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Airspeed Measurement 1 Study Questions


1. Decode the ICE-T acronym, i.e., the full name for each letter. Identify and
label the mathematical symbol that shows the relative values of the ICE-T airspeeds
on a (a) non-standard day and (b) a standard day at sea level.
IAS = indicated CAS = calibrated EAS = equivalent TAS = true.

2. *List the four steps the airspeed indicator/pitot-static system must perform
to determine and display IAS.
Measure total pressure H. Measure static pressure Ps. Calculate dynamic pressure q
from Bernoulli’s equation q = H-Ps. Calculate KIAS from dynamic pressure
3. Where is total pressure initially measured/captured in a pitot-static system?
We measure stagnation pressure or total pressure with a pitot tube
4. The static pressure at the stagnation point will be ________greater________
(greater/less) than the ambient static pressure by the amount of the
________dynamic_________ (static/dynamic/total) pressure of the airstream.
5. Where is the static port on a C152 or Warrior? Where is the static port on an
On the tip of the wing
6. *Given: H = 2140 psf , Ps = 2105, and σ = 1.0, calculate IAS assuming no
instrument, position, or compressibility error.*

Airspeed Measurement 2 Study Questions

Study Questions - CAS

1. *Define calibrated airspeed (KCAS) in terms of corrections to indicated

airspeed (KIAS).
CAS is IAS corrected for installation (position) and instrument (mechanical)
errors. CAS = IAS + ΔVi+ ΔVm
2. *What document is used to determine IAS corrections for installation/position
errors for a particular airplane?
ANA Figure 1.6, sheet 1 of 2,is a “typical” positionerror chart
3. *To determine indicated airspeed (KIAS), the pitot-static system on an
airplane needs to measure ambient static pressure. However, position error causes
the static pressure measured by the pitot-static system to be different from
ambient static pressure by some small amount as depicted in the POH. What causes
this position error or said another way, why is the static pressure measured by the
pitot-static system not the same as ambient or freestream static pressure?
q component into the static port
Static pressure of air disturbed by the a/c is different thanambientpressure.Ps
measured ≠Ps free stream.The aircraft itself interferes with Ps measurement
4. *Why does aircraft configuration, e.g., flap position, affect IAS airspeed
Because when the flaps and gear up are displayed a new error of static pressure
5. The static pressure error (position or installation) in a pitot-static
a. Is always positive (Ps measured > Ps ambient) which causes the IAS to be too
low compared to CAS.
b. Is always negative (Ps measured < Ps ambient) which causes the IAS to be too
low compared to CAS.
c. May be positive or negative and IAS may be higher or lower than CAS depending
on aircraft configuration and speed.
d. None of the above.

Airspeed Measurement 3 Study Questions EAS Study Questions

1. *Define equivalent airspeed (KEAS) in terms of corrections to calibrated

airspeed (KCAS).
EAS = CAS corrected for compressibility errors= CAS + ΔVC
2. State the rule of thumb for airspeed and altitude below which compressibility
errors in airspeed measurement are negligible and KCAS is approximately equal to
Compressibility errors are significant (3-30 knots) above 10,000' and above 200
KCAS.Compressibility errors are insignificant below 10,000' and below 200 KCAS.
3. Given PA = 25,000 feet and KCAS = 300. Find KEAS using text figure 1.6.

4. The compressibility correction chart in figure 1.6 (sheet 1 of 2) shows ΔVc =

0 at sea level for all airspeeds. Why is this? (Hint: Refer back to the 2
Properties of the Atmosphere lesson.)

5. T F Compressibility errors in airspeed measurement for airplanes flying

above 10,000 feet and above 200 KIAS can be significant and EAS is usually less
than CAS.

6. EAS is usually always less than CAS due to the airflow into the pitot tube
undergoing a density change (increase) at high speeds and high altitudes. How does
this lead to an indicated airspeed error? (Hint: Use Bernoulli’s equation.)

TAS Study Questions

1. *Define true airspeed (KTAS) in terms of corrections to equivalent airspeed

TAS = EAS (or CAS if no compressibility error) corrected for density altitude
2. *Given KEAS = 289 and PA = 25,000 feet. Determine KTAS from text figure 1.6
(sheet 2 of 2).

3. *Given KCAS = 300 and PA = 25,000 feet. Determine KTAS using the rule of
thumb for KTAS increase above KCAS with altitude.

4. The correction from EAS to TAS is dependent upon:

none of the above

Airspeed Measurement 4 Study Questions

Combination Airspeed Study Questions
1. *How does the ICE-T acronym and the square root symbol relate to airspeed? Be
complete and specific.
The mathematical square root symbol depicts the relative values of the airspeeds
(up, down, more, less, higher, lower)

2. T F At sea level on a standard day in a Warrior or C152, KIAS ≈ KCAS ≈KEAS

3. T F At 8,000 on a standard day in a Warrior or C152, KIAS ≈ KCAS ≈KEAS
4. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. TAS is EAS corrected for density altitude
5. Determine KCAS, KEAS, and KTAS using the ANA figure 1.6. Do not use any
rules of thumb

KIAS = 400K
Clean configuration
Pressure altitude = 20,000 ft
Temperature = -25o C
6. *Fill in the table below. Do not use any estimations.

KIAS 355
Indicated altitude 15,000
Altimeter setting (MSL pressure) 29.92
Temperature at altitude -10 C
Local speed of sound 630 KTAS
σ density ratio 0.62
Airspeed indicator position error correction -4 knot
Airspeed indicator mechanical error correction -1 knots
KCAS 350
KEAS 342
KTAS 434
Mach number 0.69
7. *Fill in the table below. Use ONLY estimations.

KIAS 150
Indicated altitude 10,000
KCAS 150
KEAS 150
KTAS 180
8. The following statement is true under some conditions. IAS ≈ CAS ≈ EAS ≈ TAS.
Under what specific conditions is each part of the statement true?

IAS ≈ CAS if ΔVi≈ 0

CAS ≈EAS if ΔVm≈ 0

EAS ≈ TAS if

AVS 2102 - Development of Aerodynamic Forces

1. *When depicting pressure distributions on an object in airflow (ANA figure
1.7, 1.8, and 1.9), pressure vector arrows are always oriented
________perpendicular_________ (parallel/tangent/perpendicular) to the surface of
the object. Pressure vector arrows pointing toward the object indicate local
pressure _____greater_______ (greater/less) than atmospheric and are enclosed in an
area denoted with a _____-______ (+/-). Pressure vector arrows pointing away from
the object indicate local pressure _____less_______ (greater/less) than atmospheric
and are enclosed in an area denoted with a _________+__________ (+/-).
Generation of Lift
2. This is a sequential question. Part a. must be correct to receive credit for
a correct answer in b. and parts a. and b. must be correct to receive credit for a
correct answer in c.

In the figure to the right, airflow is top of page to bottom of page.

a. Given that the cylinder is being rotated by an external power source, in
which direction is the cylinder rotating?
Clockwise Counterclockwise
b. Label on the drawing the single area where dynamic pressure is the highest
and static pressure is the lowest.

c. In which direction will the cylinder try to move?

Left Right
3. *On the cambered airfoil producing lift shown below (ANA figure 1.8), draw
representative (a) streamlines, (b) proper placement of the forward stagnation
point, (c) upwash and (d) downwash areas, and (e) areas of increased local
velocities and decreased pressures. Identify /label all features.

4. *Add representative pressure vectors to the drawing below. Insure the vectors
are oriented properly with respect to the airfoil surface. Insure the vectors have
the arrow head on the proper end. Label the areas where pressure is greater than
ambient with a +. Label areas where the pressure is less than ambient with a -.
(ANA fig. 1.8, s1 of 2.)

5. Which of the wings below is producing lift?

a. a only
b. b only
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

6. Describe the Coanda effect as applied to aircraft wings in flight.

7. Describe Newtonian lift theory as applied to aircraft wings in flight.

8. T F The Navier-Stokes equations combine all the relevant contributors
to lift including the continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation. and Newton’s third

9. The Navier-Stokes equations account for three distinct contributors to lift

production in an attempt to mathematically calculate lift. Name the three
contributors to lift considered in the Navier-Stokes equations.
Continuity equation (conservation of mass) Bernoulli’s equation (conservation of
energy) Newton’s third law (conservation of momentum)
Lift Equation and CL vs. AOA Study Questions (v0)

Aerodynamic Force Coefficients

1. Lift coefficient is the ratio between _____lift_______ pressure and
_____dynamic________ pressure.
Drag coefficient is the ratio between ____drag________ pressure and
____dynamic________ pressure.
The Basic Lift Equation
2. *Write the four-term lift equation and the name and English units of each

3. *The lift coefficient used in the lift equation is only a function of the
___airfoil shape___ and the __angle of attack__.
4. Using ANA 1.11 figure, calculate the lift produced by the 280 sf wing at 120
KTAS (sea level) and 12.7 degrees angle of attack.

CL vs. AOA
5. *Draw a graph depicting the lift coefficient (y axis) versus angle of attack
(x axis) for a conventional airplane wing planform (symmetrical airfoil). Label the
x and y axis with typical values. Identify CLmax and stall angle of attack on the
appropriate axis. (ANA fig. 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13.)

6. *Draw a graph depicting the lift coefficient (y axis) versus angle of attack
(x axis) for a conventional airplane wing planform (cambered airfoil). Label the x
and y axis with typical values. Identify CLmax and stall angle of attack on the
appropriate axis. (ANA fig. 1.12.)

7. Refer to ANA figure 1.12, lift characteristics of typical airfoil sections.

a. Compare the stall characteristics (angle of attack, CLmax, and aircraft

handling/stall warning) of the NACA 63-006 wing versus the NACA 63-009 wing.
b. Compare qualitatively the lift produced at zero angle of attack for the NACA
631-012 wing vs. the NACA 631-412 wing.

c. Calculate the lift produced by a NACA 631-412, 280 sf wing at 120 KTAS (sea
level) and 8 degrees angle of attack. Show work.

Camber effect
8. *Draw a CL vs. AOA graph that shows the typical effect of increasing camber.
Accurately depict and label the effect on CLmax and AOAstall. (ANA fig. 1.15 top
and 1.17 bottom.)

9. As camber of an airfoil is increased, its CL at any given AOA less than stall
a. is less
b. remains the same
c. is greater
Thickness effect
10. *Draw a CL vs. AOA graph that shows the typical effect of increasing
thickness. Accurately depict and label the effect on CLmax and AOAstall. (Lecture

11. Two features an airfoil designer can change to increase CLmax are
a. thickness and wing area
b. chord length and aspect ratio
c. camber and wing span
d. thickness and camber
Interpretation of the Lift Equation – Controlling Lift
12. As altitude increases the KTAS necessary to maintain straight and level
flight, i.e., constant lift, must
a. Increase
b. Remain the same
c. Decrease
13. As altitude increases the KCAS necessary to maintain straight and level
flight, i.e., constant lift, must
a. Increase
b. Remain the same
c. Decrease
14. If a pilot wishes to increase KCAS yet maintain straight and level flight at
a given altitude, what aircraft control action (relative to aerodynamics and the
lift equation) must the pilot perform to avoid climbing with the airspeed increase?
How does this translate to actual aircraft control inputs?

15. If a pilot wishes to decrease KCAS yet maintain straight and level flight at
a given altitude, what aircraft control action (relative to the lift equation) must
the pilot perform to avoid descending with the airspeed decrease? How does this
translate to actual aircraft control inputs?

16. Which flap type increases wing area when deployed?

a. Variable geometry flaps
b. Fowler flaps
c. Slider flaps
d. Slats
Stall Mathematics Study Questions

Stall KTAS
Stall KCAS or KIAS
Weight effect
G effect
Altitude effect

Stall KTAS
1. T F Stall KTAS increases as altitude increases.

Stall KCAS or KIAS

2. *Starting with the lift equation, L=q CL S, derive the VS KIAS =
17.2(GW/CLmax S)1/2 equation.

3. In the lift equation, at stall,

VKTAS = _________

CL = _________

L = _________ to account for any G condition.

4. *Stall speed KCAS/KIAS is a function of (depends on): (Circle all correct

a. weight
b. altitude
c. bank angle or G loading
5. *For a given aircraft in a given configuration, stall KCAS changes when
__________ changes (at least three factors).

6. T F Stall KCAS does not change with altitude changes.

7. *Calculate the standard day sea level stall speed KTAS and KCAS of an
aircraft in level flight weighing 2740 lbs with a wing area of 175 sf and a CLmax
of 1.7.
8. Calculate the KTAS and KCAS stall speed of an aircraft in level flight at
5,000 feet MSL (standard day) weighing 2740 lbs with a wing area of 175 sf and a
CLmax of 1.7. Use no estimations. (σ at 5,000 feet = 0.8617)

Weight Effect
9. *If an aircraft stalls at 50 KCAS at 2325 pounds gross weight, what is the
new stall KCAS at 1600 pounds gross weight?

10. If the gross weight of an aircraft without cargo is 500,000 pounds and the
stall speed at that weight is 120 KCAS, what is the new stall speed KCAS when
500,000 pounds of cargo is added, i.e., the weight is doubled?

G effect

11. *T F If the aircraft nose is moving relative to the horizon, then G ≠

12. T F If an aircraft is experiencing positive Gs, the occupant of the
aircraft is said to be under an “eyeballs up” vertical acceleration.
13. T F If an aircraft is experiencing 0 Gs, the occupant of the aircraft is
said to be under an “eyeballs down” vertical acceleration.
14. *Calculate the stall speed of an airplane under a given load factor when the
unaccelerated 1G stall speed is known. Example: 1G stall speed = 120 KIAS, 2G stall
speed = ???

15. *Calculate the stall speed of an airplane under a given level turn bank angle
when the unaccelerated 1G zero bank angle stall speed is known. Example: 1G stall
speed = 80 KCAS, 30 degree bank level turn stall speed = ???

16. *What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 4 if the
unaccelerated (1G) stall speed is 70 knots?
a. 280 knots
b. 132 knots
c. 140 knots

17. What is the stall speed of an airplane under a load factor of 2 if the
unaccelerated (1G) stall speed is 100 knots?
a. 200 knots
b. 129 knots
c. 141 knots

18. *The G forces on an airplane in a constant altitude turn depend on:

a. airspeed
b. type of airplane (jet or prop)
c. bank angle
d. a and b.
19. *When an airplane is in a constant altitude turn, the stall speed:
a. remains the same as in level flight
b. increases as the square root of the G
c. increases as the square root of 1/cos Φ
d. b and c
20. *If an airplane weight is 3,250 pounds, what is the load acting on this
airplane during a level 60o banked turn?
a. 3,250 pounds
b. 5,200 pounds
c. 6,500 pounds
21. An airplane has a normal (1G) stalling speed of 60 MPH but is forced into an
accelerated stall at twice that speed. What maximum load factor will result from
this maneuver?
a. 4 Gs
b. 2 Gs
c. 1 G
22. As the angle of bank increases (and the pilot makes no changes in pitch), the
vertical component of lift
a. increases and the sink rate increases
b. decreases and the sink rate increases
c. increases and the sink rate decreases
23. *What action is necessary to make an airplane turn?
a. yaw the airplane
b. change the direction of lift
c. change the direction of thrust

Effect of altitude
24. *Describe the effect of increasing altitude on stall KTAS and stall KCAS.

25. As altitude increases, the KCAS stall speed ____________________

(increases/remains the same/decreases) and the KTAS stall speed
____________________ (increases/remains the same/decreases).
Stall Aerodynamics Study Questions
Stall AOA
1. *Stall AOA is a function of (depends on): (circle all correct answers)
a. airspeed
b. weight
c. altitude
d. power/thrust setting
e. airfoil shape only
2. T F Stall AOA increases as weight increases.

3. T F Stall AOA increases as altitude increases.

4. *The critical angle of attack at which a given airplane stalls is dependent

on the
a. gross weight
b. design of the wing
c. altitude and airspeed

5. The angle of attack at which an aircraft stalls

a. increases with an increase in engine power
b. remains constant unless the wing shape is changed with flaps and/or slats
c. varies with gross weight and density altitude
6. Which statement is true relating to the factors which produce stalls?
a. the critical angle of attack is a function of the degree of bank
b. the stalling angle of attack depends on the speed of the airflow over the
c. the stalling angle of attack is independent of the speed of airflow over the

Stall warning
7. *Describe with sketches how a stall warning horn system such as found on the
Piper Cadet or Arrow operates aerodynamically, i.e. what aerodynamic conditions
cause the vane to stay down and thus keep the stall warning horn off and what
aerodynamic conditions cause the vane to go up and activate the stall warning horn?
Your answer must include the stagnation streamline and the stagnation point.

8. *Regarding how a stall warning horn system such as found on the Piper Cadet
or Arrow operates aerodynamically and electrically, which of the following are
true? Select all correct answers.
a. The stagnation point is below the wing leading edge for a wing producing
b. The stagnation streamline is the dividing streamline which separates
airflow/streamlines over the top of the wing from the airflow/streamlines
underneath the wing.
c. At angles of attack below stall angle of attack, the stall warning vane is in
an area where airflow is flowing underneath the wing. The vane is in an area of
“downward” flow. This airflow holds the stall warning vane down, i.e., retains the
warning circuit open.
d. As angle of attack approaches stall angle of attack, the stagnation
streamline moves further below the wing leading edge such that the stall warning
vane is in an area of “upward” flow. This airflow pushes the stall warning vane up,
i.e., closing the warning circuit and activating the stall warning.

Stall recovery
9. *What single, overriding aerodynamic goal concerning angle of attack must a
pilot accomplish to recover from a stall? List some aircraft and thrust control
actions that contribute to achieving this aerodynamic goal.

10. Which of the following are false? Circle all false statements.
a. Stall can occur at any airspeed depending on G, bank angle, and weight.
b. Stall occurs when the critical angle of attack is exceeded.
c. To recover from a stall, the angle of attack must be reduced to an angle
below the critical angle of attack.
d. Stall angle of attack varies with (depends on) airspeed.


11. Regarding airflow separation from a wing as angle of attack is increased,

which of the following are true? Circle all correct answers.
a. Some airflow separation occurs near the wing trailing edge prior to stall
angle of attack. This separation may provide buffet and stall warning.
b. As AOA increases toward stall AoA, the trailing edge separation point moves
forward toward the leading edge.
c. At stall AOA the airflow has separated from the major portion of the
airfoil/wing upper surface.
d. Reverse flow is present on the top of the wing after airflow separation.

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