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This research aimed to improve the learning outcome of forward kick in

Pencak Silat in the 8th graders of SMP Negeri 1 Adipala in the school year of
2018/2019 through using learning aid.
This study was a classroom action research (CAR). This research was
conducted in two cycles, each of which consisting of planning, acting, observing,
and reflecting. The subject of research was the students in the 8th E Grade of SMP
Negeri 1 Adipala, consisting of 33 students: 17 boys and 16 girls. Data source
derived from teacher and students. Techniques of collecting data used were
observation and assessment of forward kick learning outcome. Data analysis was
conducted using descriptive technique based on descriptive qualitative analysis
with percentage.
The result of data analysis could be presented as follows, starting from
prior action to cycle I and from cycle I to cycle II. In prior action, students have
not shown good learning outcome as indicated with 27.27% or 9 out of 33
students belonged to fair category, 72.73% or 24 students to poor category, and
0% to very poor category. In cycle I, 0% student had learning outcome belonging
to Very Good category, 18.18% or 6 out of 33 students belonging to Good
category, 51.52% or 17 students belonging to fair category, 30.30% or 10 students
belonging to poor category, and 0% belonging to very poor; from the data, it
could be seen that 23 students had achieved the Mastery Criteria, and 10 students
had not yet. In cycle II, 0% student had learning outcome belonging to Very Good
category, 39.40% or 13 out of 33 students belonging to Good category, 48.48% or
13 students belonging to fair category, 12.12% or 4 students belonging to poor
category, and 0% belonging to very poor; from the data, it could be seen that 29
students had achieved the Mastery Criteria, and 4 students had not yet, with a total
number of 33 students
The conclusion of research was that the use of learning aid in the learning
could improve the learning outcome of forward kick in pencak silat in the 8th E
graders of SMP Negeri 1 Adipala in the school year of 2018/2019.
Keywords: learning outcome, forward kick in pencak silat, learning

Eri Kuswanti. A121708020. The Effect of Basic Pencak Silat and Breathing
Technique Practices on the Improvement of Physical Fitness in Male Athletes
Viewed from BMI, (An Experimental Study on Perguruan Pencak Silat
Merpati Putih Maos Cilacap). THESIS. First Counselor: Prof. Dr. Sugiyanto.
Second Counselor: Dr. Hanik Liskustyawati, M.Kes. Faculty of Sports
Science, Postgraduate Program of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
The objectives of research were: 1) to distinguish the effect of basic
pencak silat (martial art) technique practice and the combined basic and breathing
technique practice on the improvement of physical fitness in male athletes, 2) to
find out the difference of physical fitness improvement between male athletes
(pesilat) with lean and those with normal BMI, 3) to find out the effect of
interaction between practicing program and IMT on the improvement of physical
fitness of male athletes. This study was an experimental research, with 20 male
athletes being the sample. The sample taken was athletes aged 16-19 years
belonging to adolescence period, constituting the good period for improving body
size growth. The sample is divided into two experimental groups: basic technique
group and basic and breathing techniques group. The physical fitness is measured
using Indonesian Physical Fitness Test with the following items: 60-meter sprint,
body hanging and lifting for 60 seconds, lying-sitting down for 60 seconds,
upright jump, and 1200-meter long run. All samples would be measured for their
body height and weight. Body Mass Index is a method employed to determine an
individual’s nutrition status. In adolescent, this determination is based on Body
Mass Index (IMT) calculation and then matched with the growth chart
corresponding to age and sex. . Practice program was conducted 3 times a week
for 8 weeks. The participants of two experiment groups did the practice according
to their groups’ treatment.
The result of research using test showed that there was a significant effect
of the application basic and breathing technique practice on the improvement of
physical fitness compared with the application of basic technique practice. The
result of variance analysis obtained p = 0.003 less than 0.05; therefore the null
hypothesis (H0) was not supported and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
supported, meaning that there was an effect of the application of basic and
breathing technique practice on the improvement of physical fitness compared
with the application of basic technique practice only.
Keywords: Basic Technique Practice, Breathing Practice, BMO, Merpati Putih,
Physical Fitness

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