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 Numbering of levels questions nd answers

 SEQUENCE – L1, L2 ,L3 questions then All level Answer
 2 Column and highlight if any box or Diagram is Missing

A circle is a curve such that any point on this curve is equidistant from a fixed point(centre of a circle ). In

A line joining 2 points on the circumference of a circle.

Chord In Fig. 1, AB, CD and EF all are chords.

The largest chord of a circle is called Diameter. It always passes through the centre
Diameter of the circle and divides it in two equal parts. In fig 1, CD is the diameter which is
passing through the centre O.
A line that intersects the circle at two different points. In Fig. 2, AB is a secant. There
Secant is only a small difference between a chord and a secant, that the length of a chord is
fixed, while a secant can be extended to infinity from both the directions.
Tangent A line that touches the circle at exactly one point. In Fig. 2, PQR is a tangent which
is touching the circle at Q. So, we say that PQR is a tangent at Q.
Semicircle Half of the circle is called semicircle.
A part of a circle (or part of circumference of a circle) is called arc. In Fig. 1, the
Arc chord AB is dividing the circle in two parts. The smaller curve (Let’s say A𝑋B) is
called the minor arc while larger curve (Let’s say AYB) is called the major arc.
Kindly note that minor arc is always smaller than the semicircle and major arc is
always greater than the semicircle.
A sector is a part of area of the circle. It’s a figure made by joining both ends of an
Sector arc at the centre. In Fig. 1, chord EF is making aminor arc EYF. E and F are joined
at the centre O, such that EYFO is a sector (a pizza piece is a sector of the whole
pizza, when we observe it in only 2D)
The angle made by a sector at the centre is known as central angle. In Fig. 1, ∠EOF
Central angle =θ is the central angle of the sector EYFO.

Concentric circles Circles having the same centre at a plane are called the concentric circles.
In the given diagram there are two circles with radii r1 and r2 having the common (or
same) centre. There are called as concentric circles.
Congruent circles Circles with equal radii are called as congruent circles.

Segment of a circle A chord divides a circle into two regions. These two regions are called the segments
of a circle.
a) major segment b) minor segment
Circum-circle A circle which passes through all the three vertices of a triangle. Thus the
circumcentre is always equidistant from the vertices of the triangle.
OA = OB = OR (circumradius)
a circle, following terminologies are important for us as far as quantitative aptitude exams are concerned .



Properties of a circle
a) There is only one circle possible which can pass through 3 non collinear points. (Remember we studied
that number of circles passing through n points out of which 3 points are collinear is given by nC 3 )
b) Circumference of a circle is its perimeter, which is given as 2πr where r is the radius of the circle, and,
r= 2
c) Area of circle = πr 2
d) Area of a sector = 360 × πr 2 (as sector is a part of the area of the circle)
e) Length of an arc = 360 × 2πr (as arc is a part of the circumference of the circle)

EXAMPLE 1 Find the area of the circle if

a) Radius (r) = 7cm
b) Radius (r) = 10cm
c) Diameter (d) = 10cm
d) Area of a sector making central angle as 60° is 100 cm2
e) Length of an arc making central angle as 30° is 20 cm
f) Circumference (C) = 50 cm


a) We know that, area = πr 2

If r = 7cm, area = π × (7)2 = 49π cm2
22 22
By substituting value ofπ = 7
, area = 7
× 49 = 154 cm2
is not the exact value of π, it’s the closest rational number to π)
b) Area (A) = πr 2
22 2200
At r = 10cm, Area = × (10)2 = cm2
7 7
c) Diameter (d) = 10 cm
So, radius (r) = 2 = 5 cm
22 22×25 550
Area (A) = × (5)2 = = 7 cm2
7 7
d) Area of a sector = 360
× πr 2
putting area of the sector as 100 cm and θ as 60°,
100 = 360 × πr 2
πr 2 = 100 × 60
= 600 cm2
So, Area of circle = 600 cm2
e) Length of an arc = × (2πr)
putting length of the arc as 20 cm and θ as 30°,
20 =360 × (2πr)
20×360 120
r= =
30×2π π
120 2 120×120×7
So, Area of the circle (A) = πr 2 = π × ( π
) = 22
= 11 cm2
Circumference (C) = 2πr
 50 = 2πr
or, r = π
25 2 25×25×7 4375
So, Area (A) = πr 2 = π × ( π ) = 22
= 22

EXAMPLE 2 If radius of a circle is increased by 3 times, how many times the area of the circle will
become compared to original value?

Let initial radius = r, initial area = πr 2

increased radius = 3r, new area = π(3r)2 = 9πr 2
new area 9.πr2
So, initial area = =9
 New area is 9 times the initial area
So, we can generalize this as:
 If radius of a circle becomes x times, area becomes x2 times the previous value.
EXAMPLE 3 In the following figure, find the area of the shaded region, if O is the centre of both the
circles C1 and C2

Here, area of the shaded region = Area of bigger circle (C2) – Area of smaller circle (C1)
= π × (12)2 = π(10)2
= π (144 – 100) = 44πcm2
22 968
So, area of shaded portion = × 44 = cm2
7 7

Important Theorems in Circles

There are 15 theorems, from T1 to T15 in this chapter. But most of them are so easy that we already use
them for solving problems related to circles. Let’s see them all one by one

T1: Secant Theorem

If two secants are drawn from a common point outside the circle, the product of their corresponding parts
are equal.


T2: Secant – tangent Theorem

If a tangent and a secant, are drawn from a common point outside the circle, then

PA. PB = PT2

T3: Tangent – tangent Theorem

If 2 tangents PT and PS are drawn from a common point outside the circle, then


T4: Chord Intersection Theorem

If 2 chords intersect in a circle, then the products of their corresponding parts are equal.

T5: Perpendicular bisector theorem

A perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to a chord always bisects the chord.
So, if OM Ʇ AB, AM = MB

T6: Perpendicular radius theorem

The radius of a circle is always perpendicular to the tangent at the point of contact. Or, any line drawn
from the centre of the circle is perpendicular to the tangent at its point of contact.
Hence, If O is centre and PT is tangent at T, then OT⊥PT

T7: Equidistant chords theorem

Equal chords are always equidistant from the centre.

So, If AB = CD, OM = ON
(Its reverse is also true)

T8: Chord- angle theorem

Equal chords subtend equal angles at the centre.

So, if AB = CD, then ∠AOB = ∠COD

T9: Chord – arc theorem

Equal chords have arcs of equal lengths.
So, if AB = CD, minor arc AB = minor arc CD
major arc AB = major arc CD

T10: Central – angle theorem

Angle subtended by a chord at the centreis double the angle subtended by the same chord at the
circumference of the circle ‘’in the same segment’’
So, if AB is a chord and O is the centre,
∠AOB = 2 ∠ACB

T11: Angle – segment Theorem

Angles subtended by a chord in the same segment are equal.

So, ∠APB =∠AQB = ∠ARB
NOTE Here, in T10& T11, segment is referred to the parts of the circle divided by the chord AB. In T 11,
major arc is APQRB and minor arc is AB. So, the major arc will have one segment and minor arc will
have another segment. So, if a point S touches the minor arc, the angle ASB will not be equal to APB as
both are made in different segment.

T12: Diameter Theorem

Diameter always subtends 90°angle at the circumference

So, ∠AEB = ∠ADC = ∠ACB = 90°

T13: Chord – tangent Theorem

If a chord TB touches a tangent PTQ at the point of contact of tangent and circle, then the angle
subtended by the chord TB at the circumference is given as
∠TAB = ∠BTP (for chord BT)
also,∠ABT = ∠ATQ(for chord AT)
T14: Ptolemy’s theorem

(Picture should be clear)

In a cyclic quadrilateral, the product of the diagonals is equal to the sum of the products of opposite sides.
or, D1.D2 = a.c +b.d

T15: Cyclic Quadrilateral theorem

Opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.

So, ∠DAB + ∠DCB = 180°
∠ADC + ∠ABC = 180°


EXAMPLE 4 In the following figures, If O is the centre of the circle, find x.

a) b)


a) We know that, ∠AOB = 2 ∠ACB (Using T10)

So, 80° = 2× ∠ACB
or, ∠ACB = x = 40°
b) Here, ∠ACB = 40°
According to T11, ∠ACB = ∠ADB
∠ADB = x = 40°

EXAMPLE 5 In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, if ∠ABC = 50° and ∠BAD = 40°, find ∠ADC and ∠DCB.

Using T15, ∠ABC + ∠ADC = 180 ∠ADC = 180° – 50°= 130°

and, ∠BAD + ∠DCB = 180 ∠DCB = 180° – 40° = 140°

EXAMPLE 6 In a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD, if ∠ABD = 50° and ∠CAD = 40°, find ∠ADC

Now, ∠ABD = ∠ACD = 50° (Using T11)

∠ADC + ∠CAD + ∠ACD = 180° (Sum of interior angles of ∆ADC)
∠ADC + 40° + 50° = 180°
or, ∠ADC = 90°

EXAMPLE7 In the following figure, if O is the centre of the circle, find the angle ∠ADB


Here, ∠OAC = 60°,∠OBC = 50°

Now, OA, OC and OB are radius. Hence, OA = OC = OB
If OA = OC, ∠OAC = ∠OCA ∠OCA = 60°
If OB = OC,∠OBC = ∠OCB ∠OCB = 50°
Hence, ∠ACB = ∠OCA + ∠OCB = 60° + 50° = 110°
As ACBD forms a cyclic quadrilateral, T15 will give
∠ADB + ∠ACB = 180°
∠ADB = 180° – 110° = 70°

EXAMPLE 8 In the following Figure, ABE||DCF ∠EBC = 2∠BCF. Find ∠BAD?

Solution Here, ∠EBC = 2∠BCF

As ABE|| DCF, ∠ABC = ∠BCF (alternate angles of transversal BC)
and, as ABE is a straight line, ∠ABC +∠EBC = 180°
∠BCF + ∠EBC = 180°
∠BCF + 2∠BCF = 180°
∠BCF = 60°
If ∠BCF = 60°,∠BCD = 180° – 60° = 120° (Straight line angles)
Now, ∠BAD + ∠BCD = 180° (Using T15)
∠BAD = 180° – 120° = 60°

EXAMPLE 9 In a circle with centre O and radius as 20 cm, two parallel chords were drawn, 5
cm apart on the same side of the centre. If the longer chord measures 30 cm, find the length of
the shorter chord.

Here, Let the longer chord is AB and the shorter chord is CD. As AB||CD, The distance between
these chords will be the perpendicular distance between them. So, a perpendicular from centre O
is drawn which divides AB into two equal parts AM and MB, and CD into two equal parts CN
and ND (Using T5)
Now, AB = 30 cm. So, AM = 15 cm
OA = radius = 20 cm = OD
In∆OMA, OA2 = OM2 + MA2
 202 = OM2 + 152
 OM2 = 175
or, OM = 5√7
Now, In ∆OND, OD2 = ON2 + ND2
 202 = (5√7 + 5)2 + ND2
 ND2 = 200 - 50√7
ND = 8.23 cm
So, Length of shorter chord (CD) = 2 × ND = 16.46 cm

EXAMPLE 10 In a circle with centre O and radius as 20 cm, two parallel chords were drawn 15 cm apart
on different sides of the centre. If the shorter chord measures 30 cm find the length of the longer chord.

Here, Let AB is shorter chord and CD is the longer chord.

AB 30
BN = AN = 2 = 2 = 15 cm
and, OC = OA = radius = 20cm
Also, MN = 15 cm
Now, in ∆ ONA, OA2 = AN2 + ON2
 202 = 152 + ON2
 ON2 = 400 – 225 = 175
ON = 5√7 cm
So, OM = MN – ON = (15 - 5√7) cm
In ∆ OMC, OC2 = MC2 + OM2
202 = MC2 + (15 - 5√7)2
 MC2 = 400 – 225 – 175 + 150√7
 MC2 = 150√7cm
or, MC = 19.92 cm
So, CD = 2 × MC = 39.84 cm

EXAMPLE 11 In the following figure, O is the centre of the circle, AB is a chord and OM ⊥ AB. If
OM = 2MN, find the length of AB.


Here, radius = OA = 9 cm = ON
OM = 2 MN
As OM⊥AB, AM = MB (Using T5)
Now, ON = OM + MN = 2MN + MN = 3MN
 9 = 3MN
or, MN = 3 cm
 OM = 6 cm
In∆OMA, OA2 = OM2 + AM2
(9)2 = (6)2 + AM2
 AM2 = 45
or, AM = 3√5 cm
Hence, length of chord AB = 2 AM = 6√5 cm

EXAMPLE12 In the following figure, Find the length of chord AB, if PA = 2PC, PC = 5 cm, CD = 10


Here, PC = 5 cm, PA = 2PC = 10 cm

Now, PA.PB = PC.PD (Using T1)
 10 × PB = 5 × (PC + CD)
 10PB = 5 × (PC + CD)
 PB = = 12.5 cm
So, AB = PB – PA = 12.5 – 10 = 2.5 cm

EXAMPLE 13 In the following figure, find the length of AB.


Here, PT2 = PA.PB (Using T2)

So, (20)2 = 15 × PB
400 80
or, PB = 15 = 3 cm
80 35
Hence, AB = PB – PA = 3
– 15 = 3

Common Tangents Concept

There are four different types of positions of 2 circles in a 2D plane, in all of them, there can be drawn
one or more tangents that are common to these circles. These are following:

Two non – intersecting circles

If two circles are non-intersecting, then a total of 4 common tangents can pass through them. Out of these
4, two will be direct common tangents (DCT) and two will be Transverse Common Tangents (TCT). A
DCT is a tangent which pass through the line which connects the centres of the two circles. A TCT is a
tangent which does pass through the line which connects the centre of the two circles.
Here, Tangent AB and CD are TCTs. Observe that if we join the centres of the two circles O1and O2 , then
both AB and CD will pass through O1O2.
Tangents EF and GH are DCTs. Observe that neither EF nor GH will pass through O1O2, if they are


i) Two circles touching externally

If two circles are touching externally at one point,then there will be 2 DCTs and 1 TCT.
Here, AB is a TCT while CD and EF are DCTs.

ii) Relation between centres of circles touching externally and internally

The point of contact of two tangent lies on the straight line joining the two centres.
a) If two circles touch externally then the distance between their centres is equal to sum of their radii,
AB = AC + BC
(Missing diagram)

b) If two circles touch internally the distance between their centres is equal to the difference between their
AB = AC – BC

(Missing diagram)

iii) Two circles intersecting at two points

If two circles intersect at two points, there will be 2 DCTs and no TCT.
Here, both AB and CD are DCTs

iv) Two circles touching internally

If two circles touch internally, then there will be only 1 DCT and no TCT.
Here, AB is a DCT as it will not pass through the line O1 O2, if O1 and O2are joined.

v) Length of a DCT and a TCT

Here, AB is a Direct Common Tangent (DCT), r1 is the radius of circle with O1 and r2 is the radius of the
circle with centre O2 . Now using T6 , O1A ⊥ AB and O2B ⊥ AB.
Draw a line O2C parallel to AB. So, ACO2 = 90o = O2
In ∆O2CO1 , (O1C)2 + (CO2)2 + (O1O2)2
(O1A – AC)2 + ( AB)2 = (O1O2)2
(O1A – O2B)2 + (AB)2 = (O1O2)2
(AB)2 = (O1O2)2 – (O1A-O2B)2
(AB)2 = (O1O2)2- (r1r2)2
Hence, AB = √(O1 O2 )2 − (r1 − r2 )2

Or, length of DCT =√distance between the centres)2 − (r1 − r2 )2

Similarly, if we solve the same for a Transverse Common Tangent,
Length of TCT =√(distance between the centre)2 − (r1 + r2 )2


EXAMPLE 14 Find the length of the direct common tangent that can be drawn to two circles whose
centres are 10cm apart and radius of these two circles are 8cm and 5cm?

DCT= √(distance between centres)2 − (r1 − r2 )2

r1 =8cm
r2 =5cm
Distance between the centres = 10cm
DCT= √(10)2 − (3)2
= √100 − 9
DCT= √91
EXAMPLE 15∆PQR is an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle. Find the radius of the circle if
Here, PQ=QR=PR=10cm. Let’s draw a medium from point P to QR (which will also be an altitude as it’s
an equilateral triangle),such that QS=SR= 2
√3 √3
Now, height of altitude PS= 2 side = 2
× 10 = 5√3cm
We know that point O is the circumcentre of ∆PQR. But in an equilateral triangle, all four geometric
centres coincide. Hence point O is also the centroid, which divides the median PS into two points PO &
OS in ratio 2:1
2 2 10√3
So, Length of radius =PO= 3 × (PS) =3 × 5√3 = 3


1. What would be the circumference of a circle whose area is 745.36 cm2?

a) 94.4 cm b) 88.8 cm c) 96.8 cm d) 87.4 cm e) None of these
21. PT is tangent to a circle with centre O and radius 6 cm. If PT is 8 cm, then length of OP is:
a) 10 cm b) 12 cm c) 16 cm d) 9 cm
22. The length of the tangent drawn to a circle of radius 4 cm from a point 5 cm away from the centre of
the circle.
a) 3 cm b) 4√2 cm c) 5√2 cm d) 3√2cm
28. What is the number of rounds that a wheel of diameter 11 m will make in travelling of 7 km?
a) 3300 b) 3500 c) 4400 d) 4900
29. An arc of a circle subtends an angel π at the centre. If the length of the arc is 22 cm, then what is the
radius of the circle?
a) 5 cm b) 7 cm c) 9 cm d) 11 cm
24. The chord AB of a circle of centre O subtends an angle θ with the tangent at A to the circle. Then
measure of ∠ABO is:
a) θ b) 90o – θ c) 90o + θ d) 2(180o–θ)
23. From a point P, two tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle with centre O. If OP is equal to
diameter of the circle, then ∠APB is:
a) 45o b) 90o c) 30o d) 60o
26. DE is a tangent to the circumcircle of ∆ABC at the vertex A such that DE ∥ BC. If AB = 17 cm, then
the length of AC is equal to:
a) 16.0 cm b) 16.8 cm c) 17.3 cm d) 17 cm
30. Two equal circular regions of greatest possible area are cut off from a given circular sheet of area A.
What is the remaining area of the sheet?
A A 3A 2A
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5 d) 5
4. Points P, Q and R are on the circle such that ∠PQR = 40o and ∠QRP = 60o. Then the subtended angle
by arc QR at the centre is:
a) 80o b) 120o c) 140o d) 160o

8. A, B, C, D are four points on a circle. AC and BD Intersect at a point E such that ∠BEC = 130o and
∠ECD = 20o. ∠BAC is:
a) 120o b) 90o c) 100o d) 110o
11. Two chords AB and CD of a circle with centre O intersect at P. If ∠APC = 40o, then the value of
∠AOC + ∠BOD is:
a) 50 o b) 60o c) 80o d) 120o

14. In the given figure, O is the centre of the circle, ∠PQO = 30o and ∠QRD= 45o. What is the value (in
degrees) of ∠POR?
a) 150 b) 110 c) 160 d) 130
27. In the given figure, ∠AMB = 130o, then what is the value (in degrees) of ∠ABQ?

a) 40 b) 50 c) 60 d) 90
18. The tangents at two points A and B on a circle with centre O intersects at P. If in quadrilateral PAOB,
∠AOB :∠APB = 5:1, then measure of ∠APB is:
a) 30o b) 60o c) 45o d) 15o
3. The length of a chord of a circle is 8 cm and perpendicular distance between centre and the chord is 3
cm. Then the radius of the circle is equal to:
a) 4 cm b) 5 cm c) 6 cm d) 8 cm
13. Two chords AB and CD intersect in a circle at point E. If AE = 9 cm, BE= 12 cm and CE = 3DE, then
the length of DE (in cm) is:
a) 4 b) 4 c) 6 d) 7
5. Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect externally at P. If AB = 6cm, CD = 3cm and PD = 5 cm, then
the length of PB is:
a) 5 cm b) 7.35 cm c) 6 cm d) 4 cm

7. Two circles touch each other externally. The distance between their centers is 7 cm. If the radius of one
circle is 4 cm then the radius of the other circle is:
a) 3.5 cm b) 3 cm c) 4 cm d) 2 cm
9. If two concentric circles are of radii 5 cm and 3 cm, then the length of the chord of the larger circle
which touches the smaller circle is:
a) 6 cm b) 7 cm c) 10 cm d) 8 cm
10. Two circles touch each other internally. The radius of the smaller circle is 6 cm and the distance
between the centers of two circles is 3 cm. The radius of the larger circle is:
a) 7.5 cm b) 9 cm c) 8 cm d) 10 cm
12. The three equal circles touch each other externally. If the centers of these circles be A, B, C then ABC
a) A right angle triangle b) An equilateral triangle c) An isosceles triangle
d) A scalene triangle
16. The radius of two concentric circles are 9 cm and 15 cm. If the chord of the greater circle be a tangent
to the smaller circle, then the length of that chord is
a) 24 cm b) 12 cm c) 30 cm d) 18 cm
17. If a chord of a circle of radius 5cm is a tangent to another circle of radius 3cm, both the circles being
concentric, then the length of the chord is:
a) 10 cm b) 12.5 cm c) 8 cm d) 7 cm
15. Two circles touch externally at P. QR is a common tangent of the circles touching the circles at Q and
R. Then measure of ∠QPR is:
a) 60o b) 30o c) 90o d) 45o
6. Two circles touch each other internally. Their radii are 2 cm and 3 cm. The biggest chord of the greater
circle which is outside the inner circle is of length:
a) 2√2 cm b) 3√2 cm c) 2√3 cm d) 4√2 cm
2. Two equal circles of radius 4 cm intersect each other such that each passes through the centre of the
other. The length of the common chord is:
a) 2√3 cm b) 4√3 cm c) 2√2 cm d) 8 cm
20. If the radii of two circles be 6 cm and 3 cm and the length of the transverse common tangent be 8 cm,
then the distance between the two centres is:
a) √145 cm b) √140 cm c) √150 cm d) √135 cm

25. Two circlesare of radii 7 cm and 2 cm, theircentres being 13 cm apart. Then the length of direct
common tangent to the circles between the points of contact is:
a) 12 cm b) 15 cm c) 10 cm d) 5 cm
19. Two circles touch each other externally at point A and PQ is a direct common tangent which touches
the circles at P and Q respectively. Then ∠APQ is?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

1 c)
Area= πr2 = 745.36 cm2
745.36 745.36 ×7
 r2 = π
= 22
= 237.16 cm2
So,r = √237.16 = 15.4 cm
So, Circumference = 2πr = 2 × 7
× 15.4 = 96.8 cm
21 a)
∠OTP = 90o (OT ⊥ PT as OT is a line drawn from the centre O to the tangent PT)
So, OP = √OT + PT2 = √62 + 82 = √102 = 10 cm

22 a)
AB = 4 cm, PB = 5 cm
Also, ∠BAP = 90o(as AP is tangent an B is the centre of the circle)
So, AP = √PB2 + AB2 = √52 − 42 = √9 = 3 cm

28 d)
Diameter (d) = m
22 5 10
1 round = 2πr = πd = × = m
7 11 7
So, number of rounds = 10 = 4900
( )

29 b)

Let arc ABC subtends an angle of π = 180o at the centre. Hence, AC will be the diameter of the circle.
Length of arc = Semi-perimeter of circle = 22
πr = 22
1 7
 r = 22 × π = 22 × 22 = 7 cm

24 b)

∠BAC = θ (Given)
∠OAC = 90o (AC is a tangent and O is the centre)
So,∠OAB = 90 - θ

As OA = OB (radius), ∠OBA = ∠OAB = 90o – θ

23 d)

∠PAO = ∠PBO = 90o (Tangents make angle 90o at the centre)

OA = OB = r (radius)
As OP is equal to the diameter of the circle, OP = 2r
OA r 1
Now, in ∆OAP, Sin (∠APO) = = = = Sin 30o
OP 2r 2
So, ∠APO = 30o
OB r 1
Also, in ∆OBP, Sin (∠BPO) = = = = Sin 30o
OP 2r 2
∠BPO = 30o
So, ∠APB = 30o + 30o = 60o

26 d)
Here, DE ∥ BC,
So, ∠DAB = ∠ABC (alternate angles)
And, ∠EAC = ∠ACB (alternate angles)
But, in △ABC, as DA is a tangent, ∠DAB = ∠ACB (alternate segment Theorem)
So, ∠ABC = ∠ACB
AB = AC = 17 cm
30 a)

Let radius of each smaller circle = OA = r

So, radius of bigger circle = AB = 2r
Area of bigger circle = π(2r)2 = 4πr2 = A
So, 4πr2 = A
Total area of both the smaller circles = 2 × (πr2 ) = 2πr2
So, area left = 4πr2 − 2πr2 = 2πr2 = 2
4 d)

Herein ∆QPR, ∠QPR = 180o – 40o – 60o = 80o

So, ∠QOR = 2∠QPR = 2 × 80 = 160o

8 d)
In this circle, AD makes angles ABD and ACD.
So, ∠ABD = ∠ACD = 20o
Also, ∠AEB = 180o - ∠BEC = 180o – 130o = 50o
So,∠BAC = 180o - ∠ABD - ∠AEB = 180o – 20o – 50o = 110o


Here,∠APC = 40o
So, ∠BPC = 180o - ∠APC = 180o – 40o = 140o
In ∆CPB,∠ BCP + ∠ PBC = 180o - ∠ BPC = 180o – 140o = 40o
Now,∠BOD = 2 ∠BCD
Also,∠AOC = 2 ∠ ABC
So, ∠ BOD + ∠ AOC = 2(∠BCD + ∠ABC)
= 2(∠BCP + ∠ PBC)
= 2 (40o)
= 80o

14 a)

Here, OP = OQ = OR (radius)
So,∠PQO = ∠QPO = 30o
And, ∠ RQO = ∠QRO = 45o
So,∠POQ = 180o - ∠PQO - ∠QPO = 180o – 30o – 30o = 120o
And,∠ ROQ = 180o - ∠ RQO - ∠QRO = 180o – 45o – 45o = 90o
So,∠ POR = 360o - ∠ POQ - ∠ ROQ = 360o – 120o – 90o = 150o

27 b)

∠AMB = 130o
Here, as PB is a tangent, ∠ABP = ∠AMB = 130o
So, ∠ABQ = 180o - ∠ABP = 180o – 130o = 50o
18 a)

Here, OA = OB (radius). So, ∠OAB = ∠OBA

Let ∠OAB = ∠OBA = x
And, PA = PB (tangents from the common external are equal)
So, ∠PAB = ∠PBA
Let ∠PAB = ∠PBA = y
Now, OA and OB are radius. So, ∠OAP = ∠OBP = 90o(line drawn from centre to a tangent)
So, x + y = 90o
In quadrilateral PAOB,
(x + y) + ∠APB + (x + y) + ∠AOB = 360o
90o + ∠PB + 90o + 5 ∠APB = 360o
 6 ∠APB = 180o
∠APB = 30o

3 b)
CD 8
Here, In∆ABC, if A is the center of the circle, then AB = 3 cm and BC = 2
= 2
= 4 cm.

 AC = √32 + 42 = √25 = 5 cm

13 c)

Here, CE = 3 DE
We know that, AE × EB = CE × ED
 9 × 12 = (3 DE) (DE)
 DE2 = 36
 DE = 6 cm
5 b)

We know that, PB . PA = PD.PC

PB.(PB + 6) = 5 × (5 + 3)
 PB2 + 6 PB = 40
 PB2 + 6 PB – 40 = 0
 PB2 + 10 PB – 4 PB – 40 = 0
 PB (PB + 10) – 4 (PB + 10) = 0
(PB + 10) (PB - 4) = 0
As PB ≠ -10, PB = 4 cm
Alternate Method
We have, PB. (PB + 6) = 5 × (5 + 3)
PB.(PB + 6) = 40
So, PB.(PB + 6) = 4 × (4 + 6)
 PB = 4 cm
7 b)

O1O2 = 7 cm
O1A = 4 cm
So, O2A = 7 – 4 = 3 cm

9 d)

Let O be the centre of the two circles. OD is the radius of smaller circle, while OA, OB, OC are the radii
of the bigger circle.
Here, OD = 3 cm, OB = 5 cm, and OD ⊥ BC (As BC is a tangent)
So, BD = √OB2 − OD2 = √(5)2 − (3)2 = √16 = 4cm

10 b)

Here, Letcentres of the bigger and smaller circles are O1 and O2 respectively.
So, O2A = 6 cm and O1O2 = 3 cm
So, O1A = O1O2 + O2A = 6 + 3 = 9 cm
12 b)
Here, as allradius of all three circles are equal. So, we get
AB = AC = BC
Hence, △ABC is an equilateral triangle.

16 a)

Let two circles are centered at A.

So, AB = 9 cm, AC = 15 cm
So, BC = √AC2 − AB2 = √(15)2 − (9)2 = √144 = 12 cm
So, CD = 24 cm

17 c)

Let two circles are centered at A. Here, chord BD is tangent to the smaller circle at point C. In △ACB,
∠ACB = 90o (Line drawn from centre to a tangent)
So, BC = √AB2 − AC2 = √(5)2 − (3)2 = √16 = 4 cm
So, BD = 2 BC = 8 cm
15 c)
Drawing a perpendicular PS on QR, such that PS ⊥ QR. Here,
PS = QS = SR (tangents from the common external point)
So, ∠PQS = ∠QPS
As, ∠PSQ = 90o, we get, ∠PQS + ∠QPS + 90o = 180o
 2 ∠PQS = 90o
∠PQS = 45o
Similarly, ∠SPR = ∠SRP = 45o
∠QPR = 180o - ∠PQR − ∠QRP = 180o – 45o – 45o = 90o

6 d)

Let bigger circle is centered at O2 and the smaller circle is centered at O1 . So, O1 D = 2cm, O2 D =
3 cm , O2 O1 = 3 − 2 = 1 cm.
Longest such chord in bigger circle will be a tangent to the smaller circle. Let this chord is EF and it is
tangent to the inner circle at point A.
So,O1 A = 2 cm, O2 A = O1 A – O1 O2 = 2-1 = 1 cm
And,O2 B = 3 cm (Radius of the bigger circle)
So, AF = √(O2 F)2 − (O2 A)2 = √(3)2 − (1)2 = √8 = 2√2

So, EF = 2 × AF = 2 × (2√2) = 4√2 cm


2 b)

Let two circles having radius 4 cm each and centers as O1 and O2 intersect, such that O1 and O2 pass
through the circumference of the other circle. Let the common chord is AB. Here, O1O2 will be a
perpendicular on the chord AB, which will bisect it. So, AC = AB
In ∆ACO1, Let O1C = x
So, AC2 = AO21 – O1C2 = 42 – x2 =16 – x2
In ∆ACO2, O2C = O1O2 – O1C = 4 - x
So, AC2 = AO22 − O2C2 = 16-(4-x)2
= 16 – 16 – x2 + 8x
= 8x – x2
So, we get, 16 – x2 = 8x – x2
 x = 2 cm
So, AC2 = 16 – (2)2 = 12 cm2
AC = 2√3 cm
 AB = 4√3 cm
Alternative method
In ∆AO1O2, AO1 = O1O2 = AO2 = 4 cm (radius of two equal circles). So, ∆AO1O2 is an equilateral
triangle, and AC is the perpendicular bisector of ∆AO1O2
So, AC = 2
× (Side of ∆AO1O2)
AC = 2
× 4 = 2√3cm
AB = 2AC = 4√3

20 a)

Here, OA = 6 cm, QB = 3 cm, AB = 8 cm. We are asked to find OQ.

We know that the length of a transverse common tangent is given by
AB = √(Distance between the centres)2 − (r1 + r2 )2
So, AB = √(OQ)2 − (6 + 3)2
 (8)2 = OQ2 – (9)2
 OQ2 = 64 + 81 = 145
 OQ = √145 cm

25 a)
Here, OQ = 13 cm, OA = 7 cm and OB = 2cm
Length of direct common tangent is

= √(distance between the centers)2 − (r1 − r2 )2

AB = √(OQ)2 − (OA − QB)2 = √(13)2 − (7 − 2)2

= √169 − (5)2
= √144
= 12 cm
19 b)

Let AB is drawn such that AB ⊥ PQ.

So, ∠ABP = ∠ABQ = 90o
Also, AB = PB = BQ (Tangents from the common external point B)
So, ∠PAB = ∠APB
And, ∠BAQ = ∠BQA
Now, In △ABP, ∠APB + ∠PAB + ∠ ABP = 180o
∠PAB = 45o
Similarly, in △ABQ,∠BAQ = 45o
So,∠PAQ = 45o + 45o = 90o
∠PAQ 90o
So, = =2
∠APQ 45o

21. the circumference of a circular ground is 88m. A strip of land, 3 m wide, inside and along
circumference of the ground is to be levelled. What is the budgeted expenditure if the leveling cost is ₹ 7
per square metre?
a) ₹ 1050 b) ₹ 1125 c) ₹ 1325 d) ₹ 1650
20. A circular grassy plot of land, 42 m in diameter, has a path 3.5 m wide running around it outside. The
cost of gravelling the path at ₹ 4 per square meter is:
a) ₹ 1002 b) ₹ 3002 c) ₹ 2002 d) ₹ 1802
19. Joseph diametrically crosses a semicircular playground and takes 48 seconds less than if he crosses
the playground along the semi-circular path. If he walks 50 meters in one minute, the diameter of
playground is:
a) 54 meters b) 70 meters c) 85 meters d) 35 meters
17. ABC is an isosceles triangle with AB = AC. A circle through B touching AC at the middle point
intersects AB at P. Then AP : AB is:
a) 4 : 1 b) 2 : 3 c) 3 : 5 d) 1 : 4
18. ABC is an isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle. If AB = AC = 12√5 cm and BC = 24 cm then the
radius of circle is:
a) 10 cm b) 15 cm c) 12 cm d) 14 cm
24. The two adjacent sides of a cyclic quadrilateral are 2 cm and 5 cm and the angle between them is 60o.
If the third side is 3 cm, then the fourth side is of length
a) 2 cm b) 3 cm c) 4 cm d) 5 cm
4. AB and CD are two parallel chords on the opposite sides of the centre of the circle. If AB = 10 cm and
CD =24 cm and the radius of the circle is 13 cm, the distance between the chords is:
a) 17 cm b) 15 cm c) 16 cm d) 18 cm

1. AB = 8 cm and CD = 6 cm are two parallel chords on the same side of the centre of a circle. The
distance between them is 1 cm. The radius of the circle is:
a) 5 cm b) 4 cm c) 3 cm d) 2 cm
3. Two parallel chords are drawn in a circle of diameter 30 cm. The length of one chord is 24 cm and the
distance between the two chords is 21 cm. The length of the other chord is:
a) 10 cm b) 18 cm c) 12 cm d) 16 cm
6. N is the foot of perpendicular from a point P of a circle with radius 7 cm, on a diameter AB of the
circle. If the length of the chord PB is 12 cm, the distance of the point N from the point B is:
5 2 5 2
a)6 cm b)12 cm c)3 cm d)10 cm
7 7 7 7
7. Two chords of length a unit and b unit of a circle make angles 60o and 90o at the centre of a circle
respectively, then the correct relation is:
a)b = 2
a b)b = √2 a c) b = 2a d)b = √3 a
27. Two parallel chords of a circle whose respectively 5 cm and 12 cm in length. If both the chords are on
the same side of the diameter, then the distance between these chords is:
a) 5.5 cm b) 5 cm c) 3.5 cm d) 3 cm
28. AB and CD are parallel chords of a circle 3 cm apart. If AB = 4 cm, CD = 10 cm, then what is the
radius of the circle?
a) 7cm b)√19 cm c)√29 cm d) 14 cm
2. The length of the common chord of two intersecting circles is 24 cm. If the diameter of the circles are
30 cm and 26 cm, then the distance between the centre (in cm) is:
a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16

5. The length of the common chord of two circles of radii 30 cm and 40 cm whose centres are 50 cm apart
is (in cm):
a) 12 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
12. PQ is a chord of length 8 cm, of a circle with centre O and of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q
intersect at a point T. The length of TP is:
20 21 10 15
a) cm b) cm c) cm d) cm
3 4 3 4
13. AC is transverse common tangent to two circles with centers P and Q and radii 6 cm and 3 cm at the
point A and C respectively. If AC cuts PQ at the point B and AB = 8 cm, then the length of PQ is:

a) 13 cm b) 12 cm c) 10 cm d) 15 cm
8. In the given figure, BD passes through centre O. AB = 12 and AC = 8. What is the radius of the circle?

a)3√2 b)4√3 c)3√5 d)3√3

14. In the given figure, AC and DE are perpendicular to tangent CB. AB passes through centre O of the
circle whose radius is 20 cm. If AC = 36 cm, what is the length of DE (in cm)?
a) 4 b) 6 c) 2 d) 8
15. In the given figure, B and C are the centers of two circles. ADE is the common tangent to the two
circles. If the ratio of the radius of both the circles is 3 : 5 and AC = 40, then what is the value of DE?

a)3√15 b)5√15 c)6√15 d)4√15

16. In the given figure, two identical circles of radius 4 cm touch each other. A and B are the centers of
the two circles. If RQ is a tangent to the circle, then what is the length of RQ (in cm)?

a)3√3 b)2√6 c)4√2 d)6√2

9. In the given figure, CD and AB are diameters of circle and AB and CD are perpendicular to each other.
LQ and SR are perpendicular to AB and CD respectively. Radius of circle is 5 cm, PB : PA = 2 : 3 and
CN : ND = 2 : 3. What is the length (in cm) of SM?

a)5√3 -3 b)4√3 -2 c)2√5 -1 d)2√6 -1

23. Two tangents are drawn from a point P on the circle with center at O, touching the circle at point Q
and T respectively. Another tangent AB touches the circle at point S. If angle QPT = 55 o, find the angle
AOB =?
a) 125o b) 62.5o c) 97.5o d) 95o
10. PR is a tangent to a circle, with centre O and radius 4 cm, at point Q. If ∠POR = 90o, OR = 5 cm and
OP = 3
cm, then (in cm) the length of PR is:
16 23 25
a) 3 b) 3 c) 3 d) 3
11. The radii of two concentric circles are 13 cm and 8 cm. AB a diameter of the bigger circle and BD is a
tangent to the smaller circle touching it at D and the bigger circle at E. Point A is joined to D. The length
of AD is
a) 20 cm b) 19 cm c) 18 cm d) 17 cm
22. A chord AB of length 24 cm is drawn in a circle of radius 13 cm. Find the area of the shaded portion

13πx 169πx 169πx

a) 13πx cm2 b) 180 cm2c)( 360
− 60) cm2 d)(180
− 60) cm2
29. The diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect at P and the area of the triangle APB is 24
square cm. If AB = 8 cm and CD = 5cm and ABCD is trapezium with AB ∥ CD then what is the area of
the triangle CPD?
a) 24 sq. cm b) 15 sq. cm c) 12.5 sq. cm d) 9.375 sq. cm
30. In the figure given below, D is the diameter of each bigger circles. What is the diameter of the region?

a)D (√2 − 1) b)D (√2 + 1) c)D (√2 + 2) d)D (2 − √2)

25. A circle of 3 m radius is divided into three areas by semicircles of radii 1 m and 2 m as shown in the
figure below. The ratio of the three areas A, B and C will be

a) 2 : 3 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 1 c) 4 : 3 : 4 d) 1 : 2 : 1
26. AD is the diameter of the circle below with area 707 m2 and AB = BC = CD as shown in the figure
above. All curves inside the circle are semicircles with their diameters on AD. What is the cost of leveling
the shaded region at the rate of 63 per square meter?

a) ₹ 29700 b) ₹ 22400 c) ₹ 14847 d)None of these


21 d)

Let the radius of the ground = r

Circumference = 2πr = 88
 r = 2×22 = 14 m
So, radius of the ground left after levelling = r –3 = 11 m
So, Area to be leveled = πr2 – 11 (r - 3)
= (142 – 112)
= ( 7 × 75) m2
Cost of leveling =7× 7 × 75 = ₹ 1650

20 c)

Let the plot is centered at O. The radius of the grassy plot = 21 m

Radius of the plot including the path = 24.5 m
So, Area of the path = π (24.5)2 – π (21)2
= π (600.25 – 441)
= π (159.25)
= 7
× 159.25 = 500.5 m2
So, cost of gravelling = 4 × 500.5 = ₹2002


19 b)

Let O is the center of the semicircle. So, AB is the diameter. Joseph walks 50 m in 60 seconds.
So, in 48 seconds, Joseph can walk = 60 × 48 = 40 m
Hence, the length of arc A × B is 40 m more than the diameter AB (as he took 48 less, he walked 40 m
π ( 2
) = AB + 40
22 AB
= 7 × 2 = AB + 40
 7 AB – AB = 40
So, 7AB = 40
AB = 70 meters


17 d)

AB = AC also, AQ = QC (Given)
So, AP × AB = AQ2
 AP × AB =
 AP × AB = 4
 AB = 4 AP
AP 1
 =
AB 4
So, AP : AB = 1 : 4


18 b)

Let the circle is centered at O. The perpendicular from A to BC, at D, will also bisect the chord BC. So,
BD = 12cm
In △ADB, AD = √AB2 − BD2 = √(12√5)2 − (12)2
= √(12)2 (5 − 1)
= 2 × 12 = 24 cm
Now, in △ODB,
OD2 = OB2 – BD2 = OA2 – (12)2 = OA2 – 144
 (AD - OA)2 = OA2 – 144
 (24 - OA)2 = OA2 – 144
 576 + OA2 – 48 OA = OA2 – 144
 OA = 48
= 15 cm


24 a)

22 +52 −AC2
Here, Cos60o= 2×(2×5)
1 4+25−AC2
 =
2 20
So, AC2 = 19 cm2
Now, in a cyclic quadrilateral, opposite angles are supplementary. So,
∠ADC + ∠ABC = 180o
∠ADC = 180o- 60o = 120o
AD2 +32 −(AC)2
So, cos120o=
1 AD2 +9−19
- =
2 6AD
-3AD = AD2 – 10
Or, AD2 + 3AD – 10 = 0
AD2 + 5AD – 2AD – 10 = 0
AD (AD + 5) – 2 (AD + 5) = 0
(AD - 2)(AD + 5) = 0
AsAD ≠ -5, AD = 2 cm
4 a)

Let circle is centred at O. OE ⊥ AB and OF ⊥ CD.

So, AE = 2
= 5 cm, and CF = 2
= 12 cm
OA = OC = 13 cm
In △OEA, OE = √OA2 − AE2 = √132 − 52 = √144 = 12 cm
In △OFC, OF = √OC2 − FC2 = √132 − 122 = √25 = 5 cm
So, distance between the chords = OE + OF = 12 + 5 = 17 cm

1 a)

Let O is the center of the circle. OE and OF are the perpendicular bisectors of chords AB and CD
respectively. So, AE = = 4 cm and CF = = 3 cm
2 2
OA = OC = Radius
In △OEA, OA2 = OE2 + AE2 = OE2 + 42 = 16 + OE2
In △OFC, OC2 = OF2 + CF2 = (OE + 1)2 + (3)2 = 9 + OE2 + 2OE + 1
= 10 + OE2 + 20E
So, OA2 = OC2 will give, 16 + OE2 = 10 + OE2 + 2OE
 OE = 3 cm
2 2
So, OA = 16 + (3) = 25
 OA = 5 cm
3 b)

Let two chords CD and EF are drawn in the circle centered at O. OA ⊥ CD and OB ⊥ EF.
Hence, AC = AD = 2
= 12 cm
EB = BF = 2
OC = OE = radius = 2
= 15 cm

In △OAC, OA = √OC − AC2 = √152 − 122 = 9 cm


In △OBE, OB = 21 – OA = 21 – 9 = 12 cm
So, EB = √OE2 − OB2 = √152 − 122 = 9 cm
 EF = 2 EB = 2 × 9 = 18 cm

6 d)
Here, PN is the perpendicular dropped on the diameter AB
AO = OB = 7 cm, PB = 12 cm
In △APB, ∠APB = 90o (angles in the semicircle are 90o)
So, AP = √(AB)2 − (PB)2 = √(14)2 − (12)2 = √196 − 144 = √52 = 2√13 cm
In △PNA, PN2 = AP2 – AN2 = (2√3) – AN2 = 52 – AN2
In △PNB, PN2 = PB2 – BN2 = (12)2 – (AB - AN)2= 144 – (14 - AN)2
= 144 – 196 – AN2 + 28AN
= 28AN – AN2 – 52
So, we get, 52 – AN2 = 28AN – AN2 – 52
 AN = cm
26 72 2
So, BN = 14 – AN = 14 - 7
= 7
cm = 10 7 cm


7 b)

Chord AB of length a units make angle 60o at the center O. Also, chord CD of length bunits make an
angle of 90o at the centre O.
OC = OD = OA = OB (radius of the circle)
So, OF and OE will be both perpendicular bisectors of the chords CD and AB respectively, and the angle
bisectors of the angle 90o and 60o respectively.
In △OFD, FD = 2 , OD = radius = r, ∠FOD = 45o
( )
So, Sin 45o = r
b b
r= (2) × √2 = √2
In △OEB, EB = 2, OB = radius = r, ∠EOB = 30o
( )
o 2
So, Sin 30 = r
r = × 2 = a
So, we get =a
 b = √2 a

27 c)

Let O is the center of the circle. Diameter is AB. Chords are CD and EF.
OM ⊥ CD and ON ⊥ EF. So, CM = 2
= 6cm, EN = 2
= 2.5 cm

In △OMC, OM = √OC2 − MC2 = √6.52 − 62 = √6.25 = 2.5 cm

In △ONE, ON = √OE2 − EN2 = √6.52 − 2.52 = √36 = 6 cm
So, MN = ON – OM = 6 – 2.5 = 3.5 cm

28 c)

We do not know initially whether the chords are on the same side of the center or are at different sides.
Let make 2 different cases here. In both the circles, O is the centre OA & OC are radius, ON ⊥ AB and
OM ⊥ CD, and hence AN = 2
= 2 cm and CM = 2
= 5 cm. Distance between the chords, MN = 3 cm
Case I. Chords are opposite side of the centre
In △ONA, OA2= AN2 + ON2 = 4 + ON2
In △OMC, OC2= OM2 + MC2 = 25 + OM2
As OA = OC, 4 + ON2 = 25 + OM2
 ON2 – OM2 = 21
 (ON + OM) (ON - OM) = 21
21 21
 ON – OM = MN = 3
= 7 cm
But, if (ON + OM) = 3cm, (ON – OM) ≠ 7 cm as we can’t have a side OM with negative length. So, Case
I. is rejected
Case II. Chords are on the same side of the centre
In △OMC, OC2= OM2 + MC2 = OM2 + 25
In △ONA, OA2= ON2 + AN2 = ON2 + 4
As OA = OC, OM2 +25 = ON2 + 4
 ON2 – OM2 = 21
(ON - OM) (ON + OM) = 21
21 21 21
 (ON + OM) = (ON−OM) = MN
= 3
= 7 cm
So, we get ON = 5 cm, OM = 2 cm (as ON + OM = 7 cm)
(as ON – OM = 3 cm)
So, OA2 = ON2 + 4 = 25 + 4 = 29
 OA = √29 cm

2 b)

Let the two circles of diameters 30 cm and 26 cm centered at O and Q respectively. The common chord
AB is of 24 cm.
As OQ is ⊥ to AB and also bisects it, AP = PB = 12 cm
In △AOP, OP = √(AO)2 − (AP)2 = √(15)2 − (12)2 = √81 = 9 cm
And, in △AQP, QP = √(AQ)2 − (AP)2 = √(13)2 − (12)2 = √25 = 5 cm
So, OQ = OP + QP = (9 + 5) = 14 cm


5 d)

Let circlescentred at O and Q have radius as 30 cm and 40 cm respectively. The common chord between
them is AB. As OQ ⊥ AB, we get AP = 2 AB.
Now, OQ = 50 cm
In △APO, AP2 = AO2 – OP2 = (30)2 – OP2 = 900 – OP2
In △APQ, AP2 = AQ2 – PQ2 = (40)2 – (50 - OP)2 = 1600 – 2500 – OP2 + 1000
= 100OP – OP2 – 900
So, we get, 900 – OP2 = 100OP – OP2 – 900
 OP = 18 cm
 AP2 = 900 – (18)2 = 900 – 324 = 576 cm2
 AP = 24 cm
So, AB = 2 × 24 = 48 cm


12 a)

Let the circle is centered at O. OR ⊥ PQ. So, PR = 2
= 4 cm
OP = radius = 5 cm.
In △ORP, OR = √OP2 − PR2 = √52 − 42 = √25 − 16 = 3 cm
In △OPT, ∠OPT = 90o (as O is center and TP is a tangent)
So, PT = OT – OP = (OR + RT)2 - 52
2 2 2

= (3 + RT)2 – 25
= 9 + RT2 + 6RT – 25
= RT2 + 6RT – 16
Also, in △PRT, PT2 = PR2 + RT2
= (4)2 + RT2 = 16 + RT2
So, we get, RT2 + 6RT – 16 = 16 + RT2
 RT = 3
16 2 256
So, PT2 = 16 + ( ) = 16 +
3 9
144+256 400 20
 PT = √ 9
= √ 9
= 3


13 d)
∠PAB = ∠QCB = 90° (Angles made by the tangents at the center)
In ∠PAB, PB = √PA + AB = √6 + 82 = √100 = 10 cm
2 2 2

Now, △PAB ∼△QCB

So, QC = QB
6 10
3 = QB
 QB = 5 cm
So, PQ = PB + QB = (10 + 5) = 15 cm

8 c)

Here, AC × AD = (AB)2 (AD is a secant and AB is a tangent)

 8 × AD = (12)2
 AD = 18 cm
Now, In △ABD, BD = √AD2 − AB2
= √(18)2 − (12)2
= √324 − 144 = √180
= 6√5
So, BO = radius = 2
= 3√5 cm

14 a)

Here, ∠ACB = ∠DEB = ∠OPB = 90o, CB is a tangent

OA = OD = OP = 20 cm (radius)
Here, △DEB ∼△OPB ∼△ACB
In △DEB and △ACB,
 36 = AD+BD
 =
36 (40+BD)
 40DE + DE × BD = 36BD
 BD = (36−DE)
Now, In △DEB and △OPB,
20 OD + BD
20 20 + BD
 20DE + DE× BD = 20BD
 BD = (20 –DE) (2)
40DE 20DE
So, we get, (36 –DE) = (20 − DE)
 40 - 2DE = 36 – DE
 DE = 4 cm
Alternative method

Here, Let us draw OX ⊥ AC and DY ⊥ OP

In △AXO and △OYD,
∠XAO = ∠YOD(corresponding angles of transverse AD to two parallel lines AX and OY)
Also, AO = OD = 20 cm (radius)
And, ∠AOX = ∠ODY (corresponding angles of transverse AD to two parallel lines OX and DY)
So, △AXO ≅△OYD
 AX = OY
Now, AX = AC – XC = AC – OP = 36 – 20 = 16 cm
So, OY = 16 cm
 DE = YP = OP – YP = 20 – 16 = 4 cm
15 d)
DB 3
We have, EC = 5
AC = 40 cm
Now, △ADB ∼△AEC
AC = EC
AB 3
So, 40
= 5
 AB = 24 cm
So, BC = 40 – 24 = 16 cm
As BC = DB + EC = 16, and DB : EC = 3 : 5, we get
DB = 6 cm, EC = 10 cm
Now, In △ADB, AD = √AB2 − DB2
 AD = √242 − 62 = √576 − 36 = √540 = 6√15
And, in △AEC, AE = √AC2 − EC2
 AE = √402 − 102 = √1600 − 100 = √1500 = 10√15
So, DE = AE – AD = 10√15 − 6√15 = 4√15

16 c)

QA = PB = AS = 4 cm (radius)
∠RQP = ∠ASP = 90° (angles made by tangents at the center)
In △ASP, SP = √AP2 − AS2 = √(12)2 − (4)2 = √144 − 16
= √128
= 8√2 cm
In △RQP, RP2 = RQ2 + QP2
 (RS + SP)2 = RQ2 + (16)2
 (RQ + 8√2)2 = RQ2 + 256 (RQ = RS as both are tangents from an external point R)
 RQ + 128 + 16√2 RQ = RQ + 256
2 2

 RQ = 16√2 = 4√2 cm

9 d)
Here, circle is centered at O. So, OC = OD = OA = OB = 5 cm
Now, AB = CD = 10 cm
As PB : PA = 2 : 3, Let PB = 2x and PA = 3x
PB + PA = AB = 10 cm
 2x + 3x = 10
Or, x = 2 cm
So, PB = 4 cm, PA = 6 cm
Now, OP = OB – PB = 5 – 4 = 1 cm
So, NM = OP = 1 cm
Similarly, CN : CD = 2 : 3 and CN + ND = CD = 10 cm.
So, CN = 4cm and ND = 6 cm
So, ON = OC – CN = 5 – 4 = 1 cm
In △SNO, SN = √OS2 − ON2 = √(5)2 − (1)2 = √24 = 2√6 cm
So, SM = SN – MN = (2√6 − 1) cm
23 b)

Here, in quadrilateral PQOT, ∠QOT = 360o – 55o – 90o – 90o = 125o

Now, In △APQ and △ASO,
AQ = AS (Tangents from an external point A)
OQ = OS (radius)
OA = OA (common side)
So, △AQO ≅△ASO
∠AOQ = ∠AOS
Similarly, △BOS ≅△BOT
So, ∠BOT = ∠BOS
Now, ∠QOT = ∠AOQ + ∠AOS + ∠BOT + ∠BOS
125 = 2(∠AOS + ∠BOS)
 (∠AOS + ∠BOS) = 62.5o
∠AOB = 62.5o

10 d)
20 2
In △POR, PR = √OP2 + OR2 = √( ) + (5)2 = √ + 25
3 9

625 25
=√ = cm
9 3

11 b)

Let the two circles centered at O.

OA = OB = 13 cm, OD = 8 cm
So, BD = √OB2 − OD2 = √132 − 82 = √105 cm
So, ED = BD = √105 cm
Now, In△AEB, ∠AEB = 90o (angles in semicircle are 90o)

So, AE = √AB2 − EB2 = √(26)2 − (2√105)2 = √676 − 420

= √256 = 16 cm

So, In AED, AD = √AE2 + ED2 = √(16)2 + (√105)2

= √256 + 105
= √361
= 19 cm

22 c)
Here, ∠OCA = 90oand AC = 2
= 12 cm

So, OC = √OA2 − AC2 = √132 − 122 = √169 − 144 = 5 cm

1 1
So, area of △AOB = 2 × OC × AB = 2 × 5 × 24 = 60 cm2
x x
Area of sector OAPB = (360o ) × π × (13)2 = (360) (169π)
So, area of shaded portion, APB = ( 360
− 60) cm2

29 d)

Here, AB ∥ CD. So, ∠ABP = ∠PDC and ∠BAP = ∠PCD

Area △ APB AB2
So, =
Area △ CPD CD2
 Area △CPD = 24 × (8)2 = 9.375 cm2

30 a)

Diameter of each bigger circle is D. So, AB = BC = CD = AD = D units. Hence, ABCD is a square with
side D units
 AC = √2 D
Let diameter of smaller circle is T units. So, we get
AC = + T +
2 2
√2 D = D + T
 T = D(√2 − 1)

25 b)

Here, PQ = QR = RS = 2 cm (as diameter = 6 cm)

Clearly, Area A = Area C, due to symmetry
Now, Area B = (Area of semicircle with diameter PR) + (Area of semicircle with diameter QS) - (Area of
semicircle with diameter PQ) - (Area of semicircle with diameter RS)
π π π π
= (PR)2 + (QS)2 − (PQ)2 − (RS)2
2×4 2×4 2×4 2×4
= 2×4
(42 + 42 – 22 – 22)
= 2×4[42 + 42 – 22 – 22]
= 8(24) = 3π
Now area of complete circle = Area A + Area B + Area C = 4 × (6)2 = 9π
So, 2 Area A + 3π = 9π
 Area A = Area C = 2
= 3π
So, Area A: Area B: Area C = 3π : 3π : 3π = 1 : 1 : 1
26 c)

Area of circle = 707 = 7AD2
AD 2 2
Also, AB = BC = CD = . So, AC = AD, BD = AD
3 3 3
Area of shaded portion = 2×4(AC2 + BD2 – AB2 – CD2)
π 4 4 1 1
= 8 (9 AD2 + 9 AD2 − 9 AD2 − 9 AD2 )
π 2
= 8 (3 AD2 )
π 1
= ( AD2 ) ×
4 3
707 2
= 3 m
So, cost of leveling = 63 × 3
= ₹ 14847
1. Three circles, each of radius 20 and centres at P, Q, R are given. Further, AB = 5, CD = 10, EF = 12.
What is the perimeter of the triangle PQR?

a) 120 b) 66 c) 93 d) 87
3. In a ∆ABC, AB = 6, BC = 8, AC = 10. A perpendicular dropped from B, meets the side AC at D. A
circle of radius BD (with center B) is drawn. If the circle cuts AB and BC at P and Q respectively, then
AP:QC is equal to:
a) 1 : 1 b) 3 : 2 c) 4 : 1 d) 3 : 8
5. In the figure given below; AB is the chord of a circle with center O. AB is extended to C such that BC
= OB. The straight line CO is produced to meet the circle at D. If ∠ACD = y degrees and ∠AOD = x
degrees such that x = ky, then the value of k is

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) None of the above

6. In the given figure below(not drawn to scale),A, B and C are three points on a circle with center O. The
chord BA is extended to a point T such that CT becomes a tangent to the circle at point C. If ∠ATC = 30o
and ∠ACT = 50o, then the angle ∠BOA is

a) 100o b) 150o c) 80o d) Not possible to determine

7. In the adjoining figure, chord ED is parallel to the diameter, AC of the circle. If ∠CBE = 65o, then what
is the value of ∠DEC?
a) 35o b) 55o c) 45o d) 25o
12. Consider a circle with unit radius. These are seven adjacent sectors with area S 1, S2, S3 ……………..,
S7, in the circle such that their total area is 4 units. Further, the area of the Jth sector is twice that of the (J-
1)th sector i.e. SJ = 25(J-1) for J = 2, 3, …………… 7. What is the angle, in radians, subtended by the arc of
S, at the center of the circle?
π π π π
a)508 b)2040 c)1016 d)1524
17. In the figure given below, two circular curves create 60o and 90o angles with their respective centres.
If the length of the bottom curve Y is 10π, find the length of the other curve

π √2 π π
a)15 b) 20π 3 c) 60 d) 20 3 e) 15π
√2 √2
4. In the figure below, the rectangle at the corner measures 10 cm × 20 cm. The corner A of the rectangle
is also a point on the circumference of the circle. What is the radius of the circle in cm?

a) 10 cm b) 40 cm c) 50 cm d) None of the above

9. A circle with radius 2 is placed against a right angle. Another smaller circle is also placed as shown in
the adjoining figure. What is the radius of the smaller circle?

a)3 − 2√2 b)4 − 2√2 c)7 − 4√2 d)6 − 4√2

10. In the following figure, the diameter of the circle is 3 cm. AB and MN are two diameters such that
MN is perpendicular to AB. In addition, CG is perpendicular to AB such that AE : EB = 1 : 2, and DF is
perpendicular to MN such that NL : LM = 1 : 2. The length of DH in cm is
2√2− 1 3√2− 1 2√2− 1
a)2√2 − 1 b)( 2
) c)( 2
) d)( 3

13. A certain city has a circular wall around it, and this wall has four gates pointing north, south, east and
west. A house stands outside the city, three kilometers north of the north gate, and it can just be seen from
a point nine kilometers east of the south gate. What is the diameter of the wall that surrounds the city?

a) 6 km b) 9 km c) 12 km d) None of these
18. There are two circles C1 and C2 of radii 3 and 8 units respectively. The common internal tangent T,
touches the circles at points P1 and P2 respectively. The lines joining the centers of the circles intersects T
at X. The distance of X from the center of the smaller circle is 5 units. What is the length of the line
segment P1P2?
a) ≤ 13 b) >13 and ≤ 14 c)> 14 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ≤ 15 d) > 15𝑎𝑛𝑑 ≤ 16 e) >16
19. Circle C1 has a radius of 3 units. The line segment PQ is the only diameter of the circle which is
parallel to the X axis. P and Q are points on curves given by the equations y = ax and y = 2ax respectively,
where a<1. The value of a is:
1 1 1 1
a) 6 b) 6 c) 3 d) e) None of the above
√2 √3 √6 √6

2. In the figure, ACB is a right angled triangle. CD is the altitude. Circles are inscribed within the
triangles ACD, BAD. P and Q are the centers of the circles. The distance PQ is:

a) 5 b)√50 c) 7 d) 8

14. Three horses are grazing within a semicircular field. In the diagram given below, AB is the diameter
of the semi-circular field with center at O. The horses are tied up at P, R and S such that PO and RO are
the radii of semi-circles with centres at P and R respectively, and S is the centre of the circle touching the
semi-circles with diameters AO and OB. The horses tied at P and R can graze within the respective semi-
circles and the horses tied at S can graze within the circle centered at S. The percentage of the area of the
semi-circle with diameter AB that cannot be grazed by the horses is nearest to
a) 20 b) 28 c) 36 d) 40
15. There are two concentric circles such that the area of the outer circle is four times the area of the inner
circle. Let A, B and C be three distinct points on the perimeter of the outer circle such that AB and AC are
tangents to the inner circle. If the area of the outer circle is 12 square centimeters then the area (in square
centimeters) of the triangle ABC would be
9 9√3 6√3
a)π√12 b)π c) π
d) π

8. On a semicircle with diameter AD, chord BC is parallel to the diameter. Further, each of the chords AB
and CD has length 2, while AD has length 8. What is the length of BC?

a) 7.5 b) 7 c) 7.75 d) None of the above

11. The figure shows a rectangle ABCD with a semicircle and a circle inscribed inside it as shown. What
is the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the semicircle?

2 2 2
a)(√2 − 1) ∶ 1 b)2(√2 − 1) ∶ 1 c)(√2 − 1) ∶ 2 d) None of these

16. Two circles with radius 2R and 2√R intersect each other at points A and B. The centres of both the
circles are on the same side of AB. O is the centre of the bigger circle and ∠AOB is 60o. Find the area of
the common region between two circles
a)(√13 − π − 1)R2 b)(√3 − π)R2 c)( 6
+ 1 − √3) R2
d)( 6
+ √3) R2 e) None of the above
20. The radius of a circle with centre O is √50 cm. A and C are two points on the circle, and B is a point
inside the circle. The length of AB is 6 cm, and the length of BC is 2 cm. The angle ABC is a right angle.
Find the square of the distance OB.
a) 26 b) 25 c) 24 d) 23 e) 22
1 c)
AB = 5 cm, CD = 10 cm, EF = 12 cm
Now, PQ = PE + QF – FE = 20 + 20 – 12 = 28 cm
QR = QC + RD – CD = 20 + 20 – 10 = 30 cm
PR = PB + RA – AB = 20 + 20 – 5 = 35 cm
So, perimeter of ∆PQR = PQ + QR + PR = 28 + 30 + 35 = 93 cm

3 d)

∆ABC is right angled triangle with sides 6:8:10

Radius of circle = BD
1 1
Now, area of ∆ABC = 2 × AB × DC = 2
× BD × AC
 BD = 10 = 4.8 cm
So, BP = BQ = 4.8 cm
 AP = AB – BP = 6 – 4.8 = 1.2 c
QC = BC – BQ = 8 – 4.8 = 3.2 cm
AP = 1.2 : 3.2 = 3 : 8


5 a)

OB = BC (Given) ∠BOC = ∠BCO = y

Now, ∠AOB = 180o – x – y
Also, ∠OBC = 180o – 2y
∠ABO = 2y
As OA = OB (radius), ∠OAB = ∠ABO = 2y
So, ∠AOB = 180 – 2y – 2y = 180 – 4y
 180 – x – y = 180 – 4y
So, x = 3y  k = 3

6 a)

Here, ∠CAT = 180o – 50o – 30o = 100o

∠BAC = 180o – 100o = 80o
Now, ∠CBA = ∠ACT = 50o (as TC is a tangent)
So, ∠BCA = 180o – 80o – 50o = 50o
∠BOA = 2 × ∠BCA = 2 × 50o = 100o

7 d)

Connect O with E. ∠EOC = 2∠CBE = 2 × 65 = 130o

OC = OE ∠OCE = ∠OEC
Also, ∠OEC + ∠OCE + ∠EOC = 180o
 2∠OCE = 180o – 130o
∠OCE = ∠OEC = 25o
As AC ∥ ED, ∠DEC = OCE = 25o

12 a)

Here, S7 = 2S6 = 4S5 = 8S4 = 16 S3 = 32S2 = 64S1

Angle subtended by the seven adjacent sectors, in total = 4
So, angle of (S1 + S2 + S3 + S4 + S5 + S6 + S7) =
 S1 + 2S1 + 4S1 + 8S1 + 16S1 + 32S1 + 64S1 = 4
 S1 (20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26) = 4
27 −1 π
S1 (1 ( 27
)) = 4
127S1 = 4
π π
S1 = 127×4 = 508
So, angle subtended by S1 = 508

17 a)


Here, curve X creates angle 90o at its center O and curve Y makes an angle 60o at its center Q.
Let radius of curve X = r1 and radius of curve Y = r2
Where, 360o × (2πr2 ) = 10π
 r2 = 30 units
Now, AQ = BQ = r2(radius of curve Y)
So, ∠QBA = ∠QAB
As ∠QAB + ∠QBA + ∠AQB = 180o, We get ∠QAB = ∠QBA = 60o
So, △AQB is an equilateral triangle. Hence, AB = AQ = r2 = 30 units
Now, in △AOB, AO = OB = r1(radius of curve x)
AO2 + OB2 = AB2
r2 + r2 = (30)2
 r = 15√2 units
90 15π
So, length of curve X = 360 × (2π × 15√2) =

4 c)

Let centre of the circle is O. Let radius is r. So, we get,

OB = (r - 10), OC = (r - 20), OA = r
In ∆OBA, OA2 = OB2 + AB2
r2 = (r - 10)2 + OC2
r2 = (r - 10)2 + (r - 20)2
 r2 = r2 + 100 – 20r + r2 + 400 – 40r
 r2 – 60r + 500 = 0
r2 – 50r – 10r + 500 = 0
r (r - 50) – 10 (r - 50) = 0
 (r - 10) (r - 50) = 0
But, if r = 10 cm, (r - 20) will be a negative length which is impossible
So, r = 50 cm

9 d)

Let radius of smaller circle with centre as Q is r. Smaller circle touches the right angle at points C and D,
while the bigger circle, with centre as O, touches the right angle at A and B.
Here, BC = BE – EC = 2 – r
AD = AE – ED = 2 – r
Now, in ∆OFQ, OF2 + QF2 = OQ2
As OF = AD and FQ = BC, AD2 + BC2 = OQ2
(2 - r)2 + (2 - r)2 = (2 + r)2
 4 + r2 – 4r + 4 + r2 – 4r = 4 + r2 + 4r
So, r2 – 12r + 4 = 0
Using Sridhar Acharya’s rule,
12 ± √(12)2 −14×1×4
r= 2×1
12 ± √144−16
12 ± 8√2
r= 2
r = 6 ± 4√2
but, r ≠ 6 ± 4√2 , as it will make the length (2 - r) negative,
r = 6 − 4√2
10 b)

AE: EB = 1 : 2, NL:LM = 1 : 2
Now, AB = MN = 3 cm
As AB = AE + EB = 3 cm, AE = 1 cm and EB = 2 cm
Also as, MN = ML + LN = 3 cm, ML = 2 cm and NL = 1 cm
Now, OA = OM = OB = ON = 1.5 cm (radius)
So, OE = OA – AE = 1.5 – 1 = 0.5 cm
Similarly, OL = ON – LN = 1.5 – 1 = 0.5 cm
In △OLD, DL = √OD2 − OL2
DL = √(1.5)2 − (0.5)2
DL = √2 cm
So, DH = DL – HL = DL – OE = √2 - 0.5 cm
=( 2
) cm
13 b)

Let N, S, E, W represent North gate, South gate, East gate, and West gate respectively. Let O be the
center of the city AN = 3 km, SB = 9 km. AC is a tangent on the circle.
Now BC = BS = 9 (tangents from an external point B)
AC = AN × AS
 AC2 = 3 × AS
 AC = √3AS__________________(1)
In △ASB, AS2 + SB2 = AB2
 AS2 + 92 = (AC + 9)2
AS2 + 92 = (√3AS + 9)
AS2 + 81 = 3AS + 81 + 18√3AS
 AS2 – 3AS = 18√3AS
Now, AS = 3 + NS = 3 + Diameter
So, put the values of diameter from the options to get diameter (NS) = 9 km (for AS = 12)

18 c)

Let the centers of the two circles are O1 and O2

△O2P2× ~ △O1P1X
O P O2 X
So, O2 P2 = O1 X
1 1
8 40
 O2X = 3 × 5 = 3

Now, in △O2P2X, P2X = √O2 X2 − O2 P2 2

40 2
= √( ) − (8)2
1600 1024 32
=√ 9
− 64 = √ 9
= 3

In △O1P1X, P1X = √O1 X2 − O1 P21

= √52 − 32 = √25 − 9 = 4 cm
32 44
So, P1P2 = +4 = = 14.67 cm
3 3
So, 14 <P1P2≤ 15Option c)


19 a)

PQ is the diameter of circle, such that PQ ∥ x-axis

So, y coordinate of P = y coordinate of Q.
Let P = (x1, y), Q = (x2, y)
 PQ = √(x2 − x1 )2 + (y − y)2 = x2 – x1 = 6 cm
Now, as y =ax and y = 2ax are equations of curves at points P and Q respectively, we get
y = ax, y = 2ax
ax1 = 2ax2
ax2 = 2
a(x1 −x2 ) = 2
ar = 2
So, a6 = 2

2 b)
Here, ∠BAC = ∠ADC = 90o (Given)
So, BC = √152 + 202 = 25 cm
1 1
Now, area of ∆ABC = 2 × AB × AC = 2 × AD × BC
 15 × 20 = AD × 25
So, AD = 12 cm
Now, In ∆ADB, BD = √152 − 122 = 9 cm
So, CD = BC – BD = 25 – 9 = 16 cm
1 1
Now, area of ∆ADB = 2 × AD × BD = 2 × 12 × 9 = 54 cm2
Area of ∆ADB
In radius (r1) of ∆ADB = semi perimeter of ∆ADB
= 1 = 3 cm
Area of ∆ADC
Similarly, In radius (r2) of ∆ADC = semi perimeter of ∆ADC
= 1
= 48
= 4 cm
So, XY = r1 + r2 = 3 + 4 = 7 cm
QZ = r2 – r1 = 4 – 3 = 1 cm

 PQ = √XY2 + QZ2 = √72 + 12 = √50 cm

14 b)

(Wrong diagram)

Let AB = 4a. So, AP = PO = OR = RB = a

Let radius of circle centered at S = b
 In △SOP, as ∠SOP = 90o, PS2 = SO2 + OP2
 (a + b)2= (2a - b)2 + a2
 a2 + 2ab + b2 = 4a2 + b2 – 4ab + a2
 4a2 = 6ab
b= 3
Now, area that can be grazed by horses = 2 × 2 (a2 ) + πb2
= π (a2 + 9
= 9
π 13
Area that can’t be grazed = 2 (2a)2 − 9
=πa2 (2 − 9 )
= 9 πa2
So, % of area that can’t be grazed = π9(2a)2 × 100
= × 100
≈ 28 %


15 c)

Let the two circles centered at O. Area of outer circle = 12 cm2

So, area of inner circle = 4
= 3 cm2
12 3
So, radius of outer circle = √ π = −2√π (as area = πr2 )

And, radius of inner circle = √ = 2 × radius of outer circle
OD √ 1
Now, sin (∠OCD) = OC
= = 2
= Sin 30o

∠ACB = 60o
Similarly, ∠ABC = 60o = ∠BAC
Hence, △ABC is an equilateral triangle.
As △ABC has a circum circle with circum radius = 2√π , we get,
2√π= 4×Area(△ABC)
AB3 √π
 Area (△ABC) = 8√3
(AB) 3 π
√3 √
 4 (AB)2 = 8√3
2×3 6
 AB = π = π
√ √
√3 6 2 9√3
So, area (△ABC) = 4
× ( ) =
√π π

8 b)
Let O is the centre of the semicircle. Join BO and OC. So,
OA = OD = OB = OC = 4 cm (radius)
Now, drop BE ⊥ AB and CF ⊥ AB.
In ∆BEA, BE2 = AB2 – AE2= 4 – AE2
In ∆BEO, BE2 = OB2 – OE2= 16 – OE2
= 16 – (AO - AE)2
= 16 – (4 - AE)2
= 16 – 16 – AE2 + AE
= 8AE – AE2
 4 – AE = 8AE – AE2

 AE = 0.5 cm
In ∆ABO and ∆DCO,
AB = CD (Given as 2 cm each)
OA = OC (radius)
AO = DO (radius)
So, ∆ABO ≅ ∆DCO
 FD = AE = 0.5 cm
 BC = EF = AD – AE – FD = 8 – 0.5 – 0.5 = 7 cm

11 d)

Let O is the centre of the semicircle and Q is the center of the smaller circle. Let the smaller circle touches
the side AB at M and side BC at N. Draw OE ∥ AD such that E lies on AB.
If R is the radius of the semicircle and r is the radius of smaller circle, then
OE = OC = R
QM = QN = r
So, OF = OE – EF = OE – MQ = R – r
FQ = OG = OC – GC = OC – NQ = R – r
OQ = R + r
In △OFQ, OF2 + FQ2 = OQ2
 (R - r)2 + (R - r)2 = (R + r)2
 R2 + r2 – 2Rr + R2 + r2 – 2Rr = R2 + r2 + 2Rr
 R2 – (6r)R + r2 = 0
6±√36r2 −4r2
R = 2
R= 2
R = 3 ± 2√2 r
area of circle πr2 2r2
So, area of semicircle = π 2 = (3+2√2r)2
= 2
9+8r +12√2r

As it cannot be solved further, the ratio of areas will be in terms of r. Hence, answer is option (d) None of

16 c)

Area of common region = (common area of smaller circle to the left side of AB) + Area of shaded portion
Let smaller circle is centered at Q, such that OQ = 2R - √2𝑅
Now, OA= OB = 2R.
So, ∠OAB = ∠OBA.
Also, ∠AOB = 60o
∠OAB = ∠OBA = 60o (as sum of angles of a △ = 180o)
So, AB = OA = 2R
So, area of △AOB = (2R)2 = √3R2
60o 2πR2
and, area of sector AOB = 360o × π × (2R)2 = 3
 area of shaded portion = 3 πR2 − √3R2
In △AQM, AQ = √2R, AM = 2 = R
AM R 1
So, Sin (∠AQM) = AQ = = = Sin 45o
√2R √2
∠AQM = 45o
So, ∠AQB = 90o
Now, common area of smaller circle to the left side of AB
(360o −90o )
= × π × (√2R)2 + Area of △AQB
3 1
= π(2R2 ) + × AQ × BQ
4 2
3π 2 1
= 4 R + 2 × (√2R) × (√2R)

= R2 ( 2 + 1)
3π 2π
So, Total common area =R2 ( + 1) + ( − √3) R2
2 3
= R2 ( 6
+ 1 − √3)

20 a)

O is the center of the circle with radius OA = √50 cm

Let ON ⊥ AB such that AN = ND
Let OM ⊥ EB such that EM = MC
We know that, AB × BD = BC × BE
 6 × BD = 2 × BE
 BE = 3 BD
Now, AN = 2
= 2
= 2
And, ON = MB = EB – EM
= 3BD - 2
= 3BD – 2
= 3BD –( 2 )
= 2
− 1
In △ONA, ON + AN = OA2
2 2

3BD 2 6+BD 2
( − 1) + ( ) = (√50)2
2 2
9BD2 BD2
 + 1 − 3BD + 9 + + 3BD = 50
4 4
 4 BD2 + 10 = 50
 BD2 = 10 = 16
 BD = 4 cm
 ON = 2
- 1 = 5 cm
Also, AN = ( 2
) = 5 cm
So, BN =AB – AN = 6 – 5 = 1 cm
Now, In △ONB,
OB2 = ON2 + BN2
= 52 + 12 = 26 cm2

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