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November 7, 2019



My answer is yes, I am in favor of the federalism. We all know it will take

time for our country to go on with the transition but I think this is the answer for
our economy’s growth as well as to become a second world county. For what
may reason you may ask. Well I can only think of two reasons, that is all my brain
electrons can think. First is the equality among the rest of the country, if LGBTQ
deserves equality then so does the whole Psilipino citizens. I stumbled upon this
photo from NASA, a picture of the Philippines at night time. In Visayas and
Mindanao area, there aren’t much lights can be seen where as in Luzon, most
particularly in Metro Manila the lights are in fire. Meaning Luzon is the most
active. Well you can say that because it’s the capital of the Philippines that’s
the reason why it’s the most active. Well there is more than this than meets the
eye. We are talking about Federalism, Malacanang Palace and Supreme Court
are both in Metro Manila, the Estate is in Pasay and the Congress is in Quezon,
all of these are located in Luzon. Therefore the distribution of the local budget
will be faster than those in Visayas and Mindanao. I think this is the reason why
we are so crowded here in Metro Manila rather in Luzon, because of the
infrastructures, the job opportunities, it is easy to live here because you can get
anything you need with just a blink of an eye, we are crowded and there you
go, traffic. Second reason I can think of is the corruption, well that is a negative
reason but let me explain. We cannot argue about this, we are all aware of it
but we don’t have the power or the courage to stop it. It has been there even
at times of the Spaniards, If the Federalism happens the whole country will be
equally benefit from their own taxes only 2% will be handed to the Palace,
therefore we can easily trace the corruption plus the leaders will be ones who
will have a hard time finding ways to look for money if ever there is a calamity
came. Politicians here in Luzon corrupt because there are lots to corrupt. We
have a long way to go but at the time given I hope really hope and wish for
Federalism to happen in the Philippines, well that will still depends on how it will
implemented, how the leaders will work and how will the most of the Pilipinos
see the benefits of it.

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