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Branches of Government

Connor Dremann

Standards and Learning Objectives

Standards (HINT: Include the standard ID number, exact text content, source
of the standard: Idaho Content, Common Core, or others )

Standard 4: Civics and Government

Students in U.S. History I build an understanding of

the foundational principles of the American political
system, the organization and formation of the
American system of government, that all people in the
United States have rights and assume responsibilities
and the evolution of democracy.

Goal 4.2: Build an understanding of the organization

and formation of the American system of government.

(Idaho Content)

Learning Objectives (HINT: Three or more learning objectives, make sure the objectives
are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely)


6-12.USH1.4.2.1 Explain how the executive, legislative,

and judicial powers are distributed and shared among
the three branches of the national government.

6-12.USH1.4.2.2 Explain how and why powers are

distributed and shared between national and state
governments in a federal system.

General Introduction (HINT: Introduce your class, classroom, student, time period,
students' background, etc. How many instructional sessions? How
long is each session? How many students are you thinking of in
this class?)

US History 1 (1600-2000)
Duration: 4 sessions (1 hour each)
25+ students
Background: Coeur d’ Alene ID

Learning Path Overview

ENGAGE - Grab (HINT: Design the activities to start the teaching, grab students'
Students’ Attention attention, and trigger students' learning interests. How might you
first motivate the student's interest in the lesson topic? What
activity will you use to engage students, how to make them
interested, how to make the connection to their prior knowledge,
set parameters, and raise questions? List out the activities, how to
apply these activities, what is your rationale, and how long it will
take for teaching. Be specific and include all material

The activity I chose to do for the introduction is a
quick discussion with my students of what will be
covered for the day. As the bell rang I would ask
everyone a general question and then explain the
answer. Giving the students base knowledge of what
is to come, then shows a quick 3-5 min video
explaining in depth what is being covered for the day.
Day 1: Introduction Discussion (5-10 mins)

Day 2:Introduction Discussion (5-10 mins)

Day 3:Introduction Discussion (5-10 mins)

Day 4:Introduction Discussion (5-10 mins)

EXPLORE - Students (HINT: Design the activities for students to learn or explore the
Explore the Content content. How will you help different students to explore the key
concepts, discover new skills, and probe experiences in a variety of
ways? What would you use to guide the students in exploring new
information? What would you use to make your topic presentation
interactive so that you are not lecturing students like a 'sage on a
stage'? List out the activities, how to apply these activities, what is
your rationale, and how long it will take for teaching. Be specific
and include all material links/references.)

My plan for this is to give my students a graphic
organizer to follow along and keep notes after talking
about one of the branches. Each day focuses on a
branch and I want them to have this information
down so they are ready for their presentation and
paper. After filling out the information for the day, the
students will be tasked with putting together a
slideshow that explains each branch and compares
and contrasts the 3. I also plan on introducing a paper
but I will go over that more in the Applying Real
World Knowledge. I want to use the Jamboard for
students to show what their essay topic will be so I
can see what everyone is doing anonymously.
Graphic Organizer
Branches Slideshow
Presentation Explanation
Day 1:
Lecture(15-20 mins)
Slideshow work time(10-15)
Introduction of Paper
Day 2:
Lecture(15-20 mins)
Slideshow work time(10-20)
Exit Ticket (5 mins)
Day 3:
Lecture(15-20 mins)
Slideshow work time(10-20)
Exit Ticket (5 mins)
Day 4:
Lecture(10-15 mins)
Jamboard(5-10 mins)
Turn in PowerPoint
Ask Questions about Branch Paper

EXPLAIN - Students (HINT: Design the activities for students to explain or showcase
Explain Their Learning what they have learned from the content exploration. How can
students explain their learning, new knowledge, observations, and
findings in a variety of ways? Provide options to your students and
the necessary guidance (e.g How to use a tool, how to submit their
explanation video/paper/artifacts). List out the activities, how to
apply these activities, what your rationale is, and how long it will
take to teach. Be specific and include all material

My students will be able to showcase their knowledge
in multiple ways from this lesson. On 2 of the days I
will give out exit tickets at the end of class that is
posted on a google classroom and it will give me an
understanding of my students understand what is
being taught. The slideshow presentation will be a
representation of their knowledge of each of the
branches and how they interact with each other.
Finally, the paper will give me an understanding if
they understand our government when comparing it
to other countries.
Exit Tickets

Students will explain their knowledge through:

Exit Slips
Slideshow Presentation
Branch Paper

ELABORATE - Students (HINT: Link the lesson content to students’ real-life experiences.
Apply Their Learning in Point out why this lesson is meaningful for the students. Let the
students apply their learning results in real-life contexts. How can
Real World technology tools help students apply? What have they learned and
did they created something new? Will they be able to share it with
others? How can students elaborate on their learning? List out the
activities, how to apply these activities, what is your rationale, and
how long it will take for teaching. Be specific and include all
material links/references. )


I want to make this section the homework the

students take home. This is where I want my students
to dive deep not only with our country but worldwide.
This assignment is about comparing our government
to other countries worldwide. The students should
have a basic understanding of what our government is
but this is a 2-3 research paper comparing and
contrasting our government compared to any other
country in the world. This gives the student the
option to choose a country they are interested in to
write about. To me, this is a very crucial assignment
because it will help me know if my students have a
fundamental knowledge of not just our government
but they know a little bit about others. This would be
assigned the first day and is expected to be worked on
in class or at home for homework. I think this will be
the most meaningful assignment for my students
because it will help them understand why the
government is special and different compared to
many other countries.

Day 1: Introduction of Essay/ Handout (5 mins)

Day 2: Work in class if time permits/homework

Day 3:Work in class if time permits/homework

Day 4: Ask any final questions, turn in paper due at


EVALUATE - Assess (HINT: Design rubrics to evaluate/assess your students' learning.

Students’ Learning If the students meet the learning objectives you set earlier after
this lesson. How will you evaluate your students’
activities/presentations/artifacts? Considering the summative
assessment, formative assessment, and multiple options for
various students.)

I used 2 different rubrics so I put them on one doc.
Reflection Section
Part I: Reflect on your decision-making process about using the technology tools
in your lesson plan.

● First, please describe what technology tool you use in each section briefly.
● Second, select three appropriate questions from the following list to help you
frame your answer.
1. What is your rationale for selecting the technology tool?
2. There are tons of resources online, what is your rationale for using the
image or the video in your lesson plan?
3. The instructor provided multiple options for each performance task, what is
your rationale for selecting the tools?
4. Where did you get the idea of using a specific technology tool?
5. Why do you think the technology tool that you picked is going to work?
6. Why do you think your design will help students’ learning?

Technology Using Decision Making Reflection

ENGAGE - Grab (HINT: Describe what technology tool did you use in this
Students’ Attention part briefly, and then select three questions above to
answer, 150 words at least)

The technology I decided to use for the engage section
is YouTube videos online. one of the hardest things to
do is start class off on a right now. I feel the best way to
get my student's attention is by starting out with some
essential questions. and then having a YouTube video
relating to the answers to those questions. It's a quick 3
to 5-minute video which means it isn't too long for
them not to pay attention. I chose to do a video because
this is something that I liked when my history teachers
did this in class. it made me think and get my brain
started on what's to come today and for the week. I
think this technology tool will definitely work. in this
day and age, students are so technically sound that a
quick video is nothing new to them. it'll just get their
brain started and help them understand what is going
to be talked to them for the day.

EXPLORE - Students (HINT: Describe what technology tool did you use in this
Explore the Content part briefly, and then select three questions above to
answer, 150 words at least)

I decided to use two different Technologies for the
Explorer section. I really wanted to focus on using a
graphic organizer in the classroom for my students to
take the best notes possible. With those notes, they will
be creating a slideshow that will represent each branch.
all the info from the graphic organizer should be going
toward that slide show. I decided to do this because I
felt it would set my students up to be the most
successful. I got the idea to use the graphic organizer
more from this class earlier on in the year because it
really set my eyes on how can I help my students the
most but challenge them at the same time. I do believe
the design will help my students in the long run the
graphic organizer is set up for them to have their notes
and I need an orderly fashion to make sure they get full
credit on their slideshow project.

EXPLAIN - Students (HINT: Describe what technology tool did you use in this
Explain Their Learning part briefly, and then select three questions above to
answer, 150 words at least)

The technology I decided to use here is something
pretty simple. I know I want to use Google Classroom
for my teaching. rather than doing an exit ticket on
paper, it would just be a quick answer on Google
Classroom. this way I am using technology but also
seeing if my students or paying attention to what was
being taught to them that day. to do something like this
through this class and through my past classes. Doing a
classroom is one of the most efficient ways of
information to your students and that's what I want to
use. if I make this a daily thing for my students I believe
it'll work because those daily points will be crucial in my
classroom. If the students pay attention and gives an
effort they will get those points and hopefully the
question right. I do think this will help my student's
learning because they will have access to these
questions at any time. that would be example exam
questions and I will make sure the students know that
so they can prepare themselves for the future exam.
There is so much you can do with the exit ticket that it
will just reinforce topics and ideas for the students.

ELABORATE - (HINT: Describe what technology tool did you use in this
Students Apply Their part briefly, and then select three questions above to
Learning in Real World answer, 150 words at least)
The technology I decided to use for this portion is more
of an essay on the computer assignment. I want to
challenge my students with having them write a short
two to three-page paper comparing our US government
to another government in the world that's different. this
creates an understanding for the students that not
everywhere is a democracy and everywhere is different
and that's why they need to learn about this because we
are lucky to be where we are today. I chose this
because I felt it was a way to see if my students
understand our own government but learn about other
places as well. it's great to have that knowledge for
future endeavors if they ever go there. I think this is
going to work because this is the last step in the lesson
plan. they should know every branch of the government
already after the slideshow and I think this will make
them have great cohesive papers that will work. I think
this assignment is definitely worthwhile and we'll
improve the learning of the students.
EVALUATE - Assess (HINT: Describe what technology tool did you use in this
Students’ Learning part briefly, and then select three questions above to
answer, 150 words at least)

The technologies I use here is a rubric creator. I
created my own rubrics for both assignments in this
class. I chose to use this because I could make my own
rubric that has its own point values and I can weigh the
two assignments differently. I chose to select this
because we need to have rubrics in the assignment and
show me what we had done before with another
assignment. so I just use the same website as before and
created my own personal rubric for future years. I got
this idea from this class and it really will help me when I
create more future assignments. I think the design will
help the students learn directly because they will know
what is expected of them. all the parts blend together
and the instructions are very clear with the rubric it'll
make sure to push the students in the right direction

Part II: Reflect on what you have learned in this course. Be sure to answer the
following questions:
● First, highlight one technology tool that impresses you the most from this course,
then explain why.


The technology tool that stood out to me from this class is the jam board that we used.
I've never seen anything like that and I think it's a great way to have discussions
within your classroom. with it being anonymous and you can show it on the screen at
the same time it can really drive home conversations to your students. there's
something I plan on using in my own classroom now and thanks to this class I know
have another resource at my availability

● Second, highlight one technology tool that impresses you the least from this course,
then explain why.


The technology tool that I struggled with myself personally is the hour of code with the
assignment that I did. it was a history assignment called Maps by Mindmakers and it
focused on major historical events regarding transportation. But it was more of a
coding assignment rather than a history course. It had quick background information
on the events and what happened and where but that was it when it came to history.
The assignment was also a little tough because you had to put a coding box together if
you had no experience with coding before.

● Third, answer the following questions:

1. How did you feel about technology integration at the beginning of the course?
Did your feelings change at the end of the course? How? Why?


Coming into this course I feel like technology is a very crucial part of our lives. I grew
up using it and helping people who don't know how to use it. coming into this course I
was looking forward to learning about more technology to use in my classroom. after
taking this class it made me realize that there are so many resources out there for
education. My feelings did not change it only made them stronger for why technology
needs to be in the classroom. It's time for some teachers to modernize and continue to
use technology. This next generation will grow up using technology so we might as
well get you used to it.
2. What did you learn about technology integration? Provide examples and
specifically explain why you think these are important for you.


What I learned about technology integration was that it is a very helpful tool within
the classroom but only if used correctly. The best example was when we were working
on our digital citizenship infographic. As time goes on technology will be used more
and more within not just my classroom, but everyone’s all around the world.
Preparing students to be able to handle the responsibilities this entails is very
important. If not done correctly, using technology within the classroom can become
not only a distraction, but can cause harm to individuals. That is why integrating the
knowledge of how to use technology was the most important part of this course for

3. What would you do differently for the lesson plan? Use your own lesson plan as
an example, and explain it in detail. How would you change your process for
creating a lesson?


For my lesson plan something that I would do differently is use more technology that
I'm unfamiliar with in the plan. I have a pretty stable idea of technologies that can be
used in the classroom that everyone knows. but there are also resources that I didn't
use in this class hour offered. I was just unsure if it would get my information across
because I want to make sure I have the best lesson plan possible. I wanted to create a
lesson plan that was what was most comfortable for me rather than trying something
different. In the future, I will try and use those unfamiliar technologies.

4. What would you do differently for the teacher website? Use your own teacher
website as an example, and explain it in detail. How would you change your
process for creating a website?


Overall when it came to my teacher's website there are a few things I'm sure I could
change. I would want to add more to my About page or in the future when I am
coaching sports I want to have something on there as well. I wanted to mention if it's
something about kids staying active and how important school is. There's a very strict
line of what I could and couldn't do and that's something I wish I could have done. I'm
very proud of my teacher's website would it be my final project it is something that I
cannot wait to use in the future.
5. How will you use what you have learned from this course in your future


This car says showing me what the future of teaching is on the way. with these new
generations growing up with technology at their disposal it only makes sense for
education to embrace it as well. I plan on using technology every day within my
classroom in a non-distracting manner. I really want to use Google Classroom as well
as Jamboard to push my classes. not every day has to be a lecture someday might be a
slideshow one day might be a video there are so many things that teachers can use to
help benefit their students and technology.

6. What technologies/tools that you used in your assignment were not provided
in the class? (If there is any, optional.)



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