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he was deceiving me saying that he loves me a lot whereas I could see that his feelings for me was

abating day by day. When I understood the fact, I started Disseminating this to all my friends. He
used to gainsay my points every time we had a chat. His behaviours sometime used to trigger my
latent anger. His behaviours were aberrant towards me which ultimately made me to coagulate.
The dissolution of our relationship was caused by his nasty behaviours. Before meeting him, I was
very reserved but when we became friends I started to open up and slowly I became so garrulous
that I couldn’t keep any secrets hidden from him. He played strategies by lauding women in public
to gain their attentions. Finally, he started saying that we should be in abeyance for a while to avoid
clashes between us. Every time just before our coda I hold him back strongly I don’t know why.
Every time we had a conversation, we would sound very harsh which people terms as dissonance.

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