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Brendan King

Mrs. Shank

Teacher Academy

14 October 2019

1.2: Decision Making in Educational Systems

2.2.7 Identify How Decisions Are Made in Education Systems

Decision making in school board meetings are not the easiest of discussions, as school

board members go through lots of planning to follow through with their decisions and actions.

When making decisions, these school board members assess all the pros and cons of the

situation. They have to think about how their decision will not only affect the school district, but

the community as well. Decisions are being made almost everyday from the school board, state

officials etc.

Who attends these school board meetings? ​The Olentangy Board of Education is an

elected body that consists of five elected positions. Each member is elected to a four-year term.

Members are elected in alternating odd-year elections, with two members elected during one

election and three members elected during the other. In these meetings the board members, the

treasurer, and the superintendent along with anyone from the public presenting attend.

A decision had been debated on at a school board meeting about the forming of a couple

more schools in our district. With an increase in the population of people in the Olentangy

community, more schools feel as if they are needed. The decision at the meeting compromised

that two new Elementary schools were needed, along with a new middle school as well. This
decision is going to help lower the population of each student body at each school. This would

help the adult figures in the school have more time to manage each child and make sure they are

not lost or behind mentally.

Mr. Wright, the assistant superintendent for the Olentangy School District, explained to

me that there will be a bond issued in early November this year and the next school to be built

will be an Elementary school estimated around the Fall of 2021. Besides the action people are

taking to build this new school in the district, others are continuing to form great ideas for

discussions at the school board meetings often. Making the Olentangy Local School District

better each day.

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