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St. Anne College Lucena Inc.

Integrated Basic Education

Lesson Plan in English for Grade 10

At the end of the lesson, the students shall:
1. Explain the different propaganda techniques.
2. Share their own experiences about convincing or persuading someone to believe
in them.
3. Create an informative essay about the ways to avoid being a victim of propaganda
and deception.
A. Topic: Different Propaganda Techniques
B. Reference: Language in Literature: World Literature by Maria Teresa Abarabar
pp. 462-463
C. Materials: Chalk, blackboard, visual aids, and mystery box
D. Infused Values: Teamwork, cooperation and being a critical thinker when it
comes to receiving information.
A. Preliminaries
1. Opening Prayer
2. Classroom Management
3. Checking of Attendance
B. Activity (5 minutes)
The teacher will introduce the activity entitled “Act it out”. The students will be
divided into three (3) groups. One representative of the group will be asked to go
in front and pick a situation in the mystery box. The student’s main task is to
convince his/her classmates to agree in what he said or did. He/she will be given
two (2) minutes to convince his/her classmates. After that, his/her classmates will
vote whether they agree or disagree.
C. Analysis (10 minutes)
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. What have you notice about the situations that were assigned to you? What is
it all about?
3. In real life situations, have you ever tried to persuade or convince someone to
believe in you? Share your own experience about it.
4. How do you persuade or convince someone to believe in you?
5. Based on the activity given, what do you think is our lesson all about?
D. Abstraction (15 minutes)
There are techniques on how you can convince other people to believe in you.
Those techniques are called Propagandas.
Propagandas are information that was spread to promote a cause or certain view.
Different types of propaganda techniques are used in advertising.
Propaganda is a set of messages intended to influence opinions of the masses, not
giving the opponents any opportunity to rebut the idea. Instead of telling people
the truth, propaganda often aims at manipulation of ideas to influence the
behaviour of a large number of people. So, it presents ideas selectively.
Propaganda is related to advertising, where it is about promoting a product. It is
also used to influence religious beliefs of society.

During the 20th century, the term propaganda acquired a negative meaning in the
Western countries. It meant a deliberate dissemination of frequently false, but
‘obligating’ justifications of certain political ideologies. The propagandists seek to
alter way people understand an issue in favour of the interest group.
The five (5) types of propaganda techniques used in advertising are:
1. Bandwagon – it aims at persuading people to do a certain thing because many
other people are doing it.
Ex. A soft drink advertisement wherein a large group of people is shown
drinking the same soft drink
2. Testimonial: This propaganda technique uses words of an expert or a famous
person to promote a particular idea. For example, a sportsperson is shown
recommending a brand of shoes. Generally, people idealize celebrated figures.
So celebrities are used to advertise certain products. A testimonial has to be
reasonable. Advertisers are cautioned not to use false testimonials, as they
lack authenticity.
3. Transfer: In this technique, qualities of a well-known person are associated
with a product to promote or demote it. Linking an item to a respected person
is positive transfer. Creating an analogy between a disliked person and a
product is negative transfer. It is also used during war times.
4. Repetition: It is when the product name is repeated many times during an
advertisement. This technique may use a jingle, which is appealing to the
masses and fits in their minds.
5. Emotional words: This is meant to generate positive feelings in the minds of
the masses. Words like 'luxury' or 'paradise' are used to evoke certain feelings
in the minds of the people, which they associate with the product.

After the discussion, the teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What are the Different Propaganda Techniques? Explain each propaganda

2. Why is it important to study the Different Propaganda Techniques?
E. Application (15 minutes)
The students will be asked to create an informative essay about the ways to avoid
being a victim of propaganda and deception.
The teacher will introduce briefly what an informative essay is.
Each of the students will be graded according to the criteria below:

3 2 1

Introduces topic Topic is clearly Topic is Topic is not

introduced. mentioned. introduced or does
Demonstrates Demonstrates not demonstrate
strong understanding understanding of
understanding of topic. topic.
Facts and Supports topic Supports topic Uses no facts or
definitions skillfully with with limited facts definitions.
facts, definitions, and definitions. Provides only
and details. opinions
Organization Organizes ideas Organizes ideas No paragraph
and information and information structure is
into clear into incomplete evident.
paragraph paragraph
structure. structure.
Uses effective
linking words to
connect ideas.

Provides Solid concluding Weak concluding No concluding

conclusion sentence is sentence is sentence is
present. present. present.
Grammar and Capital letters and Capital letters and Capital letters and
mechanics punctuation are punctuation are punctuation are
used correctly. mostly used not used correctly.

Source: Graphics/fontscopyright DJ Inkers.

Direction: Complete the sentences below.
_____1. It is a set of messages intended to influence opinions of the masses, not
giving the opponents any opportunity to rebut the idea.
_____2. A technique that repeats the product’s name many times during an
_____3. A technique that a product sold by the name or picture of a famous person
or thing.
_____4. It aims at persuading people to do a certain thing because many other people
are doing it.
_____5. A technique that evokes certain feelings in the minds of the people, which
they associate with the product.

List at least five (5) different commercials that you have watched and identify what
propaganda techniques used.

Prepared by:

Jenny Rose M. Recaña

Convince your friends that you are the long lost sister of Ms. Universe
2018, Catriona Gray.

Convince your mother to allow you to go in your friends birthday


Convince the company manager to hire you because you have met all
the job requirements given.

Convince your friends to use certain skin whitening product.

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