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The basic structure and function of the

1. Hindbrain (pons, medulla, cerebellum)

2. Midbrain (reticular formation)

3. Forebrain (hypothalamus, thalamus, cerebrum)

Cerebral cortex


1. Sensory areas: receives and processes information from the senses.

2. Motor areas: receives, processes and sends information about movement.

3. Association areas: integrates sensory, motor and other information and are involved in complex
mental abilities.

Corpus callosum

Function: Allows the transfer of information between the two hemispheres.

Hesmipheric specialisation

- Refers to the idea that one cerebral hemisphere exerts greater control over a particular
Specialised functions

Frontal lobeb
• Responsible for voluntary movement of skeletal muscles.


• Functions contralaterally

Broca’s area

• Located in the left frontal lobe.

• Responsible for the production of clear and fluent speech and grammatical structure of sentences.

Parietal lobe
Responsible for receiving and processing sensations such as touch, pressure, pain, temperature.
Occiptal lobeb

Temporal lobeb
Responsible for receiving and processing auditory information.

- Left auditory cortex- verbal.

- Right auditory cortex- nonverbal sounds.

Wernicke's Area

• Located in left temporal lobe.

• Responsible for language. comprehension and production of meaningful speech.

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