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Nicolas Garcia

Catia la Mar, 1162

Vargas – Venezuela


Dear Hiring Professionals.

I am running for the position of regional manager of community projects for such a
prestigious community development company, for which I would like to meet with you and discuss
this work opportunity. During these last 3 years I have led remarkable community development
projects based on the needs of the community, governed by the IAP methodology, achieving
important social, cultural and economic transformations in the areas worked.

Due to the growth of your company and the value that has been assigned to these field
activities, I consider that my experience, responsibility and capacity for planning by objectives, can
be very useful for the development of your campaign in the social area - community

Global Development is a company with great capacity of growth even greater in the Social-
Community areas, for which I would like to be able to talk with you personally and talk about how
my skills would be useful to material even more this growth within your company for Latin America
. Contact me at +58 (426) -3066270 or send me an email: I look
forward to hearing from you soon, in advance I appreciate the consideration and revision of my
letter, I enclose my curriculum.

Sincerely yours,

Nicolas Garcia.

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