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A. See yourself in the future

B. Listen to motivational speeches

1.Remain positive
2.Have confidence
3.Decide what score you want

reading / writing / listening / speaking

3-4 2 2-3 6
texts essays packets questions

skimming - searching for a specific answer

scanning – quickly look over the text for sense and

Homework – Please read the Overview for Reading as

carefully as possible. Underline any words you do not

Essay – please write an independent essay of 300-350

words on the following topic. Please include a hook, a
thesis statement, and a conclusion.

The journey of a thousand miles starts

with a single step.” ~ Chinese Proverb
This quote about persistence is often cited when
beginning an adventure or starting something difficult.
What does the quote mean to you? Does it apply to
you? Why or why not? Please use specifics in writing
your essay.

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