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Night Owls Versus Early Birds – What do you prefer?

For –

 More intelligent individuals are more likely to be nocturnal than less intelligent
 Research has shown that night owls can remain focused on tasks at hand longer and
better than their morning lark counterparts
 Night is time with less or no noise so one can focus more

Early Birds-

 Have a habit of punctuality

 Always are disciplined as to wake up early in the morning is a great discipline
 Ex – Modi who wakes up early in the morning and is very productive

Against –

Night owl

 Night owls tend to be prone to a host of different health and mood disorders,
including just a general sense of mental instability
 People who go to bed late experience a higher risk of depression.
 They’re more likely to be habitual users of tobacco and alcohol.
 They’ll also eat more and make poorer diet choices than early risers.
 They tend to weigh more, have higher blood pressure, take more risks and
unfortunately die sooner than their early rising counterparts
 Irregular sleep patterns affects the body and mind

Early Bird

 Early birds have their set of predicaments too. For instance, they tend to lose out on
their energy through the day faster than the night owls and cannot function
optimally for longer hours after waking up.
 Early birds need sleep. Really need it. Whilst the sleep they get tends to be better
than what night owl’s receive, if they don’t get enough, their tails noticeably drag.

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