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BY :

I Gusti Agung Daniya Ariyanti Rahayu






Thanks to God who has given the bless to the writer for finishing the Business
Communication paper assignment entitled “Implementation Of Blended E-Learning Method
In Learning In University In Creating A Good And Effective Communication”. The purpose
in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Drs. I Wayan Purwanta Suta,
MAIB, as a lecture of Bussines Communication.
The writer also wish to express our deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided
in completing this paper. This English paper contains the definition of blended e-learning and
the characteristic, the application of blended e-learning method to university learning in
creating good and effective communication, the systematic procedure of blended e-learning
learning, and the effect of blended e-learning on the communication process on students.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about Blended
e-Learning, so we can implement a good communication.

Kuta, April 2018


PREFACE.............................................................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 1
1.1 Background Issue ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Formulation of the Problem ...................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose of Writing .................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Understanding of Blended Learning and Its Characteristics ......................................... 3
2.2 Application of Blended e-Learning Methods to Study at University ........................... 5
2.3 Systematic Procedures of Blended E-Learning Learning ............................................. 7
2.4 Blended E-Learning Effect on Communication Process on Students ........................... 8
CHAPTER III CLOSING .................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.



1.1 Background Issue

The development of technological, information and communication progress is very fast in

this era of globalization. Renewal takes place on all sides and systems of human life. Where
one of them in the learning system that continues to develop and updated in order to create the
efficiency of learning, so that students can easily understand the information submitted. At first
we often hear the term e-learning is a learning system that focuses students on the internet
media online, but over time the e-learning is growing and become a blended e-learning method.

Blended e-Learning method is still not much to know, because it is still a new innovation
and still not many universities that apply it. In fact, blended e-learning method is one of learning
innovation that is effective, because it can adjust the situation and condition. Because the
learning method combines learning systems face-to-face and online, so can customize the needs
of its users. Where with the combination of such learning system will create a communication
that can run continuously and effectively between lecturers and students.

At the time of blended e-learning is possible to hold distance learning by using the internet
media to connect between students with lecturers, see the value of students online, checking
finances, viewing the schedule of college, sending the duties given lecturers and so on.
Communication process undertaken for interaction between lecturers and students can be done
in the form of real time or not. In real time form can be done for example in a chatroom, direct
interaction with real audio or real video, online meeting, and presentation.

While the interaction is not real time can be done with mailing lists, discussion groups,
newsgroup and bulletin board. Therefore, in essence this blended le-learning method which
indirectly make students have applied verbal and nonverbal communication, therefore blended
e-learning method is very good to form students who can communicate well because the
occurrence of two-way communication between lecturers with students.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

a. What is the meaning of blended e-learning and its characteristics?

b. How is the application of blended e-learning method to university learning in creating
good and effective communication?
c. What is the systematic procedure of blended e-learning learning?
d. What is the effect of blended e-learning on the communication process on students?

1.3 Purpose of Writing

a. To know the meaning of blended e-learning and its characteristics

b. To know the application of blended e-learning method to university learning in creating
good and effective communication
c. To know the systematic procedure of learning blended e-learning
d. To know the effect of blended e-learning on communication process in student



2.1 Understanding of Blended Learning and Its Characteristics

Blended e-Learning model is basically a combination of learning excellence that is done

face-to-face and virtually. Some experts put forward their opinions on the definition of Blended
e-Learning. According to Semler (2005) :

"Blended learning combines the best aspects of online learning, structured

face-to-face activities, and real world practice. Online learning systems,
classroom training, and on-the-job experience have major drawbacks by
themselves. The blended learning approach uses the strengths of each to
counter the others' weaknesses "

According to Ahmed, (2008: 1) mentions:

“Blended e-Learning, on the other hand, merges aspects of blended e-lerning

such as: web-based instruction, streaming video, audio, synchronous and
asychronous communication, etc: with traditional, face-to-face learning”.

Another almost identical definition of Soekartawi (2006: 1) explains the notion of Blended e-

“One of newest models is called Blended e-Learning (BEL). The model, BEL,
is disigned basically based on the combination of the best aspect of application
of information technology blended e-learning, structured face-to-face
activities, and real world practice.”

From the definitions described above it can be said simply Blended e-Learning is a
combination or combination of verbal and nonverbal communication aspects approach in the
form of we-based instruction, video streaming, audio, including face-to-face.

Blended learning is an easy learning that incorporates various delivery modes,

instructional models, and learning styles, introducing a wide selection of dialogue media
between facilitator and person who is being taught.

Blended learning is also a combination of face-to-face and online teaching, but more than
that as an element of social interaction.Blended learning is learning that is supported by an
effective combination of different delivery methods, ways of teaching and learning styles and
is found in open communication among all the parts involved with the training.

These conclusions about definition of Blended e-Learning :

1. Combining instructional modalities or delivery media and technologies (traditional

distance education, Internet, Web, CD ROM, video/audio, any other electronic
medium, email, online book etc.)
2. Combining instruction methods, learning theories and pedagogical dimension
3. Combining blended e-learning ang face-to-face learning

Regarding the characteristics of Blended e-Learning leads to technology that strongly

supports the learning method. Blended Learning focuses more on online-based learning and
mix method with face-to-face method. In online learning there is internet-based learning in
which there is web-based learning. Based on the existing components in Blended e-Learning
then the learning theory that underlies the learning moder is the theory of learning
Constructivism (individual learning).

Characteristics of learning blended e-learning are as follows:

1. Active learners
2. Learners construct their knowledge
3. Subjective, dynamic and expanding
4. Processing and understanding of information
5. Leaner has his own learning.

But more than that the characteristics of Blended e-Learning as an element of social interaction

1. There is an interaction between teachers and students

2. Teaching can be on line or face to face directly

3. Blended e-Learning = combining instructional modalities (or delivery media),

4. Blended e-Learning = combining instructional methods

2.2 Application of Blended e-Learning Methods to Study at University

In Indonesia the application of Blended e-learning has been applied in several

universities of open educational providers such as ITB and UGM, and also non-formal
education institutions such as tutoring or coursework have also utilized the blended e-learning.
Specifically the application of blended e-lerning is as follows:

1. Blended e-learning is applied with the delivery of information, communication,

education, training about teacher materials both the substance of the subject matter and
science education online.

2. In its learning activities many provide a set of tools that can enrich the value of learning
in conventional (conventional learning model, the study there are textbooks, CD-ROM and
computer-based training) so as to respond to the challenges of globalization development.

3. Its application not only focuses on the development of online media education
technology, but face-to-face, so it does not replace the conventional learning model of

4. Learning model is done in two directions so it does not focus on lecturers or students
only. Thus creating a good communication between lecturers and students

5. Utilizing computer advantage (digital media and computer networks) or electronic

technology services. Where among students and other students as well as between lecturers
and students can communicate with relative ease with no limited by things that protokoler.

6. More often using self-learning materials (self learning materials) stored on the computer
or uploaded through the website/blog, so it can be accessed by lecturers and students
anywhere if the person needs it.

7. Utilize lesson schedules, curriculum, learning progress and matters relating to education
administration can be viewed at any time on the computer.

But more than that there are 5 ways of learning blended e-learning that can be applied
at the university. Adapaun of them are:

1. Live Event

Direct or face-to-face instruction (instructor-led instruction) synchronously in the same

time and place (classroom) or same time but different place (like virtual classroom). For some
people, this direct learning pattern is still the main pattern. However, this direct learning pattern
needs to be designed in such a way as to achieve the goals as needed.

2. Self-Paced Learning
Combines conventional learning with self-paced learning that enables participants to
learn at anytime, anywhere using a variety of content (learning materials) designed specifically
for self-learning both text-based and multimedia-based (video, animation , simulations, images,
audio, or any combination of them). The learning materials, in the current context can be sent
online (via web or via mobile dovice in the form of: streaming audio, streaming video, e-books,
etc.) or offline (in CD, print, etc.).

3. Collaboration
Combine collaboration, both teacher collaboration, and collaboration between study
participants, both of which can be cross-school/campus. Thus, blended learning designers
should draw collaborative forms, either collaboration between learners or collaborations
between learners and teachers through communication tools that enable such as chatrooms,
discussion forums, emails, websites / webblogs, mobile phones. Of course, collaboration is
directed to the construction of knowledge and skills through social process or social interaction
with others, can be for material deepening, problem solving, project-based learning, etc.

4. Assessment
Of course, in the learning process do not forget the way to measure the success of
learning (assessment techniques). In blended learning, the designer must be able to concoct a
combination of assessments of both test and non-test, or more authentic tests/ portfolio) in the
form of project, product etc. In addition, pelru also considers between the forms of online
assessmen and offline assessmen. So as to give ease and flexibility of participants learn to
follow or do the assessment.

5. Performance Support Material

This part is also not to be forgotten. If we want to combine face-to-face learning in the
classroom and virtual interface, make sure the resources to support it are ready or not, whether
or not they exist. The learning materials are prepared in digital form, whether the learning

material is accessible to the learners either offline (in CD, MP3, DVD, etc.) or online (via
certain resemite websites). Or, if online learning is helped with a Learning/ Content
Management System (LCMS), make sure also that this system application has been installed
properly, easily accessed, and so forth.

2.3 Systematic Procedures of Blended E-Learning Learning

This teaching model is based on systematic learning development and consists of seven
phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, implementation, evaluation, and

1. Analysis: This phase determines what will be taught. The purpose of the analysis
is to detect the learning characteristics and needs of the students, determine the
environment in which the learning will be conducted as well as calculate the available
resources. Characteristics of students is determined by collecting demographic
information and conducting preliminary tests for computer use skills. This first phase
will result in learning objectives for each module as well as educational content
(knowledge and skills to be learned along with activities to be developed)

2. Design: this phase determines how it will be taught. Gained from the analysis in
the previous stage will be used to create a lesson, which has been detailed into things
such as: where the learning process will be conducted, the learning approach to be
used, the information structure of the material to be delivered (facts, concepts,
processes , procedures, principles), standards to be used, implementation criteria, and
expected performance.

3. Arrangement and development: in this phase, we must prepare the tools used,
materials, strategies, sequences, and all the resources mentioned in the design. All of
that must be completed at this stage

4. Implementation: This phase includes the use of software for the blended e-learning
process later. There are many application programs that can be obtained, both those
who must find and utilize existing ones in the operating system already installed on
the computer. Software such as "FrontPage" can be used to display text, images, and
video clips. Meanwhile, pre-test and post-test can be created using software (eg

"AuthorWare") that allows students to interactivity and provide direct feedback.
Links or websites where needed need to be made to bridge the various contents in
the interrelated module and each other, because hypertext and hypermedia used for
links in multimedia view will be much more helpful than the multimedia display

5. Implementation (trials): in this phase, the module is ready for the learning process.
Learning in electronic format is installed and stored in student computer multimedia
campus on campus. At the first meeting should be explained everything about the
online learning, for example: work plan, allocation of time to work on each module,
deadline to collect tasks

6. Evaluation: input of existing information during the implementation process is

collected, including pre-test results and problems and difficulties arising during

7. Feedback: results obtained from pre-test plus comments and suggestions from
colleagues and experts should be considered. For example, suggestions relating to all
stages of electronic teaching model (einstructional), image clarity, video, and text
display should be taken into account for module refinement before being actually
applied to the study group. Post-test results and student opinions on the lesson are
analyzed by considering their correlation with learning objectives for module
improvement when necessary.

2.4 Blended E-Learning Effect on Communication Process on Students

Basically the application of blended e-learning method is very influential on student

communication. Because there is a renewal of the model or learning system in which students
make learning centers, it is required to actively seek information related to learning and active
opinion. In the process of communication, students have indirectly applied verbal
communication in the form of presentation, opinion and nonverbal communication.
It is without them knowing that the students are communicating well.

So blended e-learning has established good communication on students with other
students as well as students with lecturers. This is a very important capital, because in this era
of good communication is also required to be owned by students, because in the world of skill
work is preferred. In addition, two-way communication conducted by lecturers with students
will provide good feedback so that between each other can understand about the information
submitted. In this way will be obtained more effective and targeted learning results. Where
students will have more opportunities to develop themselves and be responsible for themselves


3.1 Conclusion

Blended e-learning is a mixed learning model of online technology with face-to-face

learning that can effectively transmit knowledge in a globalized world. The blended e-learning
model program includes several forms of learning tools, such as real-time collaboration
software, online web-based programs, and electronics that support system performance in the
tasks of the learning environment, and knowledge management systems.

Blended learning model contains a variety of activity activities, including learning face
to face, e-learning, and self-learning activities. From blended e-lerning learning model that will
form a good and effective communication, so doing two-way communication between lecturers
with students who make the information to be conveyed will be easy to accept between each


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