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Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

Silva, Leah Mae P. Philippine Literature

BSCpE-II Analysis
Manuel E. Arguilla
I. Author’s Background
 Manuel E. Arguilla - born on June 17, 1911 in Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union. His parents
are Crisanto Arguilla, a farmer and Margarita Estabillo, a potter. Manuel was an Ilocano
who wrote in English. He was best known for his short story "How My Brother Leon Brought
Home a Wife." which received first price in the Commonwealth Literary Contest in 1940.
Most of his stories depict life in Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union, where he was born in
1911. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Education in 1933 at the University of the
Philippines. He became a member and later the president of the UP Writers' Club and
editor of the Literary Apprentice.

II. Synopsis
The story started when Leon and his younger brother were both waiting for the arrival of
Leon’s wife, Maria, riding in a carretela. As Baldo saw his older brother’s wife, he described
her as lovely, tall, and beautiful. He narrated their journey to Nagrebcan, their hometown.
Leon wondered why Baldo drove them to the Waig instead on the Camino Real. Baldo
answered their father told him to follow the Waig. The Waig route served as a test for the
wife of to see if she could really live in a province which was very different in a life in a city
where she lived. While travelling, Maria described the place of Leon as clean, and free of
dust and smoke. Maria admitted of having some fears if the father of Leon would not accept
her as to be his daughter-in-law because she may not be able to survive the life in the
province. When they got home, Leon’s family talked to Maria. Baldo and his father had a
conversation about what had happened while they were travelling. The father asked Baldo
if Maria was afraid in their place. Baldo answered that Maria was not afraid and instead she
enjoyed the journey.
III. Analysis
a. Characters
1. Baldo – the one who narrated the story and the younger brother of Leon. He is obedient,
innocent, and naïve boy.
2. Leon – the older brother of Baldo who brought home a wife. He was a responsible, gentle,
and a loving husband.
3. Maria – she was born and grow up in a big city and she is the wife of Leon. She was
beautiful, supportive, creative and a loving wife.

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

4. Labang – the bull who brought the wife and Leon to the home. And Baldo considers as his
pet. A hardworking pet.
5. Father – the one who instructed Baldo on what he will do while he is on the road with Leon
and Maria. He is the mildest-tempered, and gentle man.

b. Plot
 Expository
The story starts off where the narrator introduced his brother Leon and Maria, he
described Maria and her physical appearance, he also described how his brother
Leon is in love with Maria, and that’s where their journey begins.
 Rising action
The problem was introduced when Maria was afraid that the father of Leon would
not accept her in the family.
 Climax
It would have the part where the three of them arrived at home, and Baldo was
called by their father and he asked about their journey and about Labang, he also
asked a bit about the wife of his brother Leon.
 Falling action
It is when Baldo left the room of his father to go take care of Labang and talk to
brother Leon and Maria.
 Ending
The story ended up when Baldo finished talking to Leon and Maria, and
describing Maria smelled like a morning when a papaya is bloomed.
c. Setting
Place: Negrabcan, La Union

d. Point of View
 First and third person point of view.

e. Literary Devices
1. Simile – “….her voice flawed into his like a gentle stream meeting a stronger
2. Personification – “Now the shadows took fright and did not crowd so near.”
f. Theme
 The story is about the journey of life, and how it has a lot of obstacles and
problems that we should be prepared in facing.
g. Conflict
 Man vs. Himself
 Man vs. Society

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

h. Moral Lesson
 Even though there are a lot of obstacles and problems and life, there is a
possible solution especially when you’re with the one you love.

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368


Leoncio P. Deriada
I. About the Author
 Leoncio P. Deriada - He was born in Iloilo but spent most of his life in Davao. He went to
school at the Davao City High School and graduated in 1955. He was 81 when he died.
Father of Contemporary West Visayan Literature. Born on Jan. 13, 1938. He was married
to the former Leticia Valasote, with two children: Dino Enrique and Dulce Maria also an
awarding – winning fictionist.

II. Synopsis
Victor who is the former body builder and club bouncer married Mariana who is an
undergraduate college student because she gets pregnant. Victor and his friend (the dog
eaters in Artiaga Street) are always drinking tuba early in the morning at Sergio’s Store with
dog dishes as their pulutan. Mariana was very mad because it is not the life she expected
to have. She takes care of their eight months old baby and now she’s bearing another one
in her womb. She can’t stand it anymore and tried to abort her child by drinking some
herbal liquid, which she bought desperately from Aling Elpidia. She and Victor had a
quarrel, Victor threw the bottle out of the window and it was broken. Mariana pounded
Victor with her fists but the man carried it. Mariana saw Victor’s dog Ramir, she killed the
dog. And for a long time living in Artiaga street, Mariana cried.

III. Analysis
a. Plot
 Introduction
In Artiaga Street Mariana was looking out of the window where a group of men
drinking and worse. They wanted her husband to be with them. Mariana heard Sergio’s
raspy voice and it pronounced Victor’s name in a triumphant imitation of a dog’s bark.

 Rising Action
Mariana bought a potent from Aling Elpidia to abort her child.
 Climax
Victor discovered that Mariana wanted to kill her child.

 Falling Action
Victor threw the bottle of potent and they start an argument.

 Denouement
Mariana killed Victor’s dog, and cried in Artiaga Street.

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

b. Characters
 Victor – husband of Mariana, who was drinking tuba and eating meat of dog
 Mariana – wife of Victor
 Aling Elpidia – old woman that brought bottle of sioktong to Mariana
c. Conflict
 The quarrel of spouses because of dogs, unstable jobs, and enough way of living
 Mariana wants to abort their second child
d. Setting
 Place: Artiaga Street, Davao City
 Time: The 1970’s
e. Point of View
 Third Person
f. Style
 The author reveals the actual condition of the characters in every scene and
g. Tone
 The tone of the voice of the story varies depending on the feelings and emotions
of the characters. Most of the time the tone is very intense and strong. The
feeling of anger, irritation, and frustration are visible in the story.
h. Language
 The language is light and easily to understood.
 The author used a typical language use by a common Filipino.
i. Symbolism
 Ramir – the dog represent the relationship of Mariana and Victor noisy and very
 Sioktong – the herbal liquid represents the feelings of Mariana towards her life,

j. Theme
 The right to live is entitled to everybody even a fetus or animals
 One’s anger must not be blame to the innocents around them for they can bring
evil on one’s self.

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

Song of My Seven Lovers

Frank Laubac

I. Narrative Poetry
 Metrical Romance is a kind of poetry dealing with the emotions or phase of life & the
story is told in a simple, straightforward, and realistic manner. Courtly love was a
typical theme of metrical romance. It is composed of long rambling love story. And
this petry is one of the example of ‘Metrical Romance’.
 Imagery poems draw the reader into poetic experiences by touching on the images
and senses which the reader already knows. The use of images in this type of poetry
serves to intensify the impact of the work.
 Tone is the manner in which a poet makes his statement; it reflects his attitude toward
his subject. Tone expresses the poet's attitude toward his audience.
I. Elements of Poetry
 Alliteration - means the repetition for effect of initial vowel or consonants.
Example of Alliteration can be shown in line:
Line 2: The words of women worried me
Line 2: May rob him of his maiden’s hand
Line 4: And soon the sun had ceased to shine
Line 2: And constant as the ardent sun?

 Assonance - refers to a partial change in which the stressed vowel sounds are alike
but the consonant sounds are unlike.
Example of Assonance:
I crave your pardon, Royal Kin,
Whose praises cheer my heart so well,
If I should wound some friends by
The story which I mean to tell.

 Simile-is a comparison between things that have common quality. This figure of
speech is generally identified with the use of as or like

MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

Mindoro State College Main Campus Bongabong Campus Calapan City Campus

of Agriculture and Alcate, Victoria Labasan, Bongabong Masipit, Calapan City

Technology e-mail address:

Alcate, Victoria, Oriental Mindoro 5205 Philippines Tel .: +639178156228 Fax: (+63) (43) 2862368

Line 1: My dream is like a fog at sea

 Metaphor- is an implied comparison between things essentially different but having

some common quality.
Line 1: My first love was a hidden sun, Metaphor
Line 1: My third love was a letter sweet,
Line 1: My fifth love was a sweet perfume
Line 1: My sixth love was a strong south wind
 Stanzaic form- division of a poem made by arranging the lines into units separated by
a space, usually of a corresponding number of lines and a recurrent pattern of meter
and rhyme. A poem with such divisions is described as having a stanzaic form
 Quatrain- A stanza or poem consisting of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme while
having a similar number of syllables.
When\ first\I\felt\ the\ darts\of \love,
The\ words\of\ wo\men\ wor\ried\ me,
The\whis\pered \scan\dals \which \they told
I \closed \my \ears\ and\ turned\ to\ flee.
Consist of 8
syllables per line.

 Iambic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line consisting of four iambic feet. The
word "tetrameter" simply means that there are four feet in the line; iambic tetrameter is a line
comprising four iambs. .A foot containing an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed
syllable is called an iamb. lt\
Example: the\
III darts
When\ first\I\felt\ the\ darts\of \love, \of
The\ words\of\ wo\men\ wor\ried\ me, \lov
The\whis\pered \scan\dals \which \they told e,
I \closed \my \ears\ and\ turned\ to\ flee.
MinSCAT plants Responsibility Involvement Commitment Excellence

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