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1.1 Background

The use of natural ingredients as traditional medicine in Indonesia has been

carried out by our ancestors since centuries ago with plants as raw materials, the use of

traditional medicines in general is considered safer than the use of modern medicine

(Hernawati, 2008). This is because traditional medicine has relatively fewer side effects

than modern medicine (Hernawati, 2008). Srikaya leaves contain secondary metabolites,

namely flavonoids, phenolics, saponins, triterpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, coumarin.

Srikaya leaf extract can kill Ascaridia galli, has anti-fertility and embryotoxic effects in

female rats, and has an effect on the reproductive power of Sitophillus orizae (Mulyani, et

al, 2013).

The mechanism of action of ethinylestradiol then LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

expenditure will be inhibited, so ovulation does not occur. In addition, the motility of the

Fallopian tube and uterus is also elevated, so fertilization will be difficult. Another effect

on the urogenital tract is modification of endometrial maturation so that implantation

becomes difficult, and there is also thickening of the cervical mucus so that sperm cell

movement is obstructed (Widodo, 2011).

Steroid group is suspected as an active ingredient that works as an antifertility factor

(Kristanti, 2010). Research on the ethanol extract of srikaya leaves as a candidate for anti-

fertility administrators has not been studied, therefore research is needed.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background, the formulation of the problem is as follows:

1. What is the effect of ethanol extract of srikaya leaves (Annona squamosa L) on the

uterus of female white rats?

2. What dose of ethanol extract of srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L) is effective against

the uterine profile in female rats?

1.3 Research Objectives

This study aims to determine:

1. To determine the effect of srikaya leaves (Annona squamosa L) as an anti-fertility


2. To find out the dose of srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L) as anti fertility.

1.4 Research Benefits

The benefit of this research is to provide information about the effect of ethanol extract of

srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L) on the uterine profile of female rats and the dose of

ethanol extract of srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L) which is effective on the uterine

profile in female rats and the benefits of this study for the utilization of its leaves. srikaya

(Annona squamosa L) by the community as an antifertility.

1.5 Framework for Thinking

Srikaya leaf (Annona squamosa L) tastes bitter, chunky, slightly cold. Srikaya leaf

(Annona squamosa L) has astrigent, anti-inflammatory, intestinal worm (antheimeck),

and accelerates the cooking of boils and abscesses (Alex, 2011). Srikaya leaves (Annona

squamosa L) contain compounds containing secondary metabolites, namely flavonoids,

phenolics, saponins, triterpenoids, steroids, alkaloids, coumarin. Srikaya leaf extract

(Annona squamosa L) can kill Ascaridia galli, has anti-fertility and embryotoxic effects in

female rats (Mulyani, et al, 2013). Leaves (Annona squamosa L) have anti-fertility and

embryotoxic effects in female rats, and affect the reproductive power of Sitophillus

orizae. Steroid groups are thought to be active ingredients that work as antifertility factors

(Limbong, 2007 in Kristanti).

1.6 Research Time and Place

This research began in February 2014 until June 2014 which was conducted at the

Toxicology Pharmacology Laboratory of Bakik Tunas Husada City of Tasikmalaya.

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