalimat aktifnya dan tentukan tobe.
• Ubahlah kata kerja utama (ordinary verb) menjadi V3.
• Letakkan agent (agent dibentuk dengan cara meletakkan subject
kalimat aktif setelah preposition ‘by’)
• Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

Present Tense
Aktif : Tika read the history book of Indonesia.
Pasif : The history book of Indonesia is read by Tika.
Present Continuous
A : I am writing the new short story.
P : The new short story is being written by Sarah

Present Perfect
A : My father has fixed the car
P : The car has been fixed by my father.

Present Perfect Continuous

A : Danny has been doing the homework.
P : The homework has been being done by Danny.
Past Tense
A : We cleaned the room.
P : The room was cleaned by us.

Past Continuous Tense

A : They were watching the movie when she came.
P : The movie was being watched by them when she came.

Past Perfect Tense

A : Tika had listened the news before you told her.
P : The news had been listened by Tika before you told her.

Past Perfect Continuous

A : Evans had been preparing the schedule for two weeks.
P : The schedule had been being prepared by Evan for two weeks.

Simple Future
A : I will finish this job at 4.00 PM.
P : This job will be finished by me at 4.00 PM.

Future Continuous
A : They will be finishing the job at 4.00 PM.
P : The job will be being finished at 4.00 PM.
Future Perfect
A : They will have finished the job before 5.00 PM.
P : The job will have been finished before 5.00 PM.
Future Perfect Continuous
A : They will have been completed the job for six hours by the time it
P : The job will have been being completed for six hours by the time it

Past Future
A : Andi and Ari would have watched that movie
P : That movie would have been watched by them

Past Future Continuous

A : We would be cleaning the house
P : The house would be being cleaned by us

Past Future Perfect

A : My cat had been eating your fish
P : Your fish had been being eaten by my cat

Past Future Perfect Continuous

A : My wife would have been driving the car
P : The car would have been being driven by my wife
Active and Passive Voice
Group 6
1. Dea Andini
2. Lulu Cynthia A
3. Septianah
4. Sherly Amanda P
5. Tresa Melani S

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