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1. Mita Puspitaningrum

2. Muhammad Al Fauzi

3. Yoanita Putri



In the morning at the kusuma hospital, a nurse named is Yoanita will to assess patient named Mr Al

Nurse : “Good morning Mr.”

Patient : “Good morning nurse.”

Nurse : “ I will introduce my self my name nurse yoanita putri, you can call me nurse yoanita. I need to
collect your personal data. I’m going to ask you some question.”

Petient : “Certainly, nurse.”

Nurse : “Ok Mr, what is your name?”

Patient : “My name is Al Fauzi. You can call me Fauzi, Nurse.”

Nurse : “How old are you Mr. Fauzi?”

Patient : “I’m 40 years old.”

Nurse : “Where do you live?”

Patient : “I live in Mojosongo.”

Nurse : “Are you married?”

Patient : “Yes, I'm married, nurse.”

Nurse : “Do you have any health Insurance?”

Patient : “Yes, I have health insurance.”

Nurse : “What is it?”

Patient : “My health insurance is BPJS, nurse.”

Nurse : “What is your occupation?”

Patient : “I’m a teacher ”

Nurse : “Dou you have a doctor’s referral?”

Patient : “No, I don’t have. Because I’v never sick nurse, if I have pain usually I just eat vitamins.”

Nurse : "Alright, and then what do you feel?"

Patient : "My eyes are sick and poignant"

Nurse : "Which side your eye pain ?"

Patient : " Eyes the left side is the sick"

Nurse : "Ok. I am going to chek your eyes"

Patient : "Of course. What should I do ? "

Nurse : "You should Rilex and enjoy, Mr"

Patient : "Ok, nurse. Please checks with carefully"

Nurse : "The first, I will see your eyelashes and eyelid, ok finish."

Patient : "My eyelashes and eyelid is normally ?"

Nurse : "Yes, Mr is normally. The second I will see konjungtiva, corneal slice, sclera and pupil area. Ok

Patient : "How condition is my eyes ?"

Nurse : "Your konjungtiva is pale. Sclera is red. Pupil is normally and then corneal is normally"

Patient : "The checked has been completed ?"

Nurse : "Next I will palpate your eyes, to know swelling. Ok, It is normally . Ok mr, i'm finish chek your
eyes. I will report this to the doctor Mita. Please wait in here"

Patient : "Ok nurse,Thanks You "

Nurse : "Your Wellcome"

(Dr. Mita come to the nurse room, She want to consult with nurse about a patient in the room..)

Doctor : “Good Morning”

Nurse : “Good Morning too doctor ”

Doctor : “What happen with a new patient Nurse?”

Nurse : “At the seven o’clock I did the anamnesa and phisical assesment to Mr. Fauzi”

Doctor : “What Is Mr. Fauzi feel nurse?”

Nurse : “Mr. Fauzi say that her eyes is pain ”

Doctor : “Ok, nurse. Thank’s you.. now I will go to patient room for check general condition of patient”
(Doctor and Nurse go to patient room for check the general conditions of patient.)

Doctor : “ Good Morning”

Patient : “ Good Morning too doctor”

Doctor : “Are you Mr. Fauzi ?”

Patient : “yes, Doctor I’m Fauzi”

Doctor :“what do you feel now Mr. Fauzi ?

Patient :“my eyes is pain,doc”

Doctor : “oke.. I want to check your eyes now."

Patient : “How is it Doc ?“

Doctor : “Don’t be afraid Mr. Fauzi. You will be fine, now i want to write prescription for you.

Please Nurse give me his medical record.”

Nurse : “Oke dok.”

(Nurse Yoanita give medical record to doctor, and doctor Mita write prescription )

Patient : “oke thank”s you very much Doctor and Nurse.”

Doctor : “You’re welcome.“

Nurse : “you’re welcome "

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