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I N S T R U C T I O N A L P L A N (iPlan)

(With inclusion of the provisions of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)


Introduction to Public Grade Level: First
DLP No: 1 Learning Area:
Administration Year Quarter: Duration: .
Time: Date:
Learning Competency/ies: Define and differentiate of state, nation, government and
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) governance.
Key Concepts/ Understanding
to be Developed The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics, governance, states,nations
and government.
Domain  Objectives
Knowledge Define state, nation, government and governance.
Skills Differentiate of state, nation, government and governance.
Attitude Appreciate
Values Value the concepts in politics to improve relationships with your family and friends
 Content The Meaning of Politics
 Learning Resources Philippines Politics and Governance by: Rhene Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma, pp: 1-3
 Procedures
Teacher welcomes the class
 Introductory Teacher tells the students:
Activity “I am the teacher and I am the boss in this class, so you will have to follow me…”
( minutes) Pair and Share
Ask the students to pair with their seatmate and share what they felt after hearing the
teacher’s remark..
Video Clip Viewing
 Activity Before teacher plays a 5-minute video clip, he poses the following questions:
( minutes) a. How did the speaker define politics?
b. What are the concepts cited to explain what politics is?
 Analysis Semantic Web Map
( minutes) Ask the students to give words associated to the word “ Politics”.
 Abstraction Based on the Semantic Web Map you have conceptualized, define politics in relation
( minutes) with the terms provided by the students.
Group Work:
 Application
( minutes)
The class is divided into four groups. Each group shall think of a line from a Tagalog
song depicting political statement. A representative would present and explain to
the class what is political about the song’s lyrics that they have chosen.
Song Analysis
A music video will be played. Students will analyze by answering the question; “How is
politics defined in Philippine setting and what is your political view about the music
 Assessment video?”
( minutes) Criteria for Grading
Content - 60% (12 points)
Grammar - 20% (4 points)
Clarity - 20% (4 points)
100% 20 points
Answer the following:
 Assignment a. How would you use the concepts in politics to improve relationships with your family
( minutes). and friends?
b. How is politics practiced in getting what you want?
 Concluding Activity
( minutes)
 Remarks
 Reflections

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