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SCHOOL: Şcoala Gimnazială „Traian Coşovei” Somova

TEACHER: Niculache Simona


DATE: 19th January 2018

TEXTBOOK: Snapshot Pre-Intermediate

LESSON: You`re Nicola, aren`t you?

TYPE OF LESSON: vocabulary teaching and grammar

TIME: 50 min

TEACHING AIDS: textbook, notebooks, handout, board


CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: whole class teaching, individual, in pairs

TEACHING TECHNIQUES: conversation, explanation, dialogue

SKILLS: reading, speaking, writing

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson the Ss will be able to:

O1: practice listening for words related to activity (“work”, “summer job”, “part time job”)

O2: read for specific information

O3: use the question tags in the right context


Time Stage of Ob Activity Techniques Skills Interaction Aim

lesson Materials
1’ Warm-up. - Teacher greets the Discussion . Speaking. - To make
students and asks students feel
them the questions comfortable in
,,How are you?’’ and the class;
“How was your
2’ Announcing O1 Teacher announces Explanation. Listening. Frontal To attract the
the lesson the title of the new attention of the
lesson “ You’re Textbook students on the
Nicola, aren’t you?” lesson

5’ Pre-reading O1 Teacher asks the Discussion. Listening, Frontal To familiarize

Picture O2 students to look at the Speaking students with the
exploitation picture on page 42 Textbook picture and the
and answer the text.
questions: “Who are
the persons in the
“Can you give me
some background
information about
“Where are they?”
“What are they
Then students are
asked to describe the
interior and answer to
the question ”How
does a typical English
house look?”

5’ While O2 Teacher asks two Discussion Reading Frontal To familiarize

reading students to read the Listening themselves with
dialogue on page Textbook the text
42:”Read this
dialogue and then
solve the exercises.”
2’ While O2 Teacher asks the Discussion. Reading for Frontal To comprehend
reading students to solve specific the text
exercise 2 on page information Textbook
43”Answer T(true),
F(false), DK(don’t
5’ Presentation O3 Grammar Snapshot: Discussion. Reading Frontal To understand
Teacher presents to Listening the question tags
the students the Textbook and their usage
Question Tags in English
5’ Follow up O3 Teacher present to the Presentation Listeninng Frontal To understand
students the falling Speaking the right
intonation with Textbook intonation of a
question tags on question tag
exercise 5 on page 43.
5’ Practice O2 Teacher asks students Discussion Reading Frontal To consolidate
O3 to solve exercise 6 on Writing information
page 43 “Complete Textbook
the questions with the
correct tags ”
9’ Practice O2 Teacher asks the Discussion Writing Pair Work To consolidate
(Pair Work) students to solve in Speaking their knowledge
pairs exercise 7 on Textbook about the
page 43: Check the question tags
10’ Practice O2 Students receive a Discussion Reading Frontal To consolidate
O3 handout with question Writing their knowledge
tag exercises to solve Handout 1 about the
it and then discuss it question tags
in class together with
the teacher
1’ Homework Students receive as Discussion Frontal
homework exercise 8
on page 44 ”Decide Textbook
which question tag
can be used.”

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