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Arranged by : Veronika Turnip (4173342009)






I. TITLE : Observation Of Bacterial And Fungal Colonies
1) To Observe The Morphology Of Bacterial Colonies
2) To Observe The Morphology Of Fungal Colonies
3) To Observe The Growth Of Fungi, Observe The Forms Of Fungal


Protists are eukaryotic, and even the simplest protists are far more complex than
prokaryotes. The first eukaryotes that evolved from prokaryotic ancestors were probably
unicellular and therefore called protists. The word implies something very old (Greek, protos =
"first"). The first eukaryote was not only the forerunner of a variety of modern protists, but also
the ancestor of all plant eukaryotes, fungi and animals. Two of the most significant parts in the
history of life of the origin of eukaryotic cells and the subsequent emergence of multicellular
eukaryotes occur during protist evolution (Rohmimohtarto 2007: 107)

Protists who swallow their food informally are classified as protozoa. Protozoa are
divided into six phyla as berkut namely (a) Rhizopoda which is a simple protozoa that moves
with pseudopodia. Examples are Amoeba sp (b) Actinopoda, for example Heliozoa and
Radiolaria (c) Foraminifera, are protozoa that live in the sea (d) Apicomplexa, are parasites in
animals, for example Plasmodium (e) Zoonastigina characterized by flagellites, heterotrophic,
and symbiotic life, for example, trypanosoma (f) Ciliapora, is characterized by cilia and has two
nuclei, namely macronuclei which control metabolism and micronuclei which function in
conjugation (Nugroho 2004: 127).

Protists are the most diverse organisms in terms of nutrition among all eukaryotes. Most
protists have aerobic metabolism, which uses mitochondria for cellular respiration. Some protists
are photoautotrophs with chloroplast, some are heterotrophs that absorb organic molecules or
ingest larger food particles, and others are myxotrophs, can carry out photosynthesis and
heterotrophic nutrition. Very useful in an ecological context to group the diversity of nutrients
into three groups: protists that ingest their food (such as animals), or protozoa (singular,
protozoans); protists that carry out absorption (such as fungi) and photosynthetic protists (such as
plants) are algae

The divisions within the kingdom protist are not always based on evolutionary lineage,
but are more rooted in practical functional features. Like Monera, Protozoa's taxonomy is still
changing, and there are different classification schemes. Protists began to evolve 1.6 billion years
ago. Protists are very complex; the cells show more diversity than cells belonging to
multicellular kingdoms. The phylogeny of protists is equally complex, and is not yet fully
understood. It is believed that fungi, high-level plants and multicellular animals have emerged,
although of very different forms from the current protists (Fried 2006: 318).

Protozoa are heterotrophic organisms found in all major habitats. Some of them live
freely, while others live as parasites in the animal's body. Some protozoa also live a symbiotic
lifestyle in the form of commensalism and mutualism. Parasitic protozoa cause some of the most
widespread and dangerous human diseases. In general, reproduction of protozoa is asexual, but
complex sexual patterns occur. Protozoa as a division has been divided into five main phyla.
Some protozoologists divide it into six phyla (Fried 2006: 318).

Protozoa are single-celled animals. The animals have a structure that is more diverse than
a single cell of multicellular animals and although it only consists of one cell, protozoa are
perfect organisms. Because of the nature of such structures, various experts in zoology call
protozoa cellular but the whole organism is wrapped in a plasma membrane. Protozoa are small,
measuring less than ten microns and, although rarely reach 6 millimeters.

The first group of protozoa does not spread just like that in the aquatic environment, but
each species inhabits more or less certain types of habitat such as higher animals. Some types of
protozoa live in fresh water, in sea water and others on the bottom of the water. This group of
protozoa is found everywhere in the world where there is water or water or damp. The second
group is easily separated, because all are parasitic and have no way to move on their own. They
have limited habitat. (Rohmimohtarto 2007: 107).

Protists are found in almost every place where there is water. Protists generally occupy
wet soils, rubbish, leaves and other terrestrial habitats that are quite moist. In oceans, ponds and
lakes, many protists occupy the bottom, attach their sticks to rocks and other clearing sites, or
crawl through sand and silt. Protists are also an important constituent of plankton, which is a
community of organisms that are mostly microscropical in nature, which float massively or swim
weakly around the surface of the water. As a large group of autotrophs, eukaryotic algae are
ecologically very important (Campbell 2003: 126).



Name of Apparatus Quantity

Cawan petri 1 pieces

Bunses 1 pieces
Jarum Ose 1 pieces
Kapas 1 pieces
Incubator 1 pieces
Spatula 1 pieces
Penangas air 1 pieces


Name of Material Quantity

Nutrient Agar Sufficiancity

Sputum Sufficiancity
Pop ice Sufficiancity
Potato Dectroxe Agar Sufficiancity
Alkohol 70 % Sufficiancity

1. Heat the water in a beaker glass so that it reaches a temperature of 45-500 C

2. Insert the test tube containing the medium (specifically for upright medium) into the beaker
glass so that the medium is liquid

3. Allow 5 minutes then pour into petridish

4. Give labels, group names and medium names

5. Perform the following treatment:

- Leave the petri dish containing the nutrient broth medium open for 20 minutes and toge agar
for 1 hour. Close it immediately

- Say the words with a distance of 5-10cm near the medium that is open for 3 minutes,
immediately close again.

6. All agar plates are incubated at room temperature for 2 - 3x24 hours, observe each microbial
colony that grows every day.

7. Observe the morphology of bacterial colonies which includes:

- color

- Colony shape

- Size of colony diameter

- shiny or gloomy

8. Calculate the number and types of bacterial and fungal colonies that grow on the medium

9. Make an observation label


VI.I Observation and Resut Bacteria

NO Specimen Amt Isolate Colony description

forms Elevation Margin Pigmentation Large
1. Sputum 70 Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Large
Cair (Na)
2. Cair (Na) Irregular Convex Undulate Yellowish Small
3. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Large
4. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
5. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Lobate Yellowish Small
6. Cair (Na) Irregular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
7. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Large
8. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
9. Cair (Na) Irregular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
10. Cair (Na) Circular umbonate Entire Yellowish Large
11. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
12. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
13 Cair (Na) Irregular Convex Lobate Yellowish Large
14. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Undulate Yellowish Small
15. Cair (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Large
I. Sputum 107 Circular Convex Lobate Yellowish Small
Agar (Na)
II. Agar (Na) Irregular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
III. Agar (Na) Irregular Umbonate Entire Yellowish Small
IV. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
V. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
VI. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Lobate Yellowish Small
VII. Agar (Na) Circular Umbonate Entire Yellowish Small
VIII. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Large
IX. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Lobate Yellowish Large
X. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small

XI Agar (Na) Irregular Convex Lobate Yellowish Large

XII. Agar (Na) Irregular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
XIII. Agar (Na) Circular Umbonate Entire Yellowish Large
XIV. Agar (Na) Circular Convex Entire Yellowish Small
XV. Agar (Na) Irregular Convex Lobate Yellowish Small

VI.I Observation and Resut

NO. Speciement Amt Code Morphology

Colour Size
1. Pop ice cair 5 P1 Greensih Small
2. cair (PDA) 2 P2 Green Big
3. cair (PDA) 1 P3 Black Small
4. cair (PDA) 4 P4 White Big

1. Pop ice padat P5 Black Big

2. padat (PDA) P6 White Small
3. padat (PDA) P7 Black Small
 After Isolation Of Discrete colonies From Mixed Culture
 .Pop Ice of (PDA) Cair
 Pop Ice of (PDA) Padat

The first part is an observation of the fungus culture of on pop ice. Observation using
finished preparations and microscope magnification 1000x (objective 100x and ocular 10x). The
microscope shows the structure of the spherical candida albicans mushroom and some fungal
threads called hyphae. If observed longer, this fungus will divide by budding (budding). Candida
albicans can be unicellular (yeast) or multicellular (hyphae and pseudohyphae). The size of this
yeast is around 10-12 microns. While multicellular organisms, pseudohyphae are formed by
yeast buds that attach to each other. Specified spores are called klamidospora. Candida albicans
can make biofilms because they are multicellular. Biofilms are made primarily from cellulose,
but also contain polynucleotides, polypeptides, and fibrinogen. The form required depends on
environmental cues, switching to hyphae phases mainly based on changes in temperature and

The second part is the observation of Staphylococcus aureus culture. Observation using
finished preparations and 1000x magnification microscope (objective: 100x and 10x ocular). On
the microscope looks a collection of bacteria that are shaped similar to grapes and are purple.
This grape form is the origin of this bacterium called Staphylococcus (staphy = grapes and
coccus = round). The purple color is caused by the thick structure of cell walls owned by these
bacteria which when given a violet crystal stain will still bind the violet crystal molecule so that
it looks purple in a microscope. The type of bacteria that can bind to this violet crystal molecule
is gram positive. The third part is an observation of the culture of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
Observations were made with ready preparations and microscope magnification 1000x (objective
100x and ocular 10x). On the microscope, the shape of these bacteria looks like a rod (bacil) and
clustered. In addition, this bacterium is a type of gram-positive bacteria where the same as
Staphylococcus earlier, these bacteria can bind the color of violet crystals. This bacterium
produces endospore and is aerobic obliate. Moves in the presence of massive flagella that can
move quickly to the size of bacteria. The optimum growth temperature is around 25-35 degrees
Celsius.The fourth part is an observation of the culture of Escherichia coli bacteria. Observations
were made with ready preparations and microscope magnification 1000x (objective 100x and
ocular 10x). On the microscope visible rod-shaped bacteria (bacil), there are bacteria that look
themselves there are also clustered. In addition, this bacterium is a gram negative bacterium
characterized by red safranin on the bacterial cell wall. Gram negative is characterized by not
being able to bind the color of violet crystals but can bind to the color of safranin when rinsed
with alcohol. Microorganism growth media is a material consisting of a mixture of nutrients or
nutrients needed by microorganisms for growth. Microorganisms, especially bacteria, utilize
nutrients in the media in the form of the smallest molecules that are assembled to shrink cell
components. With the media, growth can be done by isolating microorganisms into pure culture,
also manipulating the composition of the growth media. The basic ingredient is water as a
solvent from the agar which functions as a media compactor.
Material which is inoculated in the medium is called an inoculum. By inoculating the
nutrient agar medium by the scratch cup method or by the pour cup method. Microbial cells will
separate individually. If two cells in the original inoculum are too close to the agar medium, the
colonies formed from each cell can mix with each other, or at least touch, so the cell mass can be
observed in the agar medium, not a pure culture. Each microbial can be incubated with certain
media according to the characteristics of its biosynthetic characteristics. Media PCA (agar plate
count) and NA (nutrient agar) are commonly used for fertilizing bacteria and PDA (potato
dextrose agar) media are usually used for fertilizing fungi.The decrease in the number of bacteria
caused by differences in microbial resistance to salinity varies greatly, depending on the nature
of the cell wall and the internal osmotic pressure of the microorganism. In addition, the decrease
in the total number of bacteria shows the phase of death and death phase. In this phase, a part of
the microorganism population begins to die due to several factors, namely the nutrients in the
medium are used up, and the energy reserves in the cell are gone.


Based on observations and discussions, other conclusions can be drawn:

1. From this practicum we know that mushrooms are cells of eukaryotic organisms, non-
chlorophyll microorganisms, hyphae-shaped or single cells, walled with chitin or cellulose cells,
reproducing sexually and asexually.

2. From the Practicum results we know that, Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) in the sample and get
the same result that is hyphae, only in the sample more saris.

3. Tiered dilution aims to reduce or reduce the density of microbes that are suspended in the

4. Dilution is carried out in order to facilitate the identification of fungi and dilution affects the
amount of mold growth.

5. The possibility of fungus that grows in this lab is thought to be Rhizopus oryzae.

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Bakteri Yang Resisten Antibiotika, Jornal international of Pharmacon, Vol. 2 No. 2: 51-56.

Medan,September 27th 2019

Asistant Laboratory Participant Participant

Albet Nego Situmorang Veronika Turnip

Nim:4153220001 Nim:4173342009

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