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A war of numbers and colours


There will be 40 cards with a string so that children can wear them in their necks.

The cards will have a number from 1 to 20 on one side and a coloured circle on the other side.

There will be two different string colours so that children are split into two groups.

The Game:

The children are told to grab one card, hang it on their necks and hide the card below their clothes (only the string is
visible). The group is split into two teams depending on the string colour they have.

They make two rows with the leaders facing each other. They have to say one number between one and twenty. Once
both have said a number, they show the numbers they have in their cards. If someone guessed the other’s number
correctly that group scores a point and both children go to the end of the row of the winner. If none of them guessed
correctly, they will try to guess the colour of the circle in the back of the other child’s card (starting with the one that got
closer while guessing the number). The one who guesses correctly scores a point and then both go to the end of the
winner’s row. If none of them guesses correctly they both return to the end of their own rows.

Note: When they go to the end of the rows they must hide their cards again.

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