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CRITICAL ANALYSIS (Delhi as a character and Decline of the city)

The chapter 6 begins with the months passed by and 1912 gave place to 1913.With the arrival of

British, the old Delhi thus ceases to exist and a New Delhi is constructed. The demolition of

these walls, inevitably bring about the demolishment of all that Delhi stood for. ‘The old culture,

which had been preserved within the walls of the ancient town’ are therefore eventually

annihilated. Delhi has changed a great deal, especially the Chandni Chowk bazaar area as all the

trees have been cut down. Violence is on the rise as small revolutions have broken out against

the British. More people from all over the world are starting to move into the area, causing the

Indians to worry if they will have any part of their culture left. Besides, a New Delhi meant new

people, new ways and a new world together. Delhi is feminized as female. Ahmed Ali is

considering Delhi as a female character. In the very first he says Delhi was once a paradise but

now decline of Delhi has started. With the infiltration of the British conquerors, there walls are

slowly destroyed and the city is made vulnerable to the ravages of foreign people, who strip

Delhi city of its past, glorified identity. The old culture which has been preserved within the

walls of ancient tower are therefore eventually annihilated. The demolition of these walls thus

lay the glorious city of Delhi to ravages of the sanctity of women and the position she enjoyed in

society is also seen to deteriorate. Due to this, Mir Nihal does not often want to come out of his

home any longer. He receives friends in his home who gather to talk about the past and the

sadness they feel at the changing times. On most days, Mir Nihal is contented to spend the

afternoons with his grandsons as they read their lessons to him and he gives them treats. Hamid

and shahid used to go to school and Mir Nihal asked them to read their lessons to him. On one
occasion he was angry with them as they forgot their lesson and he shouted at them. In summer

noon, he asked them to press his legs and arms and in afternoons, he after the lessons he would

give them tea. Ghafoor would bring samovar and put it on the floor then Mir Nihal would make

tea and gave biscuits to children who dipped them in tea and ate them. Mir Nihal looked happy

as the children ate the biscuits. One day he was angry with them and he lost his temper because

begum kabirrudin had received money and one rupee was found to be short. They thought that

children did it. Mir Nihal hated stealing or telling a lie so that’s why he was angry at them.

Position of the woman is also lamented upon by Ahmed Ali in the marriage of Ghafoor with the

niece of Sheikh Muhammad Siddique. Their marriage is basically settled against any logical

considerations and the woman is seen to be cast away as a beast of burden. Sheikh Muhammad

Siddique willingly gives up his niece to Mir Nihal’s servant, Ghafoor, merely to rid himself of

her and the responsibility that is due of him. Well aware of Ghafoor’s lust for women, no man

stands up for the protection of Sheikh Siddique’s niece, and it is thus that soon after her

marriage, she becomes a victim to the throes of death, too young and weak for the ‘strong and

virile Ghafoor.’ After his wife’s death Ghafoor had become a little quiet and subdued. Zanana

life is different as seen before. Only Mehro’s absence was felt by everyone. Women became

restricted within the four walls of their houses in the name of protecting them from the bad

onuses of the outside world. Women were kept away from the improvement taking place in the

world at that time. They were snatched of their rights to seek knowledge and kept them unaware

forever, it is quite wrong to say that the women of that time did not have feelings or emotion, but

it should be born in mind that women were prohibited to show their inner feelings and emotions.

Otherwise there was no change. The wind blow, the Cats miaowed and life went on.

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